Key information
Publication type: London Plan Guidance
Publication status: Adopted
Publication date:
What is the Air Quality Positive London Plan Guidance?
The Air Quality Positive approach aims to maximise benefits to local air quality in and around a large-scale development sites and masterplan area while also minimising exposure to existing sources of poor air quality. It requires planners, designers, architects and air quality experts to demonstrate what measures have been taken during the design stages to achieve the best possible outcomes for air quality.
Air Quality Positive should be applied at the plan making stage to masterplans (for example Supplementary Planning Documents) and development briefs that include large-scale development sites that are likely to be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment. An Air Quality Positive (AQP) Statement should be produced as part of the evidence base outlining the Air Quality Positive approach taken.
Why do we need it?
New developments can play an important role in improving London’s poor air quality. For the largest developments, there are opportunities to consider air quality throughout the design process e.g., how new public spaces are created, how the development enables sustainable transport and utilises low or zero-emissions heat and power.
How has this guidance been prepared?
This guidance has been prepared by the Greater London Authority (GLA) with input and advice from air quality specialists. It has been developed following feedback from stakeholders at various events including the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System user groups and Institute of Air Quality Management conference.
Public engagement on the Air Quality Positive guidance was carried out between 12 November 2021 and 27 February 2022. Details of the consultation can be found on our engagement portal.
A consultation summary report summarises feedback received, and how this informed the final guidance.
An Equality impact assessment has been prepared for the guidance.
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Related documents
Air Quality Positive LPG - Consultation draft