The Mayor and his team
Mayor of London
Mayor of London

Deputy Mayors
Statutory Deputy Mayor | Deputy Mayor for Children and Families

Deputy Mayor, Planning, Regeneration and the Fire Service

Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries

Deputy Mayor, Communities and Social Justice

Deputy Mayor for Housing and Residential Development

Deputy Mayor, Transport and Deputy Chair, Transport for London

Deputy Mayor, Business and Growth

Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy

Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff

Deputy Chief of Staff

Mayoral Directors
Assistant Chief of Staff and Mayoral Director, Government, Political and Strategic Engagement

Assistant Chief of Staff and Mayoral Director, Communications and Strategy

Assistant Chief of Staff and Mayoral Director, Operations

Mayoral Director, Global Relations and Communities

Special appointments
Walking and Cycling Commissioner

Mayoral Health Advisor

Victims Commissioner

Chief Digital Officer

Director of the Violence Reduction Unit