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Cleaning up London’s toxic air
From the Clean Air Consultation on Talk London in 2016 to the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in October 2021, find out what City Hall is doing to clean up London’s toxic air.
Online safety statement
This statement has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England, but applies to all members of our online community.
What makes a strong community? | Closed
119 119 Up vote
87 87 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
Help the team behind the recovery mission 'Building Strong Communities' define what makes up a strong community.
Community strength survey | Closed
620 members took the survey
Take our two minute survey and tell us what you think makes up a strong community.
Mayor's Resilience Fund
Find out how City Hall is working with innovators on solutions for some of London's most challenging issues. You can get involved too!
Using public transport during the pandemic | Closed
961 members took the survey
Our latest survey is about your views on travelling and using public transport during the pandemic.
Key principles for new technology in London | Closed
60 60 Up vote
13 13 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
Your views in December 2020 helped further refine the draft charter's key principles: working in the open, respecting diversity and trustworthiness. Have your say on the latest version of the draft!
What is a community hub? | Closed
31 31 Up vote
40 40 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
What does a community hub mean to you? A physical space to come together? A sense of belonging? Tell us more.
Updates from the team behind 'Digital Access for All'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'Digital Access for All' has been up to. They'll regularly update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
London Fire Brigade
This is London Fire Brigade's (LFB) page. We want to ensure we are at the centre of the communities we serve and are developing new ways of engaging with Londoners. Read more about our work and how you can get involved.