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Updates from the team behind 'Mental Health and Wellbeing'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'Mental Health and Wellbeing' have been up to. They'll regularly update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
Updates from the team behind 'Healthy Place, Healthy Weight'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'Healthy Place, Healthy Weight' have been up to. They'll regularly update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
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Talk London is an online community where you can have your say on London's big issues like housing, the environment, transport, safety, jobs and more. The team gather your opinions to help steer the policy decisions of the future.
Share your ideas to reimagine London | Closed
169 ideas
1860 1860 Up vote
Idea Generation
What do you like most about your neighbourhood? What ideas do you have to improve your local area?
Have your say on the proposed London Budget for 2021-2022 | Closed
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
As much of the available funding as possible is allocated to supporting London's recovery from COVID-19. Have your say.
How your views on recovery from COVID-19 helped shape London’s Budget for 2021-22
Budget addresses your priorities for London's recovery from COVID-19: the environment, our economy and looking after the most vulnerable Londoners.
Sector skills academies | Closed
5 5 Up vote
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
What comes to mind when you think of a ‘sector skills academy’? What would you expect from one?
Using technology during the pandemic | Closed
10 10 Up vote
3 3 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
What kind of things are you doing more of online? What skills or equipment do you need to make completing these tasks easier?
Updates from the team behind 'A New Deal for Young People'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'A New Deal for Young People' have been up to. They'll regularly update this blog with the latest news and developments.
In their own words: the impact of mentoring on young people
Many of us have had a time where we’ve needed the advice, guidance and support of someone else in our lives. Read how mentorship has played a big part in the lives of these five young Londoners.