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Countering violent extremism
City Hall is listening to stakeholders, experts and communities to help shape the Countering Violent Extremism programme and we want to hear from you too.
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Thanks for taking part in our big conversations during the tough year 2020
Over 10,000 new members signed up and joined our community in surveys and discussions on COVID-19 and more.
Updates from the team behind 'Building Strong Communities'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'Building Strong Communities' has been up to. They'll regularly update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
Updates from the team behind 'High Streets for All'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'High Streets for All' have been up to. They'll regularly update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
Updates from the team behind 'Good work for all'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'Good work for all' has been up to. They'll regulalry update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
Updates from the team behind 'A Robust Safety Net'
Read what the team behind the mission on 'A Robust Safety Net' have been up to. They'll regularly update this blog post with the latest news and developments.
London's Budget for 2021-22: informed by your views and ambitions
The Mayor’s key objective in this budget is to support London’s recovery from COVID-19.