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Cost of living
London living rent
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Who We Are
Who We Are
What the Mayor does
What the Mayor does
The Mayor and his team
The role of the Mayor of London
Mayor of London Strategies and Plans
Contact City Hall or the Mayor
What the London Assembly does
What the London Assembly does
About the London Assembly
London Assembly Members
London Assembly work
Contact the London Assembly
Governance and spending
City Hall's partners
City Hall Blog
City Hall's buildings and squares
Press and public affairs
Priorities for London
Programmes and Strategies
Programmes and Strategies
Arts and Culture
Arts and Culture
24 Hour London
Creative health and wellbeing
Current culture projects
Diversity in the Public Realm
Let's Do London
Make a date with London
Space for Culture
The Mayor's cultural vision
Better Infrastructure
Better Infrastructure
Data and innovation tools
Diversity and inclusion
Infrastructure coordination
Infrastructure policy
Panels and groups
Reports, toolkits and best practice guides
Business and Economy
Business and Economy
Support for your business
The Mayor's priorities for London's economy and business
Business and economy publications
Strategic economic development reports
Communities and Social Justice
Communities and Social Justice
Civil Society
Employment Rights Hub
London's Violence Reduction Unit (VRU)
Migrants and refugees
Older people
The Mayor’s strategy for equality, diversity and inclusion
Education and Youth
Education and Youth
Christmas card competition 2024
Support for families and early years
School schemes for pupils
Teach London
Improving standards in schools and teaching
Young Londoners
London Careers and preparing for the workplace
London Education Report
London Schools Atlas
Environment and Climate Change
Environment and Climate Change
Climate change
Parks, green spaces and biodiversity
Pollution and air quality
Waste and recycling
London Schools’ Climate Kick-Start
Fire and City Resilience
Fire and City Resilience
London Resilience Partnership
London Resilience Forum
Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network (CTPN)
London Fire Brigade
Funding and Innovation
Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing
Champion, challenge, collaborate
GLA Group Public Health Unit
Health Inequalities in London
Healthy Early Years London
Healthy Schools London
Housing and Land
Housing and Land
Buying and owning a home
Council and social housing
Housing and Land funding guidance and resources
Housing and Land funding programmes
Land and development
Renting a home
The Mayor's priorities for London's housing and land
Jobs and Skills
Jobs and Skills
For Londoners seeking employability skills
For employers seeking skilled candidates
For training providers teaching skills
Governance and partners
Research and strategy
Learner stories
Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
About the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
MOPAC data and statistics
MOPAC governance and decision making
MOPAC guidance and resources
MOPAC-funded services
My area
Keep up to date with MOPAC work
Digital Planning
Implementing the London Plan
Planning applications and decisions
Statutory Notification of Planning Policy Consultation
The London Plan
Who we work with
Planning for London Programme
Research and Analysis
Research and Analysis
People and communities
Webmaps and data services
Shaping Local Spaces
Shaping Local Spaces
About the team
Advice and guidance
High streets
Places of work
Regeneration funding opportunities
Regeneration projects
What we've funded so far
'Sport for All of Us' Strategy
The Mayor’s London Basketball Taskforce
Sport Unites programme
Major sports events
Cycling and walking
Healthy Streets
Improving London's roads
Rail and Underground
Get inspired
Get involved
What is Team London
Resources for organisations, social enterprises and charities
Funding and Training Opportunities
Contact Team London
Take Part
Take Part
Join Talk London
Past events
Working at City Hall
Contact or visit City Hall
Contact or visit City Hall
Contact City Hall or the Mayor
Contact the London Assembly
What can you visit at City Hall?
City Hall education sessions
Visiting Trafalgar Square
Visiting Parliament Square Garden
Help with living costs
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Find out how
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Media centre
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Mayor's press office
Mayor's press releases
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London Assembly media relations office
Assembly press releases
Assembly member press releases
Assembly webcasts
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Assembly on Twitter
Follow the Mayor's press office
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