Designing London’s Recovery

Stage: Latest news

Find out more about how City Hall is working with innovators on solutions for some of our city’s most challenging issues. You can get involved too!


2695 Londoners have responded | 08/09/2022 - 16/10/2022

People walking on a busy shopping street
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Refill shops and ethnic food shops

Updated: 09 December 2022

Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey. We’ve analysed what you told us and shared it with City Hall’s Economic Strategy & Innovation team. Between September and October 2022, they shared our survey findings with two innovation teams taking part in City Hall’s Designing London’s Recovery programme to develop solutions to challenges in London.

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Your views on improving public toilets

Updated: 09 December 2022

Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey. We’ve analysed what you told us and shared this with City Hall’s Economic Strategy & Innovation team. Between March and November 2022, they worked with the Royal College of Art’s Public Toilets Research Unit to improve public toilets in London.

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