Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside Opportunity Area
Key information
Growth corridors make it easier to manage development in London as they group similar or nearby OAs
OA boundary and policy status will either be: 'Adopted', 'Emerging' or 'To be defined'
London planning documents are accurate at the tie on publication. These include key planning documents that directly relate to the OA. They must be read in the context of the relevant statutory planning policies contained within the borough’s Local Plan.
London Plan AMR Category (AMR, 2018) will either be: 'Nascent', 'Ready to grow', 'Underway', 'Maturing' or 'Mature'.
Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside Opportunity Area Planning Framework
The Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside is designated as an Opportunity Area (OA) in the London Plan and is one of the largest regeneration areas in London. Prepared jointly by the GLA, TfL, London Borough of Newham and the GLA Royal Docks Team, the Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside OAPF (‘the RD+BR OAPF’) provides a planning framework to guide emerging and ongoing development in the area, and sets the context for the proposed extension of the DLR to Thamesmead via Beckton Riverside.
The RD+BR OAPF identifies the potential, with transport and connectivity improvements in place, for the OA to provide 36,300 new homes and create 55,700 new jobs. The RD+BR OAPF is guided by the Mayor’s Good Growth objectives and has been informed by engagement with stakeholders and local communities. The OAPF was adopted by the Mayor of London in May 2023.
Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside Opportunity Area Planning Framework StoryMap summary
We have created an interactive StoryMap page which provides a summary of the Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside (RD+BR) Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF).
Transport proposals and Good Growth
RD+BR OAPF supports and plans for proposals in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy to extend the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) from Gallions Reach to Thamesmead. In addition, the RD+BR OAPF contains a Transport Strategy and Local Connections Study which proposes a range of improvements to support higher density development. These include walking and cycling improvements across the Opportunity Area.
A cross-river DLR would enable access to job, amenities, and education opportunities at the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone, Canary Wharf, Isle of Dogs, Stratford and Thamesmead Opportunity Area.
With this suite of transport improvements, the RD+BR OAPF identifies the potential for the Opportunity Area to accommodate 36,300 new homes and 55,700 new jobs. This is an uplift of 6,300 new homes and 14,200 new jobs from the indicative capacity in the London Plan.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
An Integrated Water Management Strategy (IWMS) for the Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside OA was prepared by the Greater London Authority, in partnership with a number of stakeholders including LB Newham, Environment Agency, and Thames Water.
The IWMS considers the constraints and opportunities for sustainably managing water supply, demand and drainage in the study area in the context of significant residential and commercial development anticipated over the coming decades, identified in the OAPF. It provides a series of recommendations for the borough, water providers, developers and other key stakeholders to consider for implementation.
Previous engagement and consultation
Preparing this framework jointly with key stakeholders and communities helps to ensure that strategic and local issues in the Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside OA are addressed in a way that is coordinated and balanced with local aspirations.
- During the summer of 2019, early engagement was undertaken with local communities and key stakeholders to understand the key priorities and challenges in the Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside OA.
- This was followed by public engagement on draft OAPF Vision and Principles (V+P) in Autumn 2020.
- The draft OAPF underwent public consultation from February 2022 to March 2022. Feedback gathered from this consultation round informed the preparation of the present and final adopted version of the OAPF.
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