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MOPAC Decisions

  • PCD 1416 Operation Yamata Uplift & Grant Variation

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1416
    This paper seeks approval to accept further Home Office grant funding of up to £3,700,000 to support Operation Yamata to combat intra-London drugs supply networks. An initial grant of £4,300,000 was previously approved for this operation. The additional grant will enable the funding of an additional seven operational teams for the period October 2022 to March 2023.
  • PCD 1417 Emergency Boarding Up and Locksmith Services

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1417
    This paper relates to the provision of a boarding up and locksmith service to secure property where forced entry has been made and where the home owner or occupier is not on scene. It seeks approval for a contract value uplift of £446,000 to take account of increased prices and demand for the remaining 12 months of the current contract, and to initiate procurement for a national framework for the re-provision of the service with effect from 1 March 2024. The estimated national framework value is between £6,400,000-£9,000,000 over a upto 4 year term, with the MPS estimated 4 year contract call-off value estimated at £2,200,000.
  • PCD 1418 ROCU & SOC Grant Agreement ROCU, RART, ACET, ROCTA & SOC 2022/2023

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1418
    This paper seeks the approval of Home Office grant funding in 2022/23 of up to £2,096,674 to part fund the Organised Crime Unit (OCU) capabilities in respect of activities in the confiscation of assets determined to be proceeds of crime, threat assessment, drugs strategy, digital forensic support and transformation.
  • PCD 1419 Provision of Temporary Alarms for Vulnerable Witnesses

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1419
    This paper seeks approval for the provision of a service for the installation and monitoring of temporary alarms for vulnerable people and witnesses. The service will be delivered by the award of a call-off contract from the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) national framework for this function. The proposed contract term is for upto 4 years and has a contract value of upto £4,800,000. The cost will be contained within the existing MPS budget.
  • PCD 1411 Operation Northleigh – Request for Single Tender Action (STA) for Forensic Accountancy Support

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1411
    Forensic accountancy services are required to support a criminal investigation being undertaken by MPS Specialist Crime investigators.
    This decision seeks approval for a single tender action (STA) award to Quantuma Ltd for a contract worth c£150k.
  • PCD 1381 Award Equine Vet Service

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1381
    This paper seeks approval for the award of a contract for the supply of equine veterinary services for an initial term of three years with two optional 12-month extensions, at an estimated 5 year value of £997,504. The cost will be met from within the MPS existing budget.
  • PCD 1422 MetIP Upgrade Project – 2023/24 Funding

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1422
    The MetIP upgrade project requires additional expenditure in 2023/24 in order to complete delivery of a new IT strategic platform. A new enterprise services bus will replace the MetIP bus technology, which is close to end of life, and an initial set of business critical bus services will be migrated onto the new platform. This project will mitigate technical debt and provide a new strategic platform for future projects and programmes.
    This decision seeks approval for the required expenditure in 2023/24 and a contract extension with Accenture, who currently deliver MetIP services.
  • PCD 1424 Settlement of Claim 

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1424
    This paper seeks approval to settle a legal claim issued by Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) in respect of the Property Services Next Generation procurement.
  • PCD 1428 Accept Funding from Camden Local Authority for the London Resettlement Partnership Evaluation

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1428
    The London Resettlement Partnership (LRP) is a joint approach to improving the resettlement experience for children in London. The LRP is primarily funded by the Youth Justice Board but is partnered with the 32 London Boroughs, Association of London Directors of Children’s Services, Ministry of Justice, Youth Justice Board, Youth Custody Service and NHS England. The LRP aims to improve outcomes for children by working in partnership to present real opportunities that support their return to the community with the aim of reducing reoffending.
    MOPAC currently funds a post in Evidence and Insight to undertake the evaluation of LRP, and LB Camden has offered a further £25,000 of match funding for this post, which will enable MOPAC to continue this post until March 2024 which is when the current LRP is due to finish.
  • PCD 1420 Annual Review of Fees and Charges 2023/24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1420
    This report presents the proposed Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Schedule of Fees and Charges for approval by the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime. The report details the results of a review of rates at the end of 2022/23 to reflect current price increases and sets out information on the recommended MPS fees and charges and Special Police Service rates for 2023/24.
    This report also summarises the findings of reviews of income generating areas to demonstrate efficiencies and maximise income.
    It is important to note that some fees and charges are determined by statute or legislation and backed up by recommended charging guidelines published by National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).
    In accordance with Paragraph 9.5 of the Financial Regulations the Schedule of Fees and Charges requires approval of DMPC prior to publication.
  • PCD 1423 IVMA CradlePoint Router Refresh

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1423
    This decision seeks approval to proceed with technical refresh of CradlePoint routers in vehicles fitted with In-Vehicle Mobile Applications (IVMA) devices. The current CradlePoint routers cannot be supported or security assured beyond May 2023. The routers will be sourced via competitive procurement using the Health Trust Europe Framework. The cost of £1.7m will be funded from the MOPAC Approved Digital Policing (DP) Capital Budget.
  • PCD 1429 MOPAC Delivery & Victim Services Recommissioning Support

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    In March 2022, the Mayor published his new Police and Crime Plan (PCP), and in June 2022, he published his refreshed Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy. These documents set out MOPAC’s strategic priorities for the remainder of the Mayoralty and represent a large and complex delivery programme.
    To support the delivery of these commitments, MOPAC is continuing to explore the creation of a ‘Victims Care Hub’ for London and has started planning for the recommissioning of its services that support victims of crime in London and services that support children and young people impacted by violence and exploitation. These are central parts of wider programmes of work to transform the care provided to victims of crime in London and protect people from harm and exploitation.
  • PCD 1426 Pensions Reform (McCloud)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
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    • Reference code: PCD 1426
    This paper seeks approval to extend the SSCL contract for changes required to the police officer pension scheme arising from the McCloud remedy. This remedy seeks to address the discriminatory nature of the changes proposed by the Government to public service workforces pension schemes in 2015. The cost is £7,110,571 and will be funded from within existing resources.
  • PCD 1430 Consolidated IT Contract Renewals FY23/24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1430
    This decision seeks approval to renew or extend selected existing IT contracts that expire in 2023-24 where there are no immediate alternative arrangements feasible or possible. This is not requesting approval for additional funding and will be funded from within existing MOPAC approved budgets.
  • PCD 1435 Acceptance of funds from London Borough of Tower Hamlets for Female Diversion

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1435
    In September 2019, MOPAC launched the Adult Women’s Diversion Pilot operating in Central North and Central South BCUs, which in December 2022 become part of the Pan London Co-Commissioned arrangement, moving the service from a pilot into core service until March 2025 (PCD 1065).
    The London Borough of Tower Hamlets wish to fund an extension of the women’s diversion strand to an additional BCU covering Tower Hamlets and Hackney for 1 year. Funding of £66,000 has been allocated to pay for a fulltime key worker post within the already co-commissioned provider and mobilisation costs.
    Due to the co-commissioned arrangements in place, this decision recommends that MOPAC accept this funding and use the funding to uplift our contribution within the agreed MoU with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).
  • PCD 1440 Ministry of Justice Funding 2023-24 Sexual Violence Local Commissioning Test and Pre-Trial Outreach Service

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1440
    The Mayor is determined to see that victims of crime in London are better supported as a result of the steps set out in his Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. He is clear that the police, justice agencies and other partner organisations must work together if support is to be improved for victims pursuing their case through the justice process and for those who choose not to report.
    MOPAC receives funding from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to partially pay for victim and witness support services MOPAC commissions in London. In August 2022 PCD1235 accepted Ministry of Justice funding via two grant agreements (known as Core and General), confirming some of MOPAC’s funding allocation for 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25. Under the General Grant, the MoJ has now confirmed the remaining elements of funding for 2023/24 only – Sexual Violence Local Commissioning Test funding and Pre-Trial Outreach Service. This will enable MOPAC to formally extend these elements of provision within existing services supporting victims and witnesses until March 2024.
    This decision seeks approval to accept the grant funding, sign the MoJ General Grant Addendum, and manage the onward distribution of the funding to victim and witness services. The total additional funding now confirmed for 2023/24 is £3,348,887.80, broken down as £2,860,055.80 for Sexual Violence Local Commissioning and £488,832 for Pre-Trial Outreach Service.
  • PCD 1442 Parent Carer Champion Network(PCCN)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1442
    This decision requests the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime to approve an uplift in the FY 2023/2024 funding allocation for the Parent Carer Champion Network which incorporates carry forward funding from previous years. This decision is an extension of previous decision (PCD 1263) and would see the total spending for FY 2023/2024 increased from £2,000,000 to £2,190,144.
    Currently 27 local authorities have taken up the funding for Parent Carer Champion Networks (PCCN) and have thriving and successful networks supporting hundreds of parents across London, and there’s funding set aside for a further 5, bringing the total up to 32 local authorities. Current funding allocates £62,500 per local authority, and this decision will increase that to £68,442. The additional spend will be made up of £171,880 carried forward from PCCN underspend from previous years, and £18,264 from Parenting Developments PCD 1295, and will allow for additional work with fathers and a focus on supporting children through education transition years.
  • PCD 1444 DPC Programme Grant for 2023-24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1444
    This paper seeks approval to accept grant funding of £10,500,000 from the Home Office for running of the Digital Public Contact (DPC) programme for 2023-24. DPC is a Tier 1 NPCC National Policing Programme hosted within the MPS with MOPAC as the contracting authority and with DCC Simon Megicks as the SRO.

    The programme has delivered the Single Online Home (SOH), a web platform offering accessible, on-demand, interactive services (a Digital 101 offering Online Crime Reporting; Road Traffic Incident reporting; Firearms Licensing applications (including online payment); online chat; Domestic Abuse; ASB; Missing Persons and many more) and (PUK) which is predominantly an information service for the public which transitioned from Home Office ownership onto the SOH platform in April 2020. The programme also delivers the social media operating model deployment within policing.

    In addition the Strategic Integration Hub (SIH) is a key development which will provide the functionality to automatically transfer a report from a member of the public into a forces’ back office Records Management System, avoiding resource intensive re-keying. There are currently 35 forces fully on the SOH platform including BTP and by March 2024 the aim is to have 41 forces on the SOH platform, providing digital access to policing services.

    The hosting arrangement was established in 2020/21 and this new Grant Agreement is a continuation for a further financial year.
  • PCD 1447 Change in Provider – Grant Funding for Land Search for a new London SCH

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1447
    There are currently no Secure Children’s Homes in London, with London children being placed an average of 124 miles from home, which is disruptive for the child, their families and the services supporting them. The Department for Education has awarded just over £3.5 million in funds for feasibility work for the design and build of Secure Children’s Homes provision in London.
    A previous Decision, PCD 1159 approved the grant funding of £65,000 to the West London Alliance for a land search in London for the provision of Secure Children’s Homes.
    Since the previous decision, the West London Alliance are no longer managing the project, and funding for the project is being managed by the London Borough of Barnet.
    This Decision requests authorisation to grant fund the London Borough of Barnet £65,000 for a Land Search to support the feasibility work for a London Secure Children’s Home.
  • PCD 1449 Lippitts Hill – Hanger roof replacement and repairs

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1449
    This paper seeks approval to invest £911,480 to replace and repair roofs at the Lippitts Hill helicopter site and at the same time take the opportunity to install roof solar panels to contribute towards the net zero carbon ambitions and reduce on-going costs. The investment cost will be funded from the existing approved capital programme.