Coming up next week at the London Assembly
Monday 18 November
HIV in London
Health Committee – Chamber, City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, 2pm
There has recently been an increase in the number of new HIV diagnoses in London and in England, following several years where the number of new diagnoses had declined.
In the first of a two-meeting investigation, the London Assembly Health Committee will examine what progress has been made in London to reach the international targets of zero new HIV infections, zero HIV-related stigma and zero HIV-related deaths by 2030, which the Mayor has signed up to.
Guests are:
Panel 1 – 2:00 – 3:30pm
- Jane Anderson, Consultant Physician in HIV Medicine at Homerton University Hospital; Co-Chair, Fast Track Cities Leadership Group
- Alison Brown, Consultant Scientist, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
- Tamara Djuretic, Head Consultant for HIV and Sexual Health, UKHSA
- Jonathan O’Sullivan, Director of Public Health, Islington Council; HIV Lead, Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) London
Panel 2 – 3:30 – 5:00pm
- Richard Angell OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Terrence Higgins Trust
- Robbie Currie, Chief Executive Officer, National AIDS Trust
- Dr Lisa Hamzah, Consultant, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Co-Chair of the London HIV Clinical Forum
MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Bell on 07887 832918 / [email protected]
Tuesday 19 November
Mayor’s draft core budget 2025-26
Budget and Performance Committee – Chamber, City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, 10am
The Mayor’s draft core budget for 2025-26 includes funding to deliver free school meals for the remainder of the 2024-25 academic year. However, there is no allocation at this stage for an extension of free school meals beyond that, with the Mayor’s free school meals programme expected to cost £140 million for the 2024-25 academic year.
The London Assembly Budget and Performance Committee will tomorrow question senior Greater London Authority (GLA) staff on the Mayor’s draft core budget for 2025-26, which was published on Monday 11 November.
Guests are:
- David Bellamy, Mayor’s Chief of Staff
- Richard Watts, Mayor’s Deputy Chief of Staff
- Mary Harpley, Chief Officer, GLA
- Fay Hammond, Chief Finance Officer, GLA
- Dianne Tranmer, Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Business Improvement, GLA
- Tunde Olayinka, Executive Director for Communities and Social Policy, GLA
- Phil Graham, Executive Director, Good Growth, GLA
- Anna Casbolt, Assistant Director Financial Services, GLA
MEDIA CONTACT: Tony Smyth on 07763 251727 / [email protected]
Wednesday 20 November
Q&A with the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime
Police and Crime Committee – Chamber, City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, 10am
In June 2023, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) requested a HMICFRS inspection around how effectively the Met responds to the sexual and criminal exploitation of children. The full findings from this review were published in February 2024[1].
The London Assembly Police and Crime Committee will question the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime on the implementation of the recommendations in this report, as well as how MOPAC is ensuring that training received by Met officers related to the exploitation of children is sufficient.
- Kaya Comer-Schwartz, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime
MEDIA CONTACT: Tony Smyth on 07763 251727 / [email protected]
Thursday 21 November
Mayor’s Question Time
Chamber, City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, 10am
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan will face questions from London Assembly Members.
Topics will include:
- The Budget and London
- Budget 2024
- Safety on the TfL network
- COP29
MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Bell on 07887 832918 / [email protected]
Notes to editors
For more information, please contact Tony Smyth in the Assembly Media Office on 07763 251727 or [email protected]. For out of hours media enquiries please call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the Assembly duty press officer.