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MOPAC Decisions

  • PCD 1406 Violence & Exploitation Recommissioning

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1406
    Reducing and preventing violence and protecting people from being exploited or harmed are key priorities in London’s Police and Crime Plan (PCP) 2022-25. Tackling violence is a top priority for the Mayor and the PCP commits to continuing to invest in the provision of support for children and young people impacted by violence – including those seen to be offenders but have also often experienced victimisation – to reduce the risk of violence to both themselves and others.
    This decision seeks approval to initiate a procurement process to identify a provider(s) to deliver support services for children and young people impacted by violence and exploitation. The decision requests a total funding amount up to £17.2million across financial years 2023/24 to 2026/27 to implement these services.
  • PCD 1431 Direct Award to fund a Hospital Based Youth Work in Northwick Park

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1431
    This Decision requests the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime approves a funding award of £96,000 to St Giles Trust to continue to deliver an in-hospital youth service at Northwick Park Hospital whilst Brent Council recommission the service.
    As part of a needs analysis on hospital-based youth work across London, completed by the VRU in July 2022, it was identified that Northwick Park was the fifth priority A&E site in London. St Giles Trust have delivered an in-hospital youth service at Northwick Park since July 2020.
    The direct award will ensure there is continuity of service for the young people presenting at Northwick Park Accident and Emergency with an injury caused by violence or exploitation so that they can continue to be supported by youth workers enabling them to recover.
    The funding award will ensure there is a seamless transition between St Giles Trust and the new provider of the service after Brent undertake the recommission.
  • PCD 1260 Electronic Security Systems

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1260
    This paper seeks the approval of contract awards of the supply of support and maintenance of electronic security services such as alarm systems, CCTV, and electronic access systems. The proposed award is at £2,600,000 per annum with a potential term of upto six years. The Metropolitan Police Service will contain the spend against these contracts from within its budget.
  • PCD 1259 CPOSA membership

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1259
    This paper seeks approval for the continuation for the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to pay for chief police staff and officers legal protection insurance. This provides individuals with cover for criminal prosecution, civil defence, misconduct and unsatisfactory performance, inquest representation cover, etc. The procurement of the insurance is by way of a single tender action following a procurement exercise by the Chief Police Officers’ Staff Association (CPOSA). The cost of the insurance premia is funded from within MPS budgets.
  • PCD 1263 VRU 3 Year Funding Alteration

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1263
    This Decision requests the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime allocates funding across several programmes within the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) over a three year period. This also requests the allocation of Mayoral Council Tax Precept, Reserves & budget smoothing reserves to certain programmes to plan for the reduction in Home Office funding to the Violence Reduction Unit in 2023-2024 and 2024-2025. This is so that the VRU can continue the level of intervention and support offered to children, young people & communities across London despite this predicted reduction in Home Office funding.
  • PCD 1248 - Economic and Crypto Crime Dedicated Source Unit 2022/23

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1248
    This decision concerns a proposal to extend the Proof of Concept Economic & Crypto Crime Dedicated Source Unit (DSU) for a further 12 months through 2022/23. This team will be tasked to generate covert intelligence focused on Economic & Crypto Crime and the seizure of criminal cash and assets under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002.
    The proof of concept pilot scheme for an Economic Crime Dedicated Source Unit (EC DSU) commenced on 1st October 2021 (PCD1102 refers). With the acceptance of this grant funding the intention is to continue the proof of concept into the financial year 2022-2023. This ECDSU will focus on combatting financial, and economic crime including that of cryptocurrency.
    In accordance with the Scheme of Consent and Delegation, MOPAC approval is sought to accept Grant funding from the Home Office Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme for the new Economic & Crypto Crime DSU.
  • PCD 1235 - Acceptance of MOJ funding

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1235
    MOPAC receives funding from the Ministry of Justice to partially pay for victim and witness support services MOPAC commissions in London. The Ministry of Justice has issued two grant agreements confirming MOPAC’s funding allocation for 2022-23, 2023-24, and 2024-25. This decision seeks approval to accept the grant funding, sign the MoJ grant agreements, and manage the onward distribution of the funding to victim services. The total funding confirmed for 2022-23 is £21,033,663 and then £18,687,441 in both 2023-24 and 2024-25. This includes additional funding the Government announced in Spring 2022 for uplifts in domestic abuse (DA) and sexual violence (SV) provision (see PCD 1190).
  • PCD 1178 Chadwell Heath Redevelopment

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1178
    This paper seeks approval for procurement actions to progress the redevelopment of the Chadwell Heath site which provides accommodation including for taskforce teams and the roads and transport policing command. The procurements will acquire full design and planning services at an estimated value of £350,000, and project and cost management and specialist technical support at an estimated value of £150,000. The cost of these procurements can be met from within the approved capital programme.
  • PCD 1214 Supply & delivery of Glock pistols and component parts

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1214
    This decision is for approval of the purchase and supply of Glock weapons systems and ancillaries for policing use. The MPS has had a historical agreement with Viking Arms Ltd for its designated Pistol weapons system. It is necessary to have a future contract in place to ensure that the MPS can acquire additional weapons and make any adaptations operationally required to enhance capability when necessary.
    This decision specifically seeks approval to award a contract using the negotiated procedure for medium to long term contractual arrangements to ensure there is an approved route to market. This is in accordance with Regulation 32 (2)(b)(ii) “competition is absent for technical reasons”.
    The estimated total upper contract value is £1,922,833, made up of: £322,833 for 624 replacement weapons systems; and £1.6m for an eight year contract for repairs, parts and ancillaries.
  • PCD 1247- Outturn Report

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    The report sets out the draft 2021/22 outturn position for MOPAC and the MPS. Subject to audit, MOPAC and MPS reported an underspend of £30.9m of which £2.6m relates to MOPAC and the VRU and £28.3m to the MPS.
    The report sets out the capital out-turn for the year with a reported underspend of £24.6m against a revised budget of £271.8m. The outturn position is largely driven by a £20.2m underspend in Transformation and a £10m underspend in Digital Policing offset by an overspend in Property Services (£5.3m).
    Since the MOPAC budget was approved in February 2023, some additional grants have been received and some assumptions included in the original budget submission need to be updated to reflect the actual values now that grant notification letters have been received. This report sets out the revised changes and proposes a revised 2022/23 budget for MOPAC that takes account of these and the carry forward amounts. Formal approval from the DMPC is requested.
    In total, the proposed budget changes for MOPAC total £22m, increasing gross expenditure to £131.7m. These additional costs are funded through a combination of additional grant totalling £9.8m, the application of carry forward monies and £2.5m of bids from the MOPAC budget resilience reserve, partly offset by a transfer to reserves of £0.2m reflecting a reduction in budget required for 2022/23.
    Incorporated in the report are requests to utilise MOPAC reserves to fund priorities linked to the Police and Crime Plan. A new protocol for the overall management of reserves is set out in the report for approval and will be implemented for the 2022/23 financial year.
    This report sets out proposals to:
    Note the draft 2021/22 outturn of £30.9m underspend
    Note the capital programme 2021/22 underspend of £24.6m
    Approve the transfer of the £30.9m underspend to earmarked reserves within MOPAC and the MPS to provide future budget resilience
    Approve the transfers to reserves as set out in the report and note that overall earmarked reserves have increased from £504.4m to £511.5m.
    Approve the use of MOPAC reserves to meet priorities and outcomes to be delivered during the year.
    Approve the revised MOPAC 2022/23 budget to take account of the carry forward requests, use of reserves and additional funding that has been received since the budget was set.
    Approve the proposed reserves protocol.
  • PCD 1244 Gym Equipment and Maintenance

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1244
    This paper seeks approval for the re-procurement of the services for the supply, inspection and maintenance of gym equipment. The re-procurement is proposed to be by way of a compliant route to market via a call off tender from an existing Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) framework. The proposed contract term is for upto eight years and to have a value of £4,435,765.
  • PCD 1218 Home Office funding for Social Media and County Lines Intel Network

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1218
    This paper seeks approval to accept £495,000 of Home Office grant funding to support the Social Media County Line Intelligence Network (SMCLIN) during 2022/23. This network will support a dedicated team in tackling county line offending in support of the three County Line Task Forces located in the MPS (Op Orochi), Merseyside Police and West Midlands Police.
  • PCD 1215 Home Office funding for Project Alpha social media hub

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    This paper seek approval for the acceptance of HO grant funding of £2,893,452 for both 2022/23 and 2023/24 to support the MPS activity on Social Media Hub (SMH). The funding will support the on-going work of the Project Alpha Social Media Hub to deliver an enhanced response to tackle gang related serious violence and organised criminality that includes county line offending by taking action against online activity.
  • PCD 1283 The Supply of Gates, Barriers & Doors (including Maintenance Services)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1283
    This paper seeks approval to initiate the re-procurement for the maintenance and supply of gates, barriers and automated doors. The estimated contract value over the proposed seven year term of the contract is £10,401,884. The proposed contract term of up to seven years includes an initial 3-year term with two 2-year optional extensions.
  • PCD 1241 Missing people

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1241
    The Violence Reduction Unit is intending to make a grant award to Missing People to expand their successful chatbot pilot with one borough into a pan-London service. The service is aimed at children and young people who have concerns about exploitation & would like to speak with someone confidentially. The service pilot was evaluated and showed highly promising results.
  • PCD 1361 NDT grant funding

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    This paper seeks approval to accept Home Office grant funding of £379,675 for each of the three financial years 2022/23 – 2024/25 in respect of the National Policing Coordination Centre (NPoCC) National Development Team (NDT) function, part of the Strategic Intelligence and Briefing team. There is no financial exposure to MOPAC.
  • PCD 1246 Treasury Management Out-Turn Report 2021/22

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1246
    This report is submitted in accordance with a requirement under the Treasury Management in the Public Services Code of Practice (The Code), issued by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), which requires the submission of an outturn report on the activities of the MOPAC Group’s treasury management operation.
    The MOPAC Group’s invested balances have decreased from £49.56m as at 31 March 2021 to £1.51m at 31 March 2022.
    The MOPAC Group’s long-term outstanding borrowing has decreased from £289.35m at 31 March 2021 to £287.75m 31 March 2022.
    Interest receivable and investment income achieved during 2021/22 was £1.28m.
    Interest payable on external borrowing for 2021/22 was £9.51m against a budget of £19.00m.
    All 2021/22 Treasury activity has been within the boundaries and levels set by the MOPAC Group in its Treasury Management Strategy Statement on 11 March 2021, DMPC Decision PCD 924.

  • PCD 1252 - Request for additional contract spend in Support of the ANPR MetBOF service

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1252
    This paper seeks MOPAC approval for additional contract spend in order to maintain the application and hardware support on the business critical ANPR MetBOF application with one of its main suppliers. This will be for a one year period. This support and maintenance extension is a tactical solution to provide existing levels of support on the business critical system until the existing solution becomes end of life and will be superseded with an alternative.
    This paper does not request additional funding or budget growth.
  • PCD 1303 Request for authorisation to settle a civil claim against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1303
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is recommended to approve the settlement of a claim for damages causing personal injury.
    There is an open and exempt report as some of the information relates to data protection, is commercially sensitive and is legal professional privileged.
  • PCD 1287 Provision of Agency Fuel Cards and Supply and Delivery of Bulk Fuels BJP

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1287
    This decision seeks approval to initiate procurements and award call-off contract(s) for business as usual requirement(s) of Agency Fuel Cards and Supply and Delivery of Bulk Liquid Fuels.
    The provision of fuel cards and supply and delivery of bulk liquid fuels are integral for ensuring MPS supports all aspects of day-to-day policing; meet strategic targets; deliver sufficient flexibility to respond to evolving crime and policing needs; and can be relied upon to help protect those living and working in London.
    Fuel prices have been rising since prior to the war in Ukraine and the fallout from Russia’s invasion has placed further pressure on energy and fuel security, resulting in cost increases for both energy and fuel.
    Anticipated spend over the life of these contracts has therefore increased. Work is currently underway to assess the impact of rising inflation across the MPS and this will be reviewed at the autumn financial stocktake. An additional £2.93m is required for Bulk Fuel and Agency Cards and this will also be addressed through the stocktake and in time for the revised budget submission to the GLA in November.
    Any spend above the current approved budget will be subject to MPS Corporate Finance review and approval.