Charter for Emerging Technology

Stage: Policy published

City Hall is developing a Charter for Emerging Technology with expectations for both Londoners and innovators about how new technology is deployed in our city.


808 Londoners have responded | 16/06/2020 - 31/08/2021

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Key principles for new technology in London

Last activity 2 years ago

Stage: Policy published | Charter for Emerging Technology | Discussion

Your views in December 2020 helped further refine the draft charter's key principles: working in the open, respecting diversity and trustworthiness. Have your say on the latest version of the draft!

Upvotes - 60
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Four key principles

Last activity 3 years ago

Stage: Policy published | Charter for Emerging Technology | Discussion

What do you think of the four key principles in the draft Charter for Emerging Technology? Is anything crucial missing?

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New technology in London

Last activity 3 years ago

Stage: Policy published | Charter for Emerging Technology | Discussion

How do you feel about new technology and innovation in London? Do you consider it a force for good, bad or neither?

Upvotes - 0
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