Life during lockdown

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The pandemic hit the UK in February 2020.The first UK national lockdown started in March and lasted for over 3 months. We asked Londoners how they were coping, to help inform City Hall’s response to COVID-19.


7835 Londoners have responded | 27/03/2020 - 09/06/2020



Cultural activities after COVID-19

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Culture and the creative industries contribute £52 billion to London’s economy every year and provide one in six jobs in London. Essential lockdown measures introduced to slow the spread of the coronavirus have had a catastrophic impact on the sector. Research from the culture trade body The Creative Industries Federation suggests that 60% of creative organisations won’t survive the next two months. Half of the industry’s workforce is self-employed or freelance and many creative industries businesses are excluded from business rates relief and grants from Government.

This is a snapshot of some of the ways City Hall is supporting culture, creative industries and night time businesses: 

  • Culture at Risk Business Support Fund to help save grassroots music venues; LGBTQ+ venues; independent cinemas; and creative workspaces.
  • London Community Response Fund launched 14th April is also supporting arts and culture.
  • PayItForward crowdfunding platform launched to help businesses trade by pre-selling vouchers, goods and services.
  • Lobbying Government – to urge them to fund the survival of the creative economy and support self-employed workers.
  • London Together – to help Londoners in lockdown access culture and educational resources from home.
  • Cultural programmes – supporting existing cultural and trade programmes (London Games Festival and London Fashion Week online; Brent Unlocked giving skills training and support for local artists as part of Brent Borough of Culture).
  • World Culture Cities Forum – weekly meetings with cities across the world to look at common ways of achieving exit and recovery. 
  • Recovery Planning – working with promotional agency London & Partners and industry partners to prepare cultural venues and creative industries to emerge safely from lockdown.

The discussion ran from 05 June 2020 - 05 September 2020


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Comments (261)

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I recently 'braved' public transport 8nto London and was VERY put off by how few people were wearing masks. I'm told that it will not be enforced because of the risk to staff safety (which is shocking). 
I'm extremely saddened because I...

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I recently 'braved' public transport 8nto London and was VERY put off by how few people were wearing masks. I'm told that it will not be enforced because of the risk to staff safety (which is shocking). 
I'm extremely saddened because I believe that the galleries and museums are probably the safest places to be - I just don't feel that it is safe getting on public transport so I won't be going.

so the main point is PLEASE ENFORCE THE MASK WEARING !

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I need help. I have disability issue. How can i find work or which organisation help me to find work, im not interested in benefits if any one can guide me please 

Avatar for - Koala
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I find it difficult to understand why shops many museums etc are open but libraries cannot open in a safe manner. We could practice safe distancing wear masks and be careful and reopen libraries.

Are all library staff being paid to be at...

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I find it difficult to understand why shops many museums etc are open but libraries cannot open in a safe manner. We could practice safe distancing wear masks and be careful and reopen libraries.

Are all library staff being paid to be at home whereas teachers and schools are opening.

libraries need to open now

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Avatar for - Tiger
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My main limitation on attending cultural activities in (central) London is the need to use TFL Underground - currently I would not consider doing so until 2021 at the earlest, or when an effective Covid-19 vaccine is widely available.

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I agree with Book Monitor. Open up and give us a choice. If you don't feel safe or are in the vulnerable category, by all means stay at home. But for those of us who have a good immune system, aren't vulnerable and feel safe to go out, let...

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I agree with Book Monitor. Open up and give us a choice. If you don't feel safe or are in the vulnerable category, by all means stay at home. But for those of us who have a good immune system, aren't vulnerable and feel safe to go out, let us get out and save the economy and especially the cultural sector before it's too late. What will happen if we lose all the theatres and arts and music venues? Life will hardly be worth living. I miss going to the ballet, musicals and other dance performances as well as the cinema etc. I have been out for a couple of meals since the restaurants re-opened and am glad to see more people back out and about even if many more are needed to get businesses financially viable again. I have felt completely safe both on the tube and in restaurants and shops, so feel we have to stop panicking and instead be practical and do more to be more hygienic, healthier & fitter and boost our own immune systems so we're able to fight viruses coming our way. I have never had a flu vaccine in my life but can't even remember the last time I had flu. May this pandemic be the kick start of a greener future and a healthier life style for all people so we're more fit to fight new viruses that will always emerge.

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Avatar for - Sea turtle
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Open up and offer us a choice. I am not overly bothered by the restrictions but I have had CV-19, and work for the NHS where many of my colleagues are also testing positive for the antibodies - even those who had no symptoms. I want music...

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Open up and offer us a choice. I am not overly bothered by the restrictions but I have had CV-19, and work for the NHS where many of my colleagues are also testing positive for the antibodies - even those who had no symptoms. I want music and live events back in my life. I miss it! I want to see friends, to go to pubs, and music, theater and dance. I have already seen an art exhibition and would go to more museums and galleries- actually prefer it now there are less people as you can actually see the art that we are paying through the nose to see.  I'll wear a mask if I have to, to help others feel safe, but want more loosening of the restrictions and wider availability of options to go out. 

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What a terribly written survey... With not enough context given to the questions. 

I answered the "in the future.." questions as meaning once there is little to no risk of coronavirus anymore... But that could be in a very long time from...

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What a terribly written survey... With not enough context given to the questions. 

I answered the "in the future.." questions as meaning once there is little to no risk of coronavirus anymore... But that could be in a very long time from now. Others might have answered those questions as in the near future?

The question about which measures are necessary, 3 is not enough option to choose. If the activity is outdoors I feel fewer of the other measures are needed. If it's indoors, I would expect lots of measures.

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Avatar for - Monarch butterfly
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Exactly what I thought but I appreciate they at least are asking for our opinion ...

Avatar for - Sea turtle
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Please sort out the buses, very frustrating when you have to get to work and have 5 or 6 buses to past you wasting time and energy. Especially Sundays feels like your punishing those of us who have to work and pay taxes. Heaven forbid you...

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Please sort out the buses, very frustrating when you have to get to work and have 5 or 6 buses to past you wasting time and energy. Especially Sundays feels like your punishing those of us who have to work and pay taxes. Heaven forbid you should try and make our lives a bit easier in anyway? Either restore services to respectful levels or Sunday travel should be banned as well as commercial activity. Or how about allowing more buses on your routes to accommodate for the lack of service?. 

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I feel I gave some answers that might mislead.

I replied "same as before" for International Travel and Gyms etc.  That's true but only because I didn't do these activities before and certainly won't be doing them now!

Avatar for - American pika
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Interesting survey asking some of the right questions but grouping too many of them together. 

I also wanted to say that wearing a face mask was important but that question was grouped with other issues that were equally important.


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Interesting survey asking some of the right questions but grouping too many of them together. 

I also wanted to say that wearing a face mask was important but that question was grouped with other issues that were equally important.

Spend all my time working on screen so any opportunity to get away and do something else would be welcome. I have been on one trip into another area via train so far and it was OK but incredibly quiet but I adhered to all the safety measures.

Another major issue is the contradiction of telling us not to use public transport and then putting up the cost of the CCZ to £15 and giving car drivers little incentive to travel into town at weekends and also making it virtually 24/7. This will kill the centre of London.

As it happens, on the few occasions that I do drive in, I usually park a little way from the centre and walk the rest of the way but I feel my choices are being taken away from me. I think the Mayor of London is well on is way to killing this wonderful city of ours.

I think the government priorities are wrong as well and they have handled everything disastrously. All the skilled members of the cabinet were sidelined due to Brexit and the remaining members were useless and incompetent.

Largely agree with many of the previous comments and won't bother repeating them.

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Avatar for - Adelie penguin
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I've submitted my responses to the survey, which only allowed 3 answers to questions. Outdoor events feel the safest so enabling cultural activities to take place outside is one way forward. However the other options - temperature testing...

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I've submitted my responses to the survey, which only allowed 3 answers to questions. Outdoor events feel the safest so enabling cultural activities to take place outside is one way forward. However the other options - temperature testing, crowd control, obligatory mask wearing are also key ways forward.

It's hard because ultimately the national government response is woeful. If we had an effective working track and trace system then I'd feel much safer to go out and engage in cultural activities, safe in the knowledge that outbreaks will be spotted fast and acted on.

If we had that in place, then I think life could go back to normal much sooner. I think cities and businesses should consider sueing the government for loss of earnings due to their incompetence and atrocious handling of the pandemic response.

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Avatar for - Amur leopard
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Being a likely "vulnerable" while shielding a "highly vulnerable", I will not partake of other than online cultural e a activities until most of the population, self and loved ones included, have been VACCINATED with a reliable vaccine.


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Being a likely "vulnerable" while shielding a "highly vulnerable", I will not partake of other than online cultural e a activities until most of the population, self and loved ones included, have been VACCINATED with a reliable vaccine.

I might locally attend outdoors venues, provided that adequate spacing and hygiene measures are in place for all.

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Avatar for - Ringed seal
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I desperately want the theatre industry back up and running, that's my job and I really want to get back to it as well as to go and see other performances, BUT I recognise that putting between fifty and two thousand or so people in a room...

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I desperately want the theatre industry back up and running, that's my job and I really want to get back to it as well as to go and see other performances, BUT I recognise that putting between fifty and two thousand or so people in a room at one time has the potential to be catastrophic. So it's not the right time yet. I only hope that my friends that are freelance, as well as those who have already been made redundant, are still around to return with us when the time comes.

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The elephant in the room is the prevalence of the virus.  If there was no virus, I would feel comfortable doing all the things I used to do.  If the virus is rampant, as around March, just about nothing.  As it is now, I feel OK going into...

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The elephant in the room is the prevalence of the virus.  If there was no virus, I would feel comfortable doing all the things I used to do.  If the virus is rampant, as around March, just about nothing.  As it is now, I feel OK going into shops with a mask, and sitting in a pub garden (if not too busy).


So what beats me is why the government doesn't make ELIMINATION of the virus its objective, as the Independent Sage group recommended last week that it should, and as other governments have done.  Short of that, everything else is just pissing in the wind.

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Avatar for - Adelie penguin
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I couldn't agree more. I think cities and business and the arts sector should sue the government or take legal action. Their mishandling of the pandemic threatens so many livelihoods. 

Avatar for - Vaquita
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I have recently booked a day of timed slots in private galleries. Limited numbers and lots of sanitizer after an empy bus and tube ride made it a very comfortable day out. I was amazed at my response to seeing in the flesh real art. I hadn...

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I have recently booked a day of timed slots in private galleries. Limited numbers and lots of sanitizer after an empy bus and tube ride made it a very comfortable day out. I was amazed at my response to seeing in the flesh real art. I hadn't realised how differnt it was to viewing on a screen. The 'new normal' has to be somewhere between that experience and the old normal. It will be a while before I feel comfortable in a crowded envirenment again; if ever. I will continue with hygeine regimes to avoiud colds and flu in future.

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Avatar for - Rhino
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Outdoor venues seem more safe than indoor ones . Face masks need to be worn . Numbers of visitors need to be limited . Areas must be clean . Visitors should be temperature checked. A decent testing regime with a good track and trace system...

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Outdoor venues seem more safe than indoor ones . Face masks need to be worn . Numbers of visitors need to be limited . Areas must be clean . Visitors should be temperature checked. A decent testing regime with a good track and trace system in place is essential before we can feel safe going to pubs , theatre , museums , galleries etc IF the number of Covid 19 cases and deaths were extremely low then , yes , open gyms , pubs etc BUT we are way off being ready for a complete opening of lockdown . Sadly this govt has failed in every way . Test all NHS and care staff weekly for a start . 

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Avatar for - Koala
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If you are under 50 your chances of dying from Covid 19 are about the same as dying from lightning strike. If you are between 50 and 60 your chances of dying from Covid -9 are about the same as dying from drowning, i.e., exceedingly  low


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If you are under 50 your chances of dying from Covid 19 are about the same as dying from lightning strike. If you are between 50 and 60 your chances of dying from Covid -9 are about the same as dying from drowning, i.e., exceedingly  low

if you are in a vulnerable group and/or are very worried about catching the virus , DON'T GO to the cultural event. 

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Avatar for - Koala
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Otherwise go. Let's not kill our culture

Avatar for - American pika
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Lucky you - if you are under 50. I assume you have not a single relative, friend, colleague, acquaintance, who is in a vulnerable group, or have you dropped them all? I presume you never use public transport either. It' is, of course, a...

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Lucky you - if you are under 50. I assume you have not a single relative, friend, colleague, acquaintance, who is in a vulnerable group, or have you dropped them all? I presume you never use public transport either. It' is, of course, a great idea to keep cultural events exclusively for the young and fit to attend and to perform in. 

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I would be comfortable going to the theatre if only alternate rows were seated, people wore masks and used hand gel. There wiuld have to be a robust queuing strategy.

Museums would be easier with a one way queue.

There should be more...

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I would be comfortable going to the theatre if only alternate rows were seated, people wore masks and used hand gel. There wiuld have to be a robust queuing strategy.

Museums would be easier with a one way queue.

There should be more temperature checking. Such a simple check, there is no reason not to do it.

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Avatar for - Pangolin
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I wouldn't be at all comfortable attending any events where large numbers of people are present unless the venue were actively controlling behaviours.

Gor me there is a world of difference between feeling safe and actually being safe.


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I wouldn't be at all comfortable attending any events where large numbers of people are present unless the venue were actively controlling behaviours.

Gor me there is a world of difference between feeling safe and actually being safe.

So many people do not comply with simple guidance so I will stay away until I'm sure that it's safe to attend.

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Avatar for - Amur leopard
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Restrictions on a Hindu Temple and events has severely limited the community and its Buisness around as its small niche to survive for those owners on flowers , decorations and sales of heritage items . It is Shane that we can't include...

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Restrictions on a Hindu Temple and events has severely limited the community and its Buisness around as its small niche to survive for those owners on flowers , decorations and sales of heritage items . It is Shane that we can't include others like before BEvause of uncertainty if anyone is responsible for covid 19. Let's hope for all communities and people in london that this thing get soon over or manageable we are all in it to win it  _/|\_

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