Your views on EURO 2020 community events

Updated: 20 December 2021

Thank you for your views on community events for Londoners during the UEFA EURO 2020 Men’s Championships this summer. 590 of you took part in our survey and our discussion thread saw 70 comments.

Update: please note that the tournament has been postponed by a year, due to the coronavirus crisis.

Thank you for your views on community events for Londoners during the UEFA EURO 2020 Men’s Championships this summer. 590 of you took part in our survey and our discussion thread saw 70 comments.

We shared everything with the EURO 2020 team who are currently planning the events. Here’s how your feedback has helped them: 

Your response to the survey highlighted that you feel that “football brings communities and people together” and you want to “celebrate the city and our European friends”.  

While you believe that people who are interested in football would be likely to attend these events, you also think that Londoners who live local to the events and young Londoners would be interested too. 

You responded ‘food and drink’ (74%) and ‘football activities’ (71%) to our question on what types of activities you’d like to see at these events. In our discussion, you also said that you would “love to have music, education, sport and food activities” and “wider cultural activity” at the events.   

Some of your other feedback was around the location of the events. You noted that “London is only known for hosting events in certain areas” and that you would like the events to be in other parts of London other than the central areas.  

One of you suggested ideas for the events, such as “big screens, cool music, food stalls, sunshine and everyone mingling and having a good time”. While we can’t promise sunshine, the EURO 2020 team have listened and taken your views into account. They are looking forward to putting on these community events and we hope you will be interested in attending one in your area too. 

The location and overview of the community events will soon be announced. We’ll keep you posted!