London rental e-scooter trial

Stage: Policy design

Find out more about the London rental e-scooter trial and have your say to help improve the scheme.


1164 Londoners have responded | 05/07/2023 - 17/10/2023

A group of people riding e-scooters


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Findings of rental e-scooters's first phase

Updated: 10 May 2024

The learnings from London’s trial – and other trials happening across the country - will be used to inform future Government legislation and policy on e-scooters

Read our update

Read our update

Next phase of rental e-scooter trial launched

Updated: 02 November 2023

On 25 September 2023, Transport for London and London Councils launched the second phase of the trial.

Read our update


Department of Transport legalises e-scooter rental trials

Read more about rental e-scooter trials

Launch of London e-scooter rental trial

Find out more info

Launch of new procurement and extension of London trial

Read the press release

Publication of interim factsheet

Read the findings