People's Question Time Online

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Read more about how Talk London members got to ask the Mayor and the Members of the London Assembly about what matters to them at the first People's Question Time Online on 12 November 2020.


849 Londoners have responded | 05/10/2020 - 02/11/2020

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Ask the Mayor and the Members of the London Assembly about safety

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This is your chance to put your question to the Mayor, Sadiq Khan and Members of the London Assembly about their current plans, priorities and policies for the capital, at the first ever People’s Question Time Online, on 12 November 2020, 7pm - 9pm. 

The Mayor is responsible for:

  • a better police service for all Londoners; 

  • a better criminal justice service for London; 

  • keeping children and young people safe; 

  • tackling violence against women and girls; 

  • standing together against hatred, intolerance and extremism. 

The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body that holds the Mayor to account and investigates issues that matter to Londoners.  

What would you ask them about safety? 

Please keep your question short, relevant and constructive.  If another member has already asked a similar question to the one you were going to ask, you can show your support by commenting on that question. 

You can submit your question until midnight on Sunday 1 November. Read more about the shortlist process in the FAQs

The discussion ran from 05 October 2020 - 02 November 2020


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Comments (32)

Avatar for - Pangolin
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Can all Bus windows please be fixed in the open position. I know this will slightly reduce comfort in the colder weather, but this will be an enormous help if we are serious in reducing the spread of Coronavirus. Not least because a lot of...

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Can all Bus windows please be fixed in the open position. I know this will slightly reduce comfort in the colder weather, but this will be an enormous help if we are serious in reducing the spread of Coronavirus. Not least because a lot of people are coughing and sneezing while not wearing a face covering. This will also avoid any conflict amongst Passengers over opening and closing of windows.

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Please can you tell me why there have been no public service information films/posters on how to wear a face mask over your nose? This IS a question of public safety that is being ignored country wide. There is no way that the R number will...

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Please can you tell me why there have been no public service information films/posters on how to wear a face mask over your nose? This IS a question of public safety that is being ignored country wide. There is no way that the R number will go down until people realise you breathe germs in and out of your nose! Covid is being spread by people in shops, supermarkets,and during  food preparation because the majority of the population simply dont understand this.

This is surely the job of The London Mayor?

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Dear Mayor

The amount of speeding drivers racing around London seems to have increased massively in recent years. Moped delivery drivers are particularly bad, with the majority seemingly having absolutely no regard to speed limits or basic...

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Dear Mayor

The amount of speeding drivers racing around London seems to have increased massively in recent years. Moped delivery drivers are particularly bad, with the majority seemingly having absolutely no regard to speed limits or basic road etiquette.

Have you thought about increasing the use of technology to help police the roads and get this under control? Average speed check zones... speed limiters for mopeds... community funded speed cameras... I am sure many people would be happy to help get this under control, contributing either to community-led checkpoints or contributing to community cctv.



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Dear Mayor,

I have a couple of questions for you.

1. What is your plan in tackling everyday crime (knifecrime, thefts, robberies, burglaries)? 

2. What are you going to do to enable the police to effectively defend themselves against...

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Dear Mayor,

I have a couple of questions for you.

1. What is your plan in tackling everyday crime (knifecrime, thefts, robberies, burglaries)? 

2. What are you going to do to enable the police to effectively defend themselves against criminals?

3. There have been instances of policemen being attacked (including by youngsters). What are you going to do protect the poilice and help them eradicate this sort of criminal behaviour?

4. Crime is out of control in London. The police often respond only to the most seious cases where there is "threat to live". How are Londoners supposed to protect their lives if there is no sufficient police resource and the majority of the available resource are unarmed?

How are you going to enable Londoners to protect their lives and personal property?

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Knife and gun crime it is time for Zero tolerance, alongside education and guidance  to make the right choice. And the choice is narrow as there are limited options. There is nothing for the youth to do, all resources are drained.


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Knife and gun crime it is time for Zero tolerance, alongside education and guidance  to make the right choice. And the choice is narrow as there are limited options. There is nothing for the youth to do, all resources are drained.

Youth funding needs to increase 

Open back youth centres 

Bring back  listen to and support youth workers invest!

Our youth are dieing.


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Dear Mayor 

Sports and arts is an exit route for inner city estate kids to achieve a goal and avoid gangs.

Could there not be a London wide sports and arts scheme funded/sponsored. Where raw talent get a chance to shine.

For example an...

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Dear Mayor 

Sports and arts is an exit route for inner city estate kids to achieve a goal and avoid gangs.

Could there not be a London wide sports and arts scheme funded/sponsored. Where raw talent get a chance to shine.

For example an open to all 100 metres competition, where heats are held on estates, parks, youth centres, sport centres etc

Overall winner gets a day with an Olympian and  a chance to run at a athletic club. And maybe take it up professionally.

It could be any event cycling,swimming, poetry, boxing, painting , running.

A London wide wildcard talent event.

That can be entered by any inner city kid with a dream and untapped talent. 

Initially organised from a central body but the individual events are held, organised monitored and judged locally.

With the finals being held at a prestigious venue relevant to the discipline.

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Avatar for - Adelie penguin
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Mr. Mayor,

When will you acknowldge that the closures that you made of our local Police Stations were a bad decision in that crimes of all kinds have increased under your watch. Whereas we had our local community Police Station this was...

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Mr. Mayor,

When will you acknowldge that the closures that you made of our local Police Stations were a bad decision in that crimes of all kinds have increased under your watch. Whereas we had our local community Police Station this was closed in spite of the fact that it was only made possible by the contributions made by our forefathers when this area was first linked to the growth of MetroLand. You decided that it should be closed and services relocated to a central hub some 30minutes drive away. Yes I know we can phone and might be linked in to speak but that is not the answer. If the station  must be closed, which is doubtful, why did we not get a local hub that we can visit to discuss issues in the immediate area.

Crimes to both persons and property are on the increase due to the knowledge that the local police based a few miles away are rarely in my area. These 'local' police do their best but cannot be seen by being a regular presence in the effected area's. It is no good you blaming it all on the previous administration as you often do. This is on your watch and therefore 'you' are greatly responsible for all these many useless decisions that now affect us as rate & tax payers in all of the areas that come under your remit.



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I live on a council run housing estate in Hackney.  The council has built a large walk up Covid test center on our small estate.  We were not notified it was going to happen until 12 hours before building started.  It is going to be opened...

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I live on a council run housing estate in Hackney.  The council has built a large walk up Covid test center on our small estate.  We were not notified it was going to happen until 12 hours before building started.  It is going to be opened 8am -8pm. - 7 days a week with no end date given.   We feel a residential estate is not the appropriate setting for a covid test center as there are many factors which can endanger the residents not to mention the huge anxiety of a small estate being used for public health work everyday constantly.  We all agree the test center is needed but not meters from our bedroom windows.

What is the Mayors stand on the location of Civid Test sites?  Would he agree that a public consultation should be held when estates such as ours are being considered with time for debate?  What powers do we have to get this dangerous site relocated somewhere more appropriate?

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As the covid restrictions have been eased off motorcycle theft has again increased to high levels, as most of the stolen bikes/scooters go on to be used for further crimes including violent and high value thefts. What are the police and...

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As the covid restrictions have been eased off motorcycle theft has again increased to high levels, as most of the stolen bikes/scooters go on to be used for further crimes including violent and high value thefts. What are the police and councils doing to disrupt the motorcycle gangs who carry out these crimes? Are tougher punishments being sought for repeat offenders? as this type of crime has a wide ranging impact on the community. 

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I find the attitude of this Government to be more of bullying/harassment against a London Mayor and London. This pandemic COVID 19 is not only London problems. Prior to Pandemic and Lockdown measures, TfL has no  problem with budget. The...

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I find the attitude of this Government to be more of bullying/harassment against a London Mayor and London. This pandemic COVID 19 is not only London problems. Prior to Pandemic and Lockdown measures, TfL has no  problem with budget. The deficit under this Mayor is even lower than that of Boris Johnson as the Mayor. Disappointed that, the Government is not willing to bail out TfL with additional funding especially under Tier 2 lockdown. For the Government tried to bully the Mayor to extend congestion charging on SCR and NCR, stop the Over 60 Oyster, Children free public transport before additional funding is unfair.  Mayor, should consider giving TfL to Government to run. Govt. will find the protest of the Londoners and strikes from the Unions/criticism from the Business.

Making the bus-lanes 24/7 on all TLRN when the other vehicles concentrate on other lanesnever helps environment as a result of congestion,increment in air pollution and carriageway defects. The introduced COVID measures on many of the side roads in London is having negative impact on environment and increment on congestion on some of London main roads. TfL needs to review the issues with the Boroughs. There are many potholes appearing London strategic roads, DfT/TfL are not funding the defective roads and Boroughs are struggling with their budgets.

TfL is of the job for the boys at the senior management levels. No clear representative of ethnicity in the works structure at this level. The Senior Management are those from LUL running all areas of TfL especially Surface Transport. This is why the whole of London is having poor strategic policies and implementations . TfL needs to publish the Equality Assessment Impact of all grades. There has never been a Managing Director from BAME since TfL was formed/only 1or 2 BAME at Director levels. Many BAME Senior Managers are in payband 4 levels.

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Many Londoners who are users of the Taxicard scheme have been unable to use their allocation due to shielding. Would the Mayor please confirm that their Taxicards will automatically be renewed.


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I have two questions:

I live on the Highway close to Tower Bridge, and increasingly the noise pollution from motorcycles is becoming unbearable to lead a normal life. At all hours day and night, the most horrendous loud exhausts can be...

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I have two questions:

I live on the Highway close to Tower Bridge, and increasingly the noise pollution from motorcycles is becoming unbearable to lead a normal life. At all hours day and night, the most horrendous loud exhausts can be heard. Even having to sleep with earplugs, may drown some noise, but there are ridiculously loud vehicles and 2am, 3am, 4am with zero concern for people trying to sleep. The effects on this unseen by the Mayor create immense stress with lack of sleep, and as a director employing individuals has a serious effect on my productivity and my company’s productivity too. There was talk about some technology to prosecute in a similar way to speeding, but where is it? or is that just talk?

My other question, the small grant we received to support our business through these very challenging times has all but gone, and all it has gone on is the increase in congestion charge, with the times imposed virtually catching every person possible to pay the charge. It has not decreased driving in central London as far as i can see, and is simply a tax on small business who need to drive. When will this be changed back? Can you provide clear reports that the fees now have covered what was lost when did not charge for a month or two?


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Avatar for - Vaquita
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What are you doing about noise pollution linked to crime that we as the people have to endure on a daily basis hours on end also what is in place to stop illegal immigrants supported by crime living among us in our London communities in...

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What are you doing about noise pollution linked to crime that we as the people have to endure on a daily basis hours on end also what is in place to stop illegal immigrants supported by crime living among us in our London communities in private and council properties people are allowed to do anything nowadays why is this?? Where are the safety barriers as it is very hard to trust at the moment professional and non professional persons


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As a local business leader in the Lambeth area my business has been effected by persistent anti social behaviour from people who appear to be homeless and drug users.

Are there any new preventative measures in development to support the...

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As a local business leader in the Lambeth area my business has been effected by persistent anti social behaviour from people who appear to be homeless and drug users.

Are there any new preventative measures in development to support the homeless and businesses alike?  

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Why have you defunded the Met Police by £120 million when savings with TFL (salaries, benefits allowed to non-TFL staff & excess allowance of overtime), your overstaffed office & also the salaries (the number of staff earning £100,000+ has...

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Why have you defunded the Met Police by £120 million when savings with TFL (salaries, benefits allowed to non-TFL staff & excess allowance of overtime), your overstaffed office & also the salaries (the number of staff earning £100,000+ has increased which given the last 5 years is way above inflation?), consultants (again on higher rates than under the previous Mayor) & PR where it has been shown across LA members this defunding of Met police is un-necessary & dangerous?

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The introduction of more cycle lanes has been done without Public Consultation? Why this & the fact TFL finances are BANKRUPT twice, but you have money for this project & also have duplicated lanes E.G.Park Lane & Hyde Park. Why in many...

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The introduction of more cycle lanes has been done without Public Consultation? Why this & the fact TFL finances are BANKRUPT twice, but you have money for this project & also have duplicated lanes E.G.Park Lane & Hyde Park. Why in many cases has this been done with zero accomadation for Emergency Services whose respons times have increased dramatically? These lanes r frustrating the recovery of the economy which I note you preferred a Photo Opportunity to cycle along embankment rather than attend an important Assembly meeting on Londons Economy (nor was your Dep Mayor there)/ I also note for this photo opportunity the cycle lanes were empty as you crossed Lambeth bridge although traffic was built up & actually standing still. I also see more imposition of 20 mph which I see eScooters & Bicycles overtake me? With accomadating cycles more our economy is choking on ULEZ,CC & general transport cost increasing & below par. With this in mind what is this confused Transport Policy as London is not moving at all?

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With the introduction of cycle lines and cycle superhighways there has been increased risk of accidents associated with cyclists who don't stop a red lights, ride on the wrong side of a one way street, on pavements and cycle superhighways...

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With the introduction of cycle lines and cycle superhighways there has been increased risk of accidents associated with cyclists who don't stop a red lights, ride on the wrong side of a one way street, on pavements and cycle superhighways that run parallel  to bus stops.

With the government now actively encouraging more cycling what are we doing to ensure safety is not further compromised. 

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant
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Are there going to be more police on the streets?  The Croydon/Thornton Heath areas do not feel safe for women and children to be walking about in.  I have not seen any police or even community officers walking around my local area even...

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Are there going to be more police on the streets?  The Croydon/Thornton Heath areas do not feel safe for women and children to be walking about in.  I have not seen any police or even community officers walking around my local area even though we were promised more police officers were going to be recruited.

Also, due to the enormous house building in already crammed areas, the safety of residents has decreased.


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The criminal justice system needs to hire people from more diverse backgrounds...

The social housing have housed a mentally ill man in the same block as a single mother.. yet again. Same housing association.

Is it possible to amend the...

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The criminal justice system needs to hire people from more diverse backgrounds...

The social housing have housed a mentally ill man in the same block as a single mother.. yet again. Same housing association.

Is it possible to amend the social housing policy which protects young chidren from being placed to live in unpredictable environments?

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what are you doing to keep the young londoners safe from the coronavirus?


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