Diversity and inclusion
As one of the most diverse cities in the world, it is critical that London's infrastructure sector reflects the diversity our city has to offer.
Diversity and Inclusion in the Infrastructure Sector
London's infrastructure serves millions in their day-to-day lives and employs a significant proportion of London's workforce to keep the city running smoothly and to enable it to grow. With London growing rapidly, this presents an opportunity for the sector to take renewed positive action to fill any emerging gaps in the workforce.
The Infrastructure Sector Report
The Mayor's London Infrastructure Group is seeking to lead the sector in changing mindsets and tackling barriers to employing and retaining talent from across London's population.
As part of this work, the group has recognised a real need for greater diversity and inclusion in the sector, as well as identifying a knowledge gap in how the sector was performing in terms of diversity and inclusion. Following a commissioned review or existing evidence on diversity and inclusion, coupled with in-depth interviews with HR leads from the group's member organisations, we now have a better understanding of the sector.
We also developed a set of pledges for the sector to take forward that drive positive change.
To view the report and pledges, click the button below.
Building Future London – Primary School Outreach Programme
The Mayor in partnership with the Workforce Integration Network (WIN) and the London Infrastructure Group launched a programme to showcase potential career paths in the infrastructure and construction sectors to young and underrepresented pupils across London.
Diverse role models, including from Black and ethnic minority backgrounds, women, disabled and LGBTQ+ professionals will be going into schools to inspire young students.
With the support of a large network of companies committed to diversity and inclusion, the programme will target 30 schools and 1,800 pupils from underrepresented groups, particularly young Black boys.
Building Future London is delivering against building a better London for everyone and one of four ambitious pledges set out by the Mayor and his London Infrastructure Group, meant to change mindsets and tackle barriers to employing and retaining diverse talent from across London’s population.
Cross-sector reciprocal mentoring
Research with the Equal Group explored the benefits and effectiveness of reverse mentoring in the infrastructure and construction sectors, with best practice case studies. This informed a pilot with sector organisations to test the benefits of cross-sector reciprocal mentoring.
The pilot shares the Mayor and sector’s commitment to increase diverse retention, support progression and create a more inclusive culture in the infrastructure and construction sectors.
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