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Building Strong Communities
By 2025 all Londoners will have access to a community hub ensuring they can volunteer, get support and build strong networks.
A Robust Safety Net
Our goal is that by 2025, every Londoner is able to access the support they need to prevent or alleviate financial hardship.
A New Deal for Young People
By 2024 all young people in need are entitled to a personal mentor and all young Londoners have access to quality local youth activities.
Mental health and wellbeing
Our goal is that by 2025 London will have a quarter of a million wellbeing champions, supporting Londoners where they live, work and play.
Healthy Place, Healthy Weight
Our goal is that by 2025, all London’s families will find it easier to eat healthy food and be active where they live, learn, shop, work and play.
About us
Talk London is City Hall’s online community. Find out more about what we do.

Join us and have your say on big issues and help shape our plans and policies. Let’s make London better together!
Welcome to the new Talk London | Closed
171 171 Up vote
68 68 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
What do you think of our new online community platform? What features are you most looking forward to use?
City Hall has a role in many areas of London life, reflected in the range of topics below.

Click them to see an overview of our discussions, surveys and consultations.
Have your say on London Fire Brigade | Closed
519 members took the survey
Take part in our survey and help shape London Fire Brigade's Community Risk Management Plan.
Share your suggestions and concerns with London Fire Brigade | Closed
42 42 Up vote
41 41 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
After responding to London Fire Brigade's consultation about its Community Risk Management Plan, is there anything else you want to add?