Life during lockdown

Stage: Closed

The pandemic hit the UK in February 2020.The first UK national lockdown started in March and lasted for over 3 months. We asked Londoners how they were coping, to help inform City Hall’s response to COVID-19.


9736 Londoners have responded | 27/03/2020 - 09/06/2020



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Next steps

Updated: 29 September 2020

With almost 11,000 survey respones and over 800 comments on our discussions, your views are at the heart of London's recovery plans. City Hall and London Councils have set up a London Recovery Board to coordinate planning for London’s long-term recovery effort. Membership of the Board includes business leaders, the community and voluntary sector, trade unions, academia, and the health and police services.

Find out how you can get involved again

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What you told us so far

We saw a lot of support for the agreed aims of the London Recovery Board, in particular for the focus on a greener London and to ensure that the most vulnerable Londoners are looked after as well. A few of you raised concerns around housing and support for London’s cultural sector.

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People wearing a mask
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Supporting workers during a pandemic

03 June 2020

The pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on businesses and workers. Thank you to everyone who shared what was on your mind. Here's what you told us and what we are doing.

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Transport for London staff wearing a mask in a Tube station


STAGE: Evidence gathering

Community spirit stories


Londoners have posted 45 comments

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Life in lockdown


Londoners have responded 7020 times

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London's recovery


Londoners have posted 378 comments

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STAGE: What you told us

Supporting workers during a pandemic – what you told us & what we are doing

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London’s recovery from COVID-19 – what you told us so far

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