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How to report a breach of planning control

If you wish to report a suspected breach of planning control this must be in writing and include:

  • address of the alleged breach
  • nature of the alleged breach, including dates when the breach may have begun and details of the effect that the alleged breach is having for example, noise, traffic, smells or overshadowing
  • your name and contact address
  • your telephone number or email address (optional)
  • any other information relevant to the alleged breach which could help speed up the process of determining whether there is a breach of planning control such as photos, planning history and details of the owners, occupiers, builder’s agents

All complaints and details of complainants will be kept strictly confidential and will not be given out at any time during the investigation. However, if the case is serious it may lead to a court case or an appeal, so we may be required by law to release this information. Anonymous complaints will not be investigated.

You can submit your report:

  • via email
  • via OPDC’s website (you will be required to register your details)
  • in writing to the following address: Planning Enforcement, OPDC, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley Park, Wembley HA9 0FJ

OPDC Enforcement Plan

The OPDC Enforcement Plan sets out the principles, priorities and procedures that will be used when investigating planning enforcement matters. Most importantly it sets out what residents and businesses can expect from OPDC should a breach of planning control occur.

Enforcement register

As local planning authority, OPDC maintains a public register of enforcement notices, stop notices and breach of condition notices, as required by Section 188 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

You can inspect the planning enforcement register online via the OPDC Planning Register.

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