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Airport runway runoff and river pollution

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Meeting: MQT on 20 June 2024
Session name: MQT on 20/06/2024 between 10:00 and 13:00
Reference: 2024/1871
Question by: Zack Polanski
Organisation: City Hall Greens
Asked of: The Mayor
Category: Environment


Airport runway runoff and river pollution

You have pledged to make rivers in London swimmable within ten years. One of the potential causes of pollution in London rivers is the runoff from airport runways and roads. Have you considered how this will impact your promise to clean up London’s rivers, and what actions are you planning to take?


Date: Friday 5 July 2024

My manifesto contained a commitment to work with relevant stakeholders to produce a plan that would see over waterways clean enough to swim in within a decade. There are many sources of water pollution including Sewer overflows, Road run off, misconnections as well as agricultural runoff and poorly run and regulated waste and other sites, that flow straight to our rivers.


I have partnered with the Environment Agency and the Zoological Society of London to fund Thames21 to develop a new model, which identifies the worst polluting sections of roads.  In 2023, the second phase of the project published a decision support tool, which identifies the best locations for nature-based solution interventions such as wetlands to address this issue of road runoff pollution. 

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