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MOPAC Decisions

  • PCD 1452 NPCC HO Reform Grant Acceptance

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    A decision is required from Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) on behalf of the NPCC, to receive upto £4,420,000 2023/24 funding provided by the Home Office to continue the NPCC Reform started in 2020-21, including funding of £1,000,000 to support the Review into the Operational Productivity of Policing.
  • PCD 1453 Sourcing Strategy Waste and Water Services

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1453
    This paper seeks approval to initiate procurement to provide for the continued supply of water and waste water services for a initial period of 4 years with the option for a 1 year extension. The recommended route to market is the Central Purchasing Body (CPB) Laser. The estimated contract value is up to £10,403,000.
    Delegation is also sought for the MPS Director of Commercial to enter into an alternative 2 year contract via the Crown Commercial Services framework if the preferred procurement route is not successful.
    The estimated cost of the 4 + 1 year contract will be met from existing budgets, including the corporate provision for inflation, and if applicable the corporate provision for inflation and separate business cases for volume increases.
  • PCD 1464 Recruitment of Legally Qualified Chairs and Independent Panel members

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1464
    • MOPAC’s Strategy & Oversight directorate is seeking approval to commence the recruitment process for the appointment of 15 additional Legally Qualified Chairs (LQCs) and 15 additional Independent Panel Members (IPMs), and to commence with a tender process to identify a supplier who provides specialist services to undertake the recruitment process and onboarding of these specialist roles.
    • The responsibility currently sits with MOPAC to compile and maintain a list of LQCs and IPMs to sit on misconduct panels in respect of the MPS misconduct hearings. LQCs and IPMs have an important role to play in upholding the standards that the public expect of our police officers and rebuilding public trust and confidence in London’s police force.
    • The total recruitment and onboarding costs are estimated in the region of £80,000.
    • The contract is required to January 2024 by when the newly appointed LQCs and IPMs will be available to adjudicate on police misconduct panels.
  • PCD 1456 2023/24 revised budget

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1456
    The MOPAC 2022/23 draft outturn position is an underspend of £2.969m against a net budget of £64.851m. This included a net transfer to reserves of £5.375m plus the transfer to £2.969m underspends to budget resilience reserve for MOPAC and budget smoothing for VRU. Formal approval for these transfers to reserves from the DMPC is requested.
    Following approval of the MOPAC budget in February 2023 the budget now needs to be updated to reflect:
    The proposed use of carry forwards from the 2022/23 budget
    Changes to grant assumptions included in the original budget submission now that grant notification letters have been received.
    This report sets out the revised changes and proposes a revised 2023/24 budget for MOPAC for which formal approval from the DMPC is requested.
    In total, the proposed net budget changes for MOPAC are £0.090m reflecting a minor adjustment between MOPAC and MPS budgets.
  • PCD 1457 Acceptance of the 23/24 Police STAR Fund Grant Agreement

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1457
    This paper seeks approval to accept Home Office grant funding of upto £4,700,000 for 2023/24 in respect of the National Policing Chiefs Council (NPCC) Chief Scientific Adviser core grant (previously known as Science, Technology, Analysis and, Research (STAR)), and to approve the granting of funds to successful STAR projects in police forces at an estimated value of £2,400,000 in 2023/24.

    In addition, NPCC seek for both 2024/25 and 2025/26 approval to accept Home Office grant funding of upto £5,500,000, approval to provide funding to other police forces awarded STAR funding, and for the MPS to accept any STAR funded awards. There is no financial exposure to MOPAC.
  • PCD 1458 Digital Forensic Services Five-Year Equipment Refresh Programme Investigative Unlocking Tools

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1458
    This paper seeks approval for funding and approval to award a contract for Forensic Services (MO4) five-year Equipment Refresh Programme- – Investigative Unlocking Tools.
    The Equipment Refresh Programme covers equipment replacement to maintain and enhance Forensic Services operational capability, to continue to support wider operational policing, and to continue to meet regulatory and legislative requirements of maintaining a quality management system. The cost for Investigative Unlocking Tools is £8,551,000 with funding approved in the MOPAC five-year capital programme from 22/23 to 26/27. A further decision setting out a range of additional equipment refreshes will be brought forward shortly.
  • PCD 1459 Digital Forensics Tender

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1459
    This paper seeks approval to increase the proposed tender values for the Digital Forensic Services (MO4) Tender for the Provision of Digital Forensic Services from £8,000,000 to a total of £16,000,000 over four years. The services to be provided are for the Forensic Analysis of Mobile phone, computers, audio, CCTV, other niche services as well as the carrying out cell site analysis in respect of evidence seized by the MPS.
  • PCD 1436 Home Office Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Funding 2023-25

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1436
    The Home Office are awarding funding to Police and Crime Commissioners to provide interventions for domestic abuse and stalking perpetrators. MOPAC has been awarded, and this decision request formal acceptance of, £5,192,871.25 for three projects: Drive, Culturally Integrated Family Approach and Prevent & Change. These will be a delivered over two years (1st April 2023 – 31st March 2025), with all delivery partners providing match funding.
  • PCD 1450 Kidbrooke Village Neighbourhood Police Base

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1450
    This paper seeks approval to enter into a 25-year lease for space within the Kidbrooke Village development at a nil rent for a proposed neighbourhood police base, and for the procurement, cost and funding for the fit-out of the base. The proposal is at a net nil initial cost to MOPAC, with the on-going costs funded from within existing budgets.
  • PCD 1462 Drive Extension

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1462
    Drive is an intensive, coordinated multi agency response to domestic abuse (DA) perpetrators to change their behaviour with a focus on increasing victim safety, working alongside and complimenting existing interventions.

    The pilot has been funded through a combination of MOPAC and Home Office funds between 1st August 2021 until 30st June 2023. Drive have now secured funding from Home Office Perpetrator Fund 2023-25, with match funding from MOPAC, to deliver the Drive project model pan-London.
  • PCD 1469 Authority for Expenditure Uplift for Energy Utility Supplies (Gas and Electricity) for the current contract agreement period FY 2021/22 - 2025/26

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1469
    This paper seeks approval for an uplift in the contract value of upto £48,300,000 from £102,200,000 to £150,500,000 in relation to the five-year energy supply Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Customer Access Agreement for the term 2020/21-2025/26. The additional costs arise from the recent inflation and market volatility. Spend will be limited to actual energy consumed.
  • PCD 1466 Home Office Grant Funding – Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) 2023/24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1466
    This paper seeks approval to accept Home Office grant funding of £374,000 for 2023/24 in respect of the National Policing Coordination Centre (NPoCC) Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) function. There is no financial exposure to MOPAC.
  • PCD 1311 - End User Device Refresh

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1311
    This decision concerns the refresh of devices (laptops, desktops and monitors used by Officers and Staff) that will become end of life during 2022/23 and 2023/24. The procurement will use existing DP contracts. The capital cost of £14.7M in 2022/3 and £15.6M in 2023/4 is funded from the approved Digital Policing (DP) capital budget.
  • PCD 1461 Programme Response to City Hall’s Comprehensive Needs Assessment into CAPVA

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1461
    In April 2022, the Mayor published the outcome of ground-breaking research into Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) in London. Our research highlighted the difficulties in measuring CAPVA due to underreporting because of the persistent shame, stigma and fear of criminalisation attached to this form of domestic abuse. The research found a continued misconception across society that CAPVA is symptomatic of parental failure, and a misunderstanding of the distinct dynamics of CAPVA as a form of domestic abuse.
    The research includes 10 key recommendations to improve the identification and response to CAPVA in London. This included recommendations for practitioners working with families, the VRU and national policy makers.
  • PCD 1463 Appropriate Adult service for vulnerable adults – Extension Funding and Consultancy

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1463
    The current Appropriate Adult Funded Scheme (AAFS) for vulnerable adults is due to end in September 2023 and is co-funded by MOPAC, MPS, NHS and Local authorities. While work is ongoing to confirm the plans for the future of the service, MOPAC and partners are looking to extend the current provision by 13 months. This decision requests a MOPAC contribution of £260,000 to extend the provision until October 2024.
  • PCD 1460 Safe and Together Funding

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1460
    Safe & Together is a child-centred model that is based on the principle that children and young people are best served when we can work toward keeping them safe and together with the non-offending parent.
    Safe & Together seeks to upskill Children’s Social Care, CAFCASS and police in holding perpetrators to account and challenging them to change their behaviour, as well as reducing risk to survivors and children through improved practices among professionals, enabling survivors to have confidence in professionals.
    The Safe & Together approach was funded through Home Office funds from 20/21 to 22/23, delivering in six boroughs. The Safe & Together model is also being utilised in the Restart Pilot, which is being funded by MOPAC until 2025 and operating in five boroughs.
    This Decision is seeking approval to apportion a maximum of £536,500 from CJS Perpetrator Fund and VAWG strategy uplift to extend the Safe & Together pilot for 2 years to sustain the delivery of outcomes in 6 boroughs, enable continued evaluation of the approach and to secure longer sustainability and expansion of the model in London.
  • PCD 1438 Pan London Housing Reciprocal Extension and variation

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1438
    The Mayor has committed to continuing to make Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls a top priority during his Mayoralty. This includes supporting provision which enables survivors to access safe and secure accommodation when fleeing abuse and violence in London.
    This Decision follows PCD 1306 (12-month extension of the Pan London Housing Reciprocal Scheme at £170,000), and requests to allocate an additional £85,000 of funding from the Money MOPAC receive from the GLA to deliver the Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation programme, to expand the existing service to include managing the Mayor’s Housing Moves scheme on behalf of the GLA.
  • PCD 1445 Ministry of Justice Additional Victims Funding 2023-24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1445
    MOPAC receives funding from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to pay for some of the victim and witness support services MOPAC commissions in London. This funding comes to MOPAC via two multi-year grant agreements from the MoJ (known as Core and General) covering financial years 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25. In June 2023, the MoJ has offered an uplift in funding to both grant agreements. The additional funding includes an uplift of £309,582 in ringfenced ISVAs/IDVAs funding in 2023/24 and 2024/25 as well as £347,706 in core victims funding in 2023/24 only.

    This decision seeks approval to accept the additional grant funding, sign the MoJ General Grant Addendums, and manage the onward distribution of the funding to victim and witness services.
  • PCD 1494 Grant Funding to NHS for Appropriate Adult Service for Vulnerable Adults Consultancy

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1494
    PCD 1463 approved MOPAC to procure a consultant/consultancy to support the design and development of a model for the future of Appropriate Adult services for vulnerable adults, which will include consultation with various partners and those with lived experience of requiring a vulnerable adult. This decision requests to grant fund NHS £45,000 for a consultancy to undertake this design and development work. MOPAC, MPS and NHS are closely working together to agree the future of an Appropriate Adult Service for Vulnerable Adults. ‘Transformation Partners in health and care’ are in place to deliver this work.
  • PCD 1487 Innovation Fund

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    This Decision requests the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime approves a funding award of £1,500,000 to Rocketscience to additionally fund, grant manage and provide capacity building support for up to 54 organisations within the new Innovation Fund, alongside their current grant management and capacity building offer within the Stronger Futures After School provision fund which was approved in PCD1147.