Charter for Emerging Technology

Stage: Policy published

City Hall is developing a Charter for Emerging Technology with expectations for both Londoners and innovators about how new technology is deployed in our city.


808 Londoners have responded | 16/06/2020 - 31/08/2021

People holding their smartphone


The challenge

From Transport for London’s easy contactless payments to the Met Police’s largest body-worn camera roll out in Europe, London has a great track record for innovation. In the future, the introduction of better connections and faster internet will support the development of new technology even more.
It is important that London sets out its expectations of any new technology that is proposed for use in our city, and that Londoners have a say in these developments. It is also important that innovators have a place to test and sense-check their new technologies. That’s why City Hall is developing a Charter for Emerging Technology. 

The draft charter aims to support innovation and technology, while ensuring the needs and expectations of Londoners are met. The first draft of the Charter centred around four key principles: 

  • Establish common, open and trusted ways of working 
  • Respect equality, diversity and human rights in the design and use of emerging technology   
  • Collect, manage and share data safely and responsibly 
  • Support the long-term recovery of the city from COVID-19

These have now been refined and condensed into three guiding principles. The city’s long-term recovery from the impact of the pandemic are addressed within all three principles.

Read the latest version of the draft charter

Our approach

Londoners were invited to have their say on the draft Charter for Emerging Technology between 26 November and 11 December 2020. The consultation included a survey and two discussions.

From January to May 2021, the Smart London Team hosted a series of workshops with key stakeholders and London Councillors.

The latest version of draft Charter for Emerging Technology will be up for consultation between 16 June and 16 August 2021.

Policy team

The Smart London Team supports the Chief Digital Officer on the development and delivery of smart city plans for London. This covers a wide range of areas including connectivity, data, mobility and infrastructure and multiple projects, the largest one being the international smart cities programme called Sharing Cities. The team focuses on how it can promote a city-needs led approach to smart cities in London and how it can build collaboration across local stakeholders and with other cities.

Find out more about Smart London


STAGE: City Hall challenge

Mayor of London tasks his Chief Digital Officer and the Smart London Board to develop an Emerging Technology Charter for London

Read the press release
STAGE: Evidence gathering

New technology in London


Londoners have responded 741 times

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STAGE: What you told us

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STAGE: Evidence gathering

Workshop session hosted by TechUK


Workshop session hosted by Smart Mobility Living Lab


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London Councillors workshop


Throughout March 2021 - Targeted survey of London Councillors


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Key principles for new technology in London


Londoners have posted 44 comments

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STAGE: Policy published

Launch of London’s Emerging Tech Charter

Read the charter