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Saturday 24 September 2022

On Friday 23rd September, hundreds of artists, creatives and makers gathered to
launch the Mayor of London’s Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation,
OPDC, and Ealing Council’s new Creative Enterprise Zone.

The Acton and Park Royal Creative Enterprise Zone unlocks unique opportunities for homegrown creative industries, artists and businesses by driving investment into the amazing creative talent that the area holds, as well as providing much needed
funding to kick-start creative projects.

Unveiled by Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries, Justine Simons OBE, Friday’s event was a prominent moment in the Park Royal Design District’s celebration of the annual London Design Festival.

Held in Excelsior Studios in Park Royal, it saw some of London’s most talented
artists exhibit and hold live workshops, including Absolute Beginners where young
people demonstrated making paper from shredded waste, and By.Wuzzy a slow
fashion sustainable denim brand, displaying reworked and upcycled garments and

OPDC and Ealing Council are working with local artists and creatives to protect and
expand jobs and affordable space for the artistic community, as part of the wider
regeneration ambitions for the Old Oak Park Royal Opportunity Area. This includes
developing a small grants programme to deliver affordable community and creative
space that will benefit over 30 local creatives with over £100,000 of grant funding.

Friday’s event launched an exciting three-day programme to celebrate the Park
Royal Design District. Sponsored by OPDC, Imperial College London and City &
Docklands, the Design District will host more than 50 open studios, 9 exhibitions,
14 workshops, walking tours, pop-up shops and film screenings, open to the public,
to shine a light on the area’s history and tell the stories of the people behind West
London’s industrial powerhouse.

The Mayor launched the Creative Enterprise Zones programme in 2018 to protect and preserve our city’s world leading cultural and creative industries and ensure that wherever you are in London, you can find the tools, connections and opportunities you need to bring your ideas to life, to build a career and make your future happen.

Park Royal is home to some of the capital’s most interesting and creative artists, makers, and producers. This new Creative Enterprise Zone will help shine a light on the hidden creative economy that fuels London’s theatres, films, events, gigs and
Justine Simons OBE, Deputy Mayor, Culture and the Creative Industries
Park Royal is a vibrant hub of creative activity and is home to an incredible mix of artists, designers and makers. The area's new Creative Enterprise Zone status will make it possible for the next generation of talent in West London to have access to affordable studio spaces alongside training and funding that supports the growth of their practice.
Yinka Ilori, Prominent artist and designer, with a studio based in Park Royal
Acton and Park Royal are home to some of the capital’s most interesting and creative artists, makers and producers. As the Mayor’s development corporation for regenerating the area, we’re working to invest in and support local people and businesses. The Creative Enterprise Zone will help nurture talent and drive investment as this area grows.
David Lunts, OPDC CEO
One of our key pledges is to help deliver new jobs and spaces for local businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive and I’m delighted that Acton has been chosen as one of two new creative enterprise zones in London.

This will create the perfect environment for artists and creatives to put down roots, grow and nurture the skills of local people for generations to come.
Peter Mason, Ealing Council leader