
People on a highstreet


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New - Memorial to victims of transatlantic slavery

Updated: 27 August 2024

London is getting a Memorial to victims of transatlantic slavery. Read more about this new artwork by Khaleb Brooks, planned to be unveiled in 2026.

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Black on the Square is back 7 September 2024

Updated: 12 August 2024

Trafalgar Square is getting ready for the second edition of Black on the Square, on Saturday 7 September 2024. Join this free event from 12.00 - 18.00 to enjoy and celebrate Black culture and creativity.

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Thank you for your ideas

Updated: 13 November 2023

The community advisory board found the support from Londoners for the Black on the Square event amazing. Read more and see some pictures from the event.

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London’s first Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure

Updated: 31 October 2023

Between June and July 2022 over a thousand of you got involved and helped shape the Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure for London.

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Your views on EURO 2020 community events

Updated: 20 December 2021

Thank you for your views on community events for Londoners during the UEFA EURO 2020 Men’s Championships this summer. 590 of you took part in our survey and our discussion thread saw 70 comments.

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Closed discussions

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COVID-19 & youth services

Last activity 4 years ago

Stage: Closed | Life during lockdown | Discussion

Have you been affected by the closure of youth services during COVID-19? What can City Hall or Londoners do to help?

1 comment
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Volunteering & food aid

Last activity 4 years ago

Stage: Closed | Life during lockdown | Discussion

Are you working for, involved with or dependent on the VCS or food banks? What are the biggest issues at the moment?

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Helping businesses

Last activity 4 years ago

Stage: Closed | Life during lockdown | Discussion

What could City Hall, Government or others do to support businesses during and after the pandemic?

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Community spirit stories

Last activity 4 years ago

Stage: Closed | Life during lockdown | Discussion

We’d love to hear stories of how Londoners are looking out for each other while apart, during the coronavirus crisis.

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Future of high streets

Last activity 4 years ago


How important are your local high streets to you? How do you use them and what would encourage you to use them more?

Upvotes - 3
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Closed idea generations

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How to celebrate Black culture and creativity in London

Stage: Closed | Help City Hall celebrate Black culture in London | Idea generation

Share your ideas to celebrate Black culture and creativity during a new event on Trafalgar Square in September 2023.

56 ideas


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Share your ideas to reimagine London

Stage: Programme design | A Green New Deal | Idea generation

What do you like most about your neighbourhood? What ideas do you have to improve your local area?

169 ideas


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Niel Testing - Share your ideas to reimagine London (Idea Gen) (ST)

Stage: Evidence gathering | Niel Testing - Digital Access for All (Issue) (T) | Idea generation

What do you like most about your neighbourhood? What aspects of your local area have been the most useful or provided support through the pandemic? What ideas do you have to improve your local area?

2 ideas


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Closed surveys

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High streets survey


Tell us more about your local high streets in our quick survey.


Londoners have responded 1277 times | 25/02/2020 - 20/03/2020

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EURO 2020 events

Stage: Closed | EURO 2020 community events | Survey

Help us shape the free community events to celebrate the EURO 2020 football tournament.


Londoners have responded 590 times | 04/11/2019 - 08/12/2019

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Priorities for London


We'd love your views on everything from transport and safety, to housing and the environment.


Londoners have responded 2237 times | 21/08/2019 - 29/09/2019

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Help shape London Elects


Find out if you're eligible to take part in a user testing session for the new London Elect website.


Londoners have responded 136 times | 18/06/2019 - 21/06/2019

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Help improve Talk London

Stage: Latest news | The new Talk London | Survey

Share your views and help us make Talk London ready for the future.


Londoners have responded 423 times | 10/06/2019 - 25/06/2019

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