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In 2019, the Planning Inspector responsible for reviewing our Local Plan requested that we make some changes to it as part of the examination process, known as Main Modifications.

These changes are being made in response to the Inspector’s Interim Findings, to ensure the draft Local Plan is in general conformity with the London Plan and is aligned with the Government’s amended Use Class Order. They also address the requested modifications made by the Planning Inspector during the examination prior to issuing the interim findings and, where relevant, update facts and statistics.

Following close collaboration with landowners and the community, as well as holding online public engagement sessions last year, we’ve finalised the proposed changes to our draft Local Plan and submitted these to the Planning Inspector, following approval by our Board on 5 March 2021.

The Planning Inspector has agreed for consultation to take place on the proposed changes to text and figures (the Main Modifications) to the Local Plan. We also published Minor Modifications.

Read our information booklet on the Main Modifications consultation.

Consultation information

Consultation is now closed. Consultation took place between 17 May to midnight 5 July 2021.

Our online consultation platform still contains our consultation documents, answers to Frequently Asked Questions and more.

We have also updated the Examination Library with the most up to date documents.

What happens next?

The Local Plan programme is now in the control of the Planning Inspector. The programme will likely comprise of the following:

  • We will review consultation responses, respond to comments, recommend any further changes and provide this information to the Inspector
  • The Inspector will decide if further public hearings are required and if so, hearings will be held
  • The Inspector will then write his final report, setting out if he considers the Local Plan to be sound and directing further changes he deems necessary to make the Local Plan sound
  • We will then adopt the Local Plan

Winter 2020 Public Engagement

In November and December 2020 we carried out engagement with landowners and community stakeholders on the proposed modifications, draft policy changes and draft evidence. An online information leaflet was produced and two public online engagement sessions were held on 24 November and 30 November. You can view the leaflet and presentation below.

The Local Plan - Pre Consultation Leaflet

The Engagement Session

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