Car clubs – can they reduce the need for car ownership?
In 2022, Transport for London (TfL) said that car clubs could help to “reduce the need for car ownership as part of facilitating a shift to more sustainable travel”.[1] The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets targets for at least 3 million fewer daily car trips and 250,000 fewer cars owned in London by 2041.
Car clubs operate in every London borough, yet their availability is not evenly distributed across the capital – with a lower concentration in outer London than in central areas.
Tomorrow, the London Assembly Transport Committee will ask representatives from TfL, London Boroughs, and a charity promoting shared transport about how car clubs are used in London and how they can contribute to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy targets.
The guests are:
- Richard Dilks, Chief Executive, CoMoUK
- Alina Tuerk, Head of Roads & Freight Strategy, TfL
- Andy Flood, Principal Transport Planner, Richmond and Wandsworth Councils
- Cllr Averil Lekau, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member Climate Action, Sustainability and Transport, Royal Borough of Greenwich
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 22 January from 10am, in the Chamber at City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, E16 1ZE.
Media and members of the public are invited to attend.
The meeting can also be viewed LIVE or later via webcast or YouTube.
Follow us @LondonAssembly.
Notes to editors
- TFL - Taking TfL’s car club policy forward
- Read the agenda in full.
- As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.
- Elly Baker AM, Chair of the Transport Committee, is available for interview.
- Find out more about the work of the Transport Committee.
For media enquiries, please contact Josh Hunt on 07763 252310 or at [email protected]. For out of hours media enquiries, call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the London Assembly duty press officer.