Mental Health and Wellbeing

Stage: Latest news

Our goal is that by 2025 London will have a quarter of a million wellbeing champions, supporting Londoners where they live, work and play.


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Family having coffees at Broadway Market


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What do you do to improve your mental health?

Last activity 3 weeks ago

Stage: Latest news | Mental health and wellbeing | Discussion

London’s Great Mental Health Day returns on Friday 26 January 2024. Share how you look after your own mental health and how you support others.

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Better health & wellbeing

Last activity 3 years ago

Stage: Latest news | London's recovery starts with you | Discussion

Have your say on this mission around "better health and wellbeing for Londoners most affected by the pandemic."

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Your mental health

Last activity 3 years ago

Stage: Latest news | Life during lockdown | Discussion

How are you doing? How are you feeling at this time?  

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STAGE: Evidence gathering

Life in lockdown


Londoners have responded 7020 times

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Your mental health


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London's recovery


Londoners have posted 378 comments

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STAGE: Programme design

How your feedback has started to shape London’s road to recovery

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November 2020: Workshops with key partners from health, voluntary sectors, local authorities and community organisations


December 2020: Mental health and wellbeing impact assessments and action planning with London’s Strategic Coordination Group (SCG) – coordinated by Thrive LDN


February 2021: Briefing our key partners and stakeholder across the health and care sector and developing our early engagement plans


March 2021: leadership and governance for the mission transferred to the Thrive LDN Advisory Group, working closely with the Leaders’ Group and Social Recovery Board


April 2021: Thrive LDN led engagement with the mission’s Working Group to revisit the mission narrative, develop project options and to align expectations of our key London partners


The Mayor launched a citywide public awareness campaign on bereavement to help direct Londoners to information, advice, and support to cope with their grief.

Read more

June - July 2021: Thrive LDN worked in partnership with Cruse Bereavement Care to deliver free, one-hour webinars on Bereavement and Loss Awareness, aimed at workers or volunteers supporting bereaved Londoners.

Find out more

July 2021: Good Thinking started working with faith groups to support the development of further, culturally competent bereavement resources which will be available from the autumn


Launch of new wellbeing resource pages on the Thrive LDN website, marking the start of the mission's Wellbeing Campaign

Take a look at what's on offer

Renewed commitment to the #ZeroSuicideLondon campaign as we marked World Suicide Prevention Day

Find out more and take the training

September 2021: Continuation of a pan-London Wellbeing Campaign, focusing on protective factors. Meanwhile, wellbeing training offers for Londoners and those supporting them begun being rolled out


September - October 2021: Delivery of a further five Bereavement and Loss Awareness webinars, taking the total to ten sessions

Find out more and sign up

Thrive LDN and the Mayor’s Peer Outreach Team host London’s World Mental Health Day festival, led by and for young Londoners.

Read about the festival: Never Alone LDN

October 2021: Engagement around the wellbeing champion concept and resources stepped up


November 2021: Ubele/BAMEStream trial bereavement training offers to support black Londoners


November 2021: All London boroughs offered free training for councillors supporting mentally healthier conditions for both themselves and the communities they serve via webinars by Thrive LDN


Marking National Grief Awareness Week, Good Thinking launched a workbook on how to support a bereaved person in a culturally sensitive way


Winter 2021: Research into existing 'community champions' networks, mapping what already exists in London and opportunities to engage with and support these champions with additional resources, tools and training


Celebrated London's first Great Mental Health Day, which aims to get us talking about mental health and how we can improve our wellbeing

Read our blog post on supporting your mental health

Supported Children's Mental Health Week

See how Thrive LDN and partners marked the week

Thrive LDN hosted a roundtable on support for children and young people with bereavement and loss, attended by charity partners, policymakers, education sector staff and young Londoners with lived experience of loss


February 2022: Good Thinking launch faith-based bereavement resources for Buddhism, Judaism and Islam

Download the faith-based bereavement resources

February 2022: Ubele/BAMEStream hold immersive bereavement workshops for councillors, therapists, community workers and others supporting Londoners from Black or racialised communities experiencing grief, bereavement and loss


February 2022: Launch of radical self-care training workshops by Thrive LDN in partnership with the Innovation Unit and Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest


February 2022: projects for the Mayor’s Right to Thrive Innovation Fund underway

Read more about the Fund

March 2022: Good Thinking launch faith-based bereavement resources for Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism

Download the faith-based bereavement resources

Discussion stigma and barriers to bereavement support at the UK Commission on Bereavement Faith Roundtable


Marked the National Day of Reflection with the UK Commission on Bereavement


April 2022: Launch of a short guide for supporting the mental health and wellbeing of displaced Ukrainians arriving to the UK

Click here for the guide, training and further resources

9 - 18 May 2022: Marked Mental Health Awareness Week, including a Thrive LDN hosted panel on loneliness and the cost of living crisis

Catch up on the discussion here

16 - 22 May 2022: Celebrated Creativity and Wellbeing Week with a theme of 'get creative, get outdoors;

Read more about creativity and wellbeing here

Celebrate Right to Thrive projects at event with KCL


Hold workshop with champion groups to develop wellbeing champion programme and resources


What do you do to improve your mental health?

Happening now

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London's Great Mental Health Day 2023

Read more about the event and get involved

Register to become a wellbeing champion

Find out how to become a champion for wellbeing in London