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Publication type: General
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The Mayor, in his capacity as Police and Crime Commissioner for London, is required by law to produce a plan that sets out his priorities for policing and aims for keeping Londoners safe.
The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) must send the draft Police and Crime Plan to the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee, which is required by statute to review the draft plan and publish a report or recommendations on it.
The Committee has today published its report, which makes 16 recommendations in key crime areas, including:
- The final Plan should include specific commitments to address domestic abuse, including rolling out Domestic Abuse Matters training to all Metropolitan Police staff.
- The final Plan should identify the specific action needed to tackle drugs in London and incorporate the key findings from the Government’s drugs strategy, Mayor’s drugs commission and cannabis diversion trial.
- The final Plan should commit to working with Londoners, through community representatives and groups, to set targets for its measures to increase trust and confidence in policing.
UPDATE - 23 March 2022
The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime wrote to the Police and Crime Committee with her response to the recommendations made on the Mayor’s Draft Police and Crime Plan.
Related documents
Read the Deputy Mayor's response