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LSDC report: 'London's Just Transition'

In June 2023, the LSDC published a report setting out how London’s political leaders can deliver a just transition for the city. The report recommends the following action, building on the significant work already underway:

  • Set out a vision of the actions needed for a greener, fairer city, which Londoners can get behind.
  • Build public trust by listening to communities when planning environmental actions that affects them.
  • Design environmental policies that share the benefits and costs fairly.
  • Build governance that coordinates action across the city, so London’s organisations all pull in the same direction.
  • Give more support to community groups, empowering them to take local action.
  • Devolve funding and powers from central government to London, to accelerate local action tailored to our communities.
  • Collaborate with other cities and regions to share best practice.
Londons Just Transition Report 2023 - report cover

London's Just Transition Report 2023

This report sets out what a ‘just transition’ could look like for London, and how to achieve it.

The report was launched at an event on 26 Jun 2023 hosted at the Royal Society of the Arts.

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The panellists were:

  • Andy Haldane (chair), CEO of the RSA
  • Malini Mehra, chair of the LSDC’s Just Transition work programme
  • Richard Watts, Mayor of London’s Deputy Chief of Staff, the Mayor of London's Office
  • Cllr Claire Holland, Executive member for Communities, London Councils, and Leader of Lambeth Council
  • Hannah Martin, Co Executive Director, Green New Deal Rising.

London's 'Just Transition' Conference

The LSDC held a conference on 25 January 2022 to explore some of the questions above to understand current trends gaps and opportunities.

Read the summary report below, or watch a video of the conference itself and find out more about the different areas that were discussed at the conference, including

  • Jobs and skills
  • Communities
  • Governance

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