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The Ultra Low Emission Zone is here and will improve London’s air quality
The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) started in central London on 8 April 2019. Vehicles must meet stricter emission standards to drive in this zone or pay a charge of £12.50 for cars, vans and motorcycles and £100 for heavier vehicles. The ULEZ will operate within the current Congestion Charge zone, 24/7, every day of the year.
Follow up: 'Toxicity charge' plans announced
Last year, the Mayor invited Londoners to share their experiences of London’s air quality and ideas for helping to improve it. Over 15,000 people responded here on Talk London and some of the impact of this participation can now be seen in an announcement on a new £10 toxicity charge.
London pubs
The Mayor’s Culture team are currently looking at how Londoners use pubs, and what the future of pubs will look like.
Kate - Why Join?
Talk London is City Hall's online community where you can have your say on London's big issues like housing, the environment, transport, safety, jobs and more. The team gather your opinions to help steer the policy decisions of the future.

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Follow up to Clean Air consultation
Last year over 15,000 Londoners took part in the Mayor’s consultation on plans to tackle air pollution in the capital. We asked for your views on a range of measures to tackle the city’s air pollution problem in one of the largest public consultations undertaken at City Hall.
Digital Access for All
Our goal is for every Londoner to have access to good connectivity, basic digital skills and the device or support they need to be online by 2025.
Updates and impact
Find out more about what our online community has achieved recently and read a snapshot of our updates on our latest discussions and surveys.
Helping Londoners into Good Work
Our goal is to support Londoners into good jobs with a focus on areas which are key to London’s recovery, like creative, green and digital jobs.
A Green New Deal
Our goal is to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies and improve air quality by doubling the size of London's green economy by 2030 to accelerate job creation for all.
High Streets for All
Our goal is to deliver enhanced public spaces and exciting new uses for underused high street buildings in every borough by 2025, working with London’s diverse communities.