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MOPAC Decisions

  • PCD 1317 - Request for a 10% value uplift on the current MPS Value Added Reseller contract

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1317
    This decision is for approval of a 10% uplift of up to £10m on the current MPS CDW Value Added Reseller (VAR) contract due to an unforeseen increase in spend.

    The uplift in contract value will enable MPS/Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP) to continue purchasing from the current VAR contract and allow the completion of a competitive procurement exercise for its replacement in by February 2023.

  • PCD 1315 Perivale Perimeter Fence

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1315
    This paper seeks approval for investment in and procurement actions to replace the perimeter fencing at the Vehicle Recovery and Examination Service (VRES) at Perivale. The estimated cost of the investment is £1,950,000 which will be funded from within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) capital Forward Works budget. The procurement of the fencing and its installation will be by way of existing MOPAC approved frameworks.
  • PCD 1308 HTF Bridge Funding grant

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1308
    The Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) are an instrumental organisation for convening, lobbying and secretariat function in the Modern Slavery sector, both for London and nationally.
    HTF have had their normal funding stream withdrawn for a year and have requested that MOPAC provide a one-off grant of bridge funding for 22/23.
    The running costs for this year will be £47,200.
    This funding will allow HTF to build on their already successful best practice work in London to ensure police and other statutory services and community groups are aware of their duties to identify and support victims of slavery.
  • PCD 1305 - Project Peel Decision

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1305
    In order to relentlessly deliver for London, the MPS is embarking on work to renew policing by consent by delivering more trust, less crime, and high standards. To do this, the Met needs an improved approach to how it understands and uses data, making use of new technologies and techniques.
    Project Peel underpins efforts to relentlessly deliver for the public. It will enable the Met to become a data-driven, insight-based, and intelligence-led organisation. It will allow the Met to make better decisions by bringing precision to its community crime fighting and, by better use of data and the introduction of cutting-edge analysis, it will allow the Met to better focus its activity.
    This project is critical to delivery of the over-arching ambition. Its goal is to set up a new capability – a coalition, representing colleagues from across the Met and private sector – which can take, analyse, and provide insight drawn from a range of data. This rich picture will influence its operational activity. Supporting this, Peel will deliver a new framework for measuring performance (focusing on the objectives of more trust, less crime, higher standards) and will identify new types of data which can inform further development.
  • PCD 1290 Request for additional 12-month contract period for Voice and Data Services further to PCD 1136- BJP

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1290
    This decision seeks approval for a further 12 month contract extension, in addition to the 12 months already approved in PCD 1136, to continue support until the current Vodafone Mobile Voice and Data Services contract is replaced.
    The previous approval for a contract renewal was done in advance of negotiation with the supplier. Having completed the negotiation it would be most economical to change the parameters of the renewal to gain best value and reduce incumbent advantage in the market assessment to be undertaken.
    This decision does not request additional funding or budget growth.
  • PCD 1264 VRU Stronger Futures Evaluation

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: OCD 1264
    DMPC Decision PCD 1147 approved the allocation of £1,380,000 from Mayoral Core funding 2022-2023 and a further £1,380,000 funding 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 respectively for a set of programmes coordinated to deliver after school provision for children across London.
    DMPC Decision PCD 1000 approved the allocation of up to £100,000 for evaluation of the Community-Led after school fund.
    The VRU is seeking to expand on the evaluation of the after-school provision programme to correlate with the three-year extension fund.
  • PCD 1256 - Serious Incident Management Toolkit (Bounce Agency) Financial Year 22-23

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCS 1256
    Bounce Agency were originally contracted to develop a Serious Violence Toolkit in April 2019, which could be used by a range of stakeholders when responding in the aftermath of a serious incident of violence. Since then, Bounce Agency received additional funding which enabled the app to evolve into an on-line resource with app type functionality, that is used by community safety practitioners. The app is now recognised as the “Serious Incident Manager” and has been piloted at Waltham Forest borough.
    The Serious Incident Manager has been welcomed by London Heads of Community Safety across London as a resource that could be used to keep the local community and key partners informed & the Metropolitan Police Service are considering the option of adopting the system, so that they and local partners can jointly respond to a critical incident through a single seamless system.
    This report is seeking approval to direct award a contract to Bounce for 9 months in order for the VRU to run a procurement process for a 2 two- year Software as a Service (SaaS) contract which will include maintenance, hosting, training, support and further software development and updates of the current Serious Incident Manager. This will ensure that there is a continuation of service as Bounce has built the Serious Incident Manager, has unique knowledge of the subject matter acquired over 3 years, understands the community safety environment, and needs of professionals.
  • PCD 1289 Evidential Breathalyser Machines support and servicing

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1289
    This decision concerns a Single Tender Action for the maintenance and servicing of the 40 Evidential Breath Machines (EBMs) that are currently situated across the MPS estate. The Business Justification requests continuing these arrangements through a new contract for a 2 year agreement with the opportunity to extend for a further year (a maximum of 3 years) at a contract value of £340k (£113k pa) with Intoximeters UK Ltd.
    The MPS has a statutory requirement to enforce drink drive legislation and the EBM process provides the evidential information required to make a charging decision.
    This contract is critical for ensuring that the breathalyser machines produce sufficient evidence for front line policing decisions, charging those suspected of being involved in a collision, those suspected of committing a moving traffic offence and those drivers suspected of having consumed alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol.
    The existing maintenance contracts held by Intoximeter UK will expire in September 2022. This proposed contract will provide continuity for those services.
  • PCD 1269 - Request for authorisation to settle a claim for damages against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1263
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to approve the settlement of a civil claim against the MPS.
    There is an open and exempt report as some of the information relates to data protection, is commercially sensitive and is legal professional privileged.
  • PCD 1285 Westfield Stratford Shopping Centre SPS

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1285
    This paper seeks approval to enter into a Special Police Services (SPS) agreement for the provision of dedicated police support at Westfield Stratford. This will continue the existing arrangement. The year 1 cost is £565,317 and the term of the agreement is for three years therefore the three-year value of the agreement would be £1,695,951.
  • PCD 1284 NPCC Personal Robbery Portfolio – Device Crime Continuous Professional Development - Grant Funding from Home Office

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1284
    This papers seeks approval to accept £450,000 of Home Office grant in 2022/23 to fund the creation of continuous professional development (CPD) to tackle personal robbery. The training and development material will be made available to all forces. There is no financial implication for the Metropolitan Police Service.
  • PCD 1294 Extension of London Gang Exit, Rescue and Response, and Empower 2023/24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1294
    Reducing and preventing violence, and protecting people from being exploited or harmed are key priorities in the Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. There is a commitment to continue to invest in the provision of support for young people impacted by violence - including those seen to be offenders but have also often experienced victimisation or been exploited - to reduce the risk of violence to both themselves and others.
    This Decision requests the extension of funding to 31 March 2024, and with the further potential to extend to 30 September 2024, for the following projects and services to ensure young Londoners continue to have access to specialist support needed to help them cope and recover from crime or trauma and/or reduce risk of victimisation and exploitation:
    London Gang Exit (LGE) – Supports young people to escape the harmful effects of gangs.
    Rescue and Response – Supports young Londoners exploited through county lines activity.
    Empower – Supports young people suffering sexual exploitation in the context of gangs.
    The total financial commitment for 2023/24 will be £4,251,689, with potential to extend by another £2,125,845 in 2024/25.
  • PCD 1384 MPS Cryptocurrency Investigation Team

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1384
    This decision seeks approval for acceptance of Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme (ARIS) grant funding of up £510,000 from the Home Office for part funding of the MPS Cryptocurrency Investigation Team for 2022/23and approval to bid for and accept up to £760,000 ARIS grant part funding for the years 2023 to 2026.
  • PCD 1312 - Lawful Business Monitoring

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1312
    The HMICFRS Counter Corruption Report (March 2022) stated that: By 31st March 2023 the MPS should ensure that it has full IT monitoring capability to effectively protect the information contained within its systems and help it to identify potentially corrupt officers and staff.’ 
    The purpose of this decision is to meet the HMICFRS recommendation. The MPS is seeking to procure VigilancePro Software as a Service (SaaS) solution to deliver Lawful Business Monitoring.
    The Investigatory Powers Regulations 2018 allows businesses, including public authorities and police forces, to monitor the use of their Information Communications Technology (ICT) systems. Police systems contain confidential and sensitive data. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) must ensure that its systems, and the data they contain, are only accessed and used for a proper policing purpose. Moreover, the Met Values and the Code Ethics require that MPS systems are used in a way which upholds integrity and professionalism.
    Lawful Business Monitoring (LBM) will identify and prevent misuse. It will be operated by the MPS Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS). Members of the workforce found to have misused MPS systems will be held to account. Information retrieved from monitoring may be used in misconduct, criminal and performance meetings.
  • PCD 1139 Mobile Video Streaming, Location Services and Tracking

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1139
    This decision seeks approval to procure and implement a video streaming and GPS positioning solution that would allow members of public to provide their location and stream video from their mobile devices to police users without having to install software on their device.
    This could for example enable a 999 caller to supplement their description of an incident with a live video. The MPS officers can view live videos via a browser application, together with location information.
    The MPS will utilise the CDW/East Midlands Strategic Commercial Unit (EMSCU) Framework to procure a solution. The contract would be for 2 years with the potential for two additional 12 month extensions and the total cost of the solution of £2,447,900 is funded from Digital Policing budgets.
  • PCD 1291 - Integrated Offender Management (IOM) co-commissioned services

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1291
    Integrated Offender Management (IOM) is the national multi-agency partnership that manages the most persistent, repeat offenders. In 2021 a specific IOM framework for London was launched by MOPAC, MPS, London Probation and partners which, focuses partners on persistent offenders most likely to reoffend violently. In recognition of the importance of this work Mayoral funding has been allocated to deliver IOM interventions as part of work to address serious violence under this priority area with the Police and Crime Plan.
    This decision seeks approval to co-commission with London Probation two new services to support IOM work across London. These two new interventions, one for mental health and one for service user engagement, will support current activity to reduce the reoffending of this group. MOPAC will lead the procurement, which will involve initially accepting up to £0.55m of funding from London Probation as well committing funding of £1.32m for spend between January 2023 and March 2025.
    Phase two of IOM co-commissioning, which is planned to include a dedicated neurodiversity and community mentoring provision, will be commissioned during 2023 using the remaining budget.
    This decision also seeks approval for the procurement strategy and delegated authority for contract award.
  • PCD 1276 Disproportionality Challenge Fund Grant Award to Boroughs.

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1276
    The Youth Justice Ethnic Disproportionality Challenge Fund was established to support the delivery of the Action Plan to Tackle Disproportionality in Youth Justice. A total of £500,000 was made available as a fund to tackle systemic issues contributing to disproportionality in the youth justice system at a local level. Youth Justice Management Boards and Youth Justice Services in the 10 London boroughs identified as having the highest need were invited to bid into the fund.
    Bid evaluation was completed in partnership with the Youth Justice Board (YJB) and London Councils. The London Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) have also been sighted on the successful bids.
    This decision is required to approve the award of grant funding to the three successful bidders. The grants will be for 12-months delivery and the funding allocation is as follows:
    £149,255 to the London Borough of Brent.
    £251,185 to the London Borough of Islington (in partnership with Camden, Hackney and Haringey).
    £99,560 to the London Borough of Newham.

  • PCD 1277 Grant Funding to National Police Chiefs’ Council - Digital Crime and Performance Pack

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1277
    This paper seeks approval to accept Home Office grant funding on behalf of the National Police Chiefs’ Council to develop in collaboration with the Home Office and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) a Digital Crime and Performance Pack. The funding is £139,277 each year, for three years 2022/23-2024/25.
  • PCD 1302 Request for authorisation to settle a civil claim against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1302
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is recommended to approve the settlement of a claim for damages causing personal injury.

    There is an open and exempt report as some of the information relates to data protection, is commercially sensitive and is legal professional privileged.
  • PCD 1410 Havens Sexual Assault Referral Centre Website Development

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1410
    The Mayor is determined to see that victims of crime in London are better supported as a result of the steps set out in his Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. This includes improving the service and support that victims receive from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), support services and the Criminal Justice Service (CJS), including in online interaction.
    This decision is seeking approval to award one-off grant funding to King’s College Hospital Trust, the commissioned provider of the Havens Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) service for survivors of rape and sexual assault in London, to develop their website for survivors.
    This is a one-off funding award of £36,000 in 2022/23.