Housing Moves scheme
The Mayor's Housing Moves scheme enables victims/survivors of domestic abuse and former rough sleepers to move to a home within London.
Housing Moves is a choice-based lettings scheme. Housing associations contribute homes to the scheme throughout the year.
These are advertised on the Housing Moves website and applicants can ‘bid’ for properties they are interested in.
Housing Moves is open to the following London tenants:
- Victims/survivors of domestic abuse who are current social tenants.
- Former rough sleepers who are moving on from supported accommodation.
How to apply
Housing Moves is permanently closed to new applications except for the two groups listed above. Eligible tenants must be referred to the scheme. If you think you may be eligible please request a referral.
For victims/survivors of domestic abuse please contact your landlord or any organisation currently supporting you.
For former rough sleepers please contact your tenancy sustainment support worker.
Why Housing Moves is open only to these two groups
We changed Housing Moves in July 2022 because there were not enough properties advertised to meet the overwhelming demand for the scheme.
This meant it couldn't help most of the many thousands of Londoners who were registered. Instead, we have refocused the scheme on two of London’s most vulnerable groups.
We recognise that much of the demand for Housing Moves is a result of the acute shortage of affordable homes in the capital which the Mayor is taking action to address.
- If you were registered on Housing Moves prior to 1 July 2022, your account is now closed.
- If you are currently registered on Housing Moves and applied via routes for victims/survivors and former rough sleepers, your account is unaffected.
- The Seaside and Country Homes scheme is unaffected by these changes and will continue as normal. Read more about this scheme.
When to contact your landlord
Please contact your landlord:
- if you think you may still be eligible for the scheme, because you need to move because you are experiencing domestic abuse
- for advice about your moving options.
For more information, please refer to the Housing Moves frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
Housing Moves is not a housing provider, and the scheme does not provide emergency accommodation. If you believe you are at imminent risk of harm, please seek immediate help by dialling 999.
There is also the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 which provides support in relation to domestic or sexual violence.
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