Publication scheme
The GLA Publication Scheme is a guide to the information routinely published by the GLA, including the Mayor and the London Assembly.
Who we are and what we do
The 'Who we are and what we do' category of the Publication Scheme covers: 'Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance'.
- Information about the Greater London Authority
- Information about the Mayor
- Information about the London Assembly
- The Mayoral Team
- London Assembly Members
- City Hall
- Mayor’s Annual Report
- Mayor’s London Plan Annual Monitoring Report
- Governance Policies and Procedures
- Annual Governance Statement
- Audit Panel
- Mayor of London press releases
- London Assembly press releases
- Elections
- GLA Group
- Events and campaigns
- Webcasts
What we spend and how we spend it
The 'What we spend and how we spend it' category of the Publication Scheme covers: 'Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.'
Budgeting and business planning
- Budgets and the Mayor’s Capital Spending Plan
- Annual accounts
- Audit Panel reports
- The Corporate Investment Board
- The Budget Committee
- Assembly Members' expenses
- Senior staff expenses (All expenses claimed by senior staff are scrutinised by the Audit Panel. Quarterly reports on expenses claimed by senior staff are submitted to the Audit Panel and can be found in the papers of that Panel)
- Mayoral team expenses
Salaries and staffing
- Mayoral team salaries are published on their individual pages
- Remuneration of elected Members
- The GLA’s staffing structure
- Senior Staff salaries and responsibilities
- Pay Policy Statement
- Workforce Reports
- Mayor's Annual Equality Reports
Funding and Procurement
- Grant Funding
- Procurement guidance Procurement for the GLA is managed by Transport for London
- Contracts register
- Contracts
What our priorities are and how we are doing
The 'What our priorities are and how we are doing' category of the Publication Scheme covers: 'Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews'.
The Mayor’s priorities:
- Arts and culture
- Business and economy
- Championing London
- Crime & community safety
- Environment
- Equalities
- Health
- Housing
- Planning
- Transport
- Young people
Performance indicators, reports and data sets
- London Datastore and City Dashboard -
- The Corporate Investment Board
- Mayor’s Annual Report
The London Assembly
How we make decisions
The 'How we make decisions' category of the Publication Scheme covers: 'Policy proposals and decisions, decision making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations'.
Decision making
- Schemes of Delegation
- Mayoral Decisions
- Members’ Delegated Authority
- Directors' Decisions
- Assistant Directors' Decisions
- Planning applications referred to the Mayor
- Mayor's planning decisions
- Consultations
- Mayor's reports to the London Assembly
- Questioning the Mayor
- London Assembly and Committee meetings
- London Assembly agendas, papers & minutes
- London Assembly Committee structure
- London Assembly scrutiny reports
- London Cultural Strategy
- Examination in Public of the London Plan (Spatial Development Strategy)
Lists and registers
The 'Lists and registers' category of the Publication Scheme covers: 'Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority'.
Gifts and hospitality
We publish any gift or hospitality worth £25 or more that senior GLA staff receive, in our Gifts and Hospitality register.
- Assembly Members (available via each Member’s page)
- Senior Staff (available via each staff member’s page)
Gifts and hospitality for the new Mayor and his team will be published as and when they are made.
Standing Register of Interests
- Assembly Members (available via each Member’s page)
- Senior Staff (available via each staff member’s page)
Register of Interests for the new Mayor and his new team will be published as and when they are made.
The Mayor's Diary
The Mayor has committed to publishing his diary online, updated every six months.
Other relevant lists:
Services provided by the Authority
The 'Services provided by the Authority' category of the Publication Scheme covers: 'Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases, descriptions of the services offered'.
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