Planning our future London

Stage: Evidence gathering

From housing to transport and climate change, City Hall’s Planning for London programme needs your help. Your views are essential to exploring and designing London’s future.


1276 Londoners have responded | 01/06/2023 - 31/07/2023

Lego in the shape of tower blocks


The challenge

Many of the challenges London faces have been a long time in the making. Think of the housing shortage, climate change or long-standing inequalities amongst our communities.  

The Planning for London programme was set up to explore longer-term issues like these. It will find ways to address them by gathering evidence, talking to Londoners, and bringing in ideas from experts.   

The programme will focus particularly on issues that relate to London’s different places, spaces and buildings.  

This includes:  

  • Where and how new homes are built  
  • Where businesses create new jobs 
  • How we use our town centres and high streets  
  • What our public spaces, parks and streets look like    

City Hall’s planning team will bring together the issues and ideas discussed and report the programme’s findings.   

This will help inform a future London Plan: a document that has a big say on how London will develop in the future. 

Our approach

At the heart of the Planning for London programme is the need for Londoners to explore and influence the long-term direction for our city.   

Throughout 2023, City Hall’s planning team have been running a series of workshops with diverse groups of Londoners. They discussed big issues like housing, transport, jobs and the environment, compared trade-offs and explored solutions.  

A group of people sitting at tables listening to a presentation

The team are now seeking your views on these key issues as well:   

  • Where and how should new homes be built in London?  
  • How can traffic and congestion be reduced and what does better public transport look like? 
  • Where will new jobs be created in London and how can we support high streets across the city?  
  • How can we make London’s buildings more energy efficient and greener?  
  • How can we make the most of the city’s green space and protect London from the impacts of climate change? 

Policy team

The programme is run by the City Hall’s planning team.   

They are bringing together all the relevant work already going on at City Hall. This includes housing, transport, environment, economy, inclusion and health. This will help them better understand where they need more evidence or understanding of how London’s places, spaces and buildings affect people’s lives.  


STAGE: Programme launched

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STAGE: Evidence gathering

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STAGE: What you told us

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STAGE: Evidence gathering

'Green and Fair Economy’ deliberative workshop event


'Transport and Public Space’ deliberative workshop event


'Housing’ deliberative workshop event


'Places and Communities’ deliberative workshop event (part 1/2)


'Places and Communities’ deliberative workshop event (part 2/2)
