Have your say on the proposed London Budget for 2021-2022

As much of the available funding as possible is allocated to supporting London's recovery from COVID-19. Have your say.

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2020 was a tough year. The situation is still extremely serious, and our health service is under severe strain. 

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the lives of Londoners. Thousands of people in our city have died and many more have suffered from the effects of the virus. All Londoners have seen their way of life severely disrupted – often with dire consequences for their economic wellbeing and their physical and mental health.

We have difficult weeks ahead for our city. But with a vaccine now in place and beginning to roll out, we continue to plan for London’s recovery. 

Since March 2020, Londoners have been telling us about their immediate and longer-term priorities for the capital and for recovery from the pandemic here on Talk London. These discussions, alongside representative polling and focus groups conducted in August, found that:  

  1. Reducing the spread of coronavirus is Londoners main and immediate priority, followed by protecting and creating jobs. 
  2. The largest proportion of Londoners see the economic impact of coronavirus as the main threat to the capital over the next year, whilst the second highest proportion say it is the health impact.   
  3. Many of the issues that the city faced prior to coronavirus remain, and should be dealt with despite COVID-19, not because of it. Social issues, such as food poverty, are high on the agenda. Londoners note that coronavirus has exacerbated inequalities, increasing the importance of robust financial safety nets and digital access for all.  
  4. A majority of Londoners think now is a good time to make improvements to the city. These changes are mostly related to equality or the environment and green transport. 

Read up on the research here


The discussion ran from 06 January 2021 - 09 March 2021


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Comments (219)

Avatar for - Koala

I support the measures introduced so far to tackle air pollution and encourage active travel. I would support further aggressive measures to reduce the volume of vehicle traffic including private vehicles, but particularly HGVs and other...

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I support the measures introduced so far to tackle air pollution and encourage active travel. I would support further aggressive measures to reduce the volume of vehicle traffic including private vehicles, but particularly HGVs and other long vehicles which pose the greatest threat to cyclists on the carriageway. I would support greater use of TfL's powers, where appropriate, to repurpose space currently reserved for vehicles and reallocate it to pedestrian, bicycle and pavement use. 

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Avatar for - Staghorn coral

Here at the points I wish to submit:

1. Money should be put into the police force considering that unemployment and poverty has shot up in London, crime was rife before Covid. How is the mayor planning on tackling crime rates? I live in...

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Here at the points I wish to submit:

1. Money should be put into the police force considering that unemployment and poverty has shot up in London, crime was rife before Covid. How is the mayor planning on tackling crime rates? I live in Lewisham and Im too scared to even leave my home incase I get mugged or burgled.

2. Its obvious that the Mayor is out of touch with the community in regards to roads as not only has the changes caused more pollution and congestion, but also has caused restrictions to emergency services and disabled persons whilst the councils have pocketed on fines. London is now extremely difficult to move around and the roads are more dangerous. Again people living in poverty suffer the most as they are forced to use risky public transport during covid pandemic. This policy needs to be reversed and cyclists should have their own personal insurance covers.

3. Additional support needs to be provided to businesses that have been opened for less than 3 years, including online businesses.  

4. A London living allowance for all Londoners as the cost of staying at home is too expensive and many have lost their jobs.

5. Bonuses for all key workers including - doctors, nurses, teachers, delivery persons, postmen, supermarket workers.

6. More affordable houses in London. Stop ruining our skyline with blocks of flats. Its also clear with covid living in flats is more risky with communal areas that cant be avoided. 

7. Refuse collection needs to be more often.

8. Public needs more transparency and consultation on changes.

9. Get rid of the mayor and have local councils manage their own budgets.

Overall, the mayor should be embarrassed about the way he has managed Londons finances and priorities. 






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Avatar for - Tiger

Transportation and Travel, while ok so far Guys it was SUSCEPTABLE to COVID19 issues while seats on buses were limited and bus drivers ensured that red Sticky tapes or the black and yellow ones were the true Litmuses of Social Distancing...

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Transportation and Travel, while ok so far Guys it was SUSCEPTABLE to COVID19 issues while seats on buses were limited and bus drivers ensured that red Sticky tapes or the black and yellow ones were the true Litmuses of Social Distancing....The underground became auto altr- algorithm IC for people did not get the same sticky Revolution..and  floors on the underground sang the chorus , there was no such luck iin the carriages ,I mean ,Some did not understand what part of making an ESSENTIAL JOURNEY WAS and while key workers of the NHS did , they had the issue of owning it ,  due no self evident sticky Tapes to physical ly sign posit on the seating upholstery it self,,. Some people took liberties....I also seek WITHOUT urgency some resolved on this annual Christmas issue called no buses ever running on CHRISTMAS mas day it's understood for Christian purposes I know ,but ..EVEN THE 3 WISE MEN RODE ON THEIR Camels to visit Jesus in the stable to give him gifts...some of us this year did not get the opportunity ..pre Christmas week to get presents  for loved ones because of Covid19 restrictions...but seriously had to WAlK Miles  On the Day? And no a car was not available because some had been locked down??? HOPE SOME SORT OF SEEVICE will operate nex time.

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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Please go ahead with all planning asap!

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The Covid-19 pandemic has been just terrible with the loss of life, loss of jobs and the mental health anxiety of those living alone.  Using public transport has been very difficult because of limited numbers being allowed to use the same...

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The Covid-19 pandemic has been just terrible with the loss of life, loss of jobs and the mental health anxiety of those living alone.  Using public transport has been very difficult because of limited numbers being allowed to use the same at any one time.  So, many people have turned to using their own transport to commute to and from their place of work.  The Mayor seeks to charge for using more of our roads than ever before.  How are people supposed to keep paying these charges, and increased existing charges, when many of us have lost their jobs and income?  Are we not allowed to live our lives as we should be able to anymore?  or does the Government want to "govern" everything that we do?

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Avatar for - Saola

I dream of London leading the way in the climate emergency. Ban all cars apart from taxis from central London. Ban all plastics. Promote local shopping, the idea of a15 minute city and cherish and seek more common land for Londoners to...

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I dream of London leading the way in the climate emergency. Ban all cars apart from taxis from central London. Ban all plastics. Promote local shopping, the idea of a15 minute city and cherish and seek more common land for Londoners to share. We need to understand that covid is not unrelated to the climate emergency. 

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

I understand the Major intends to reintroduce free travel for the over 60s although I could not see that in the budget. It is desirable to reduce all travel by motorised means and encourage active travel, and charging is one way to do that...

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I understand the Major intends to reintroduce free travel for the over 60s although I could not see that in the budget. It is desirable to reduce all travel by motorised means and encourage active travel, and charging is one way to do that. It does not seem reasonable to provide free travel for the over 60s, in the peaks. Peak capacity is very expensive to provide and should be reserved for those in work. Either those in work over 60 should pay in the peak or free travel should be limited to those over pension age. This would save TfL a lot of money. 


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Avatar for - Vaquita

Please don't make us be vaccinated before anything.   

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In this discussion i would like to give some informations, practicle and reduce the covid19 patient admiting to the hospitals that can covid19 patient and non patient can do within the situation.

First of all i have hearer in the news...

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In this discussion i would like to give some informations, practicle and reduce the covid19 patient admiting to the hospitals that can covid19 patient and non patient can do within the situation.

First of all i have hearer in the news currently 30 seconds for one patient covid19. We can reduce this, socially, economically, correct medications having healthy diets and lifestyles. Socially the covid19 rules are breaking if we go outside, at this moment we need to keep ourselves in the houses. But many people need money to live. So they work, in this situation savings are important than income. For simple example, one person earn $10, but if this person has expensive diets, he needs to go outside. But at least week a day if a person can go to job, of course he can protect his job also. Other important fact is we can save $8 if we can eat toasted bread and butter. 

Secondly, economocally, goverments can make more budget allocation to the bread industry, also to fruits like apples, oranges. Of course governments can make price control methods, and marketing to the industry, moreover, peoples attitudes are essential, again they have to learn the time management, need to keep journal, eventhough drinking too much milk will affect to increase the humans fatty. Better need to drink coffee with little bit of milk.

Thirdly, correct medications will reduce covid19. This included how governments spending the money to hospitals, of course not just for the vaccines, covid19 patient can save his life increasing, his or her immunity system. In the market there some other madicale systems, for examples therapy systems, these systems can increase patient immunity system.

Finally, governments and people must increase knowledge about the covid19, then people, governments can spend money for the covid19 education, and medication. In this situation expenditures must need to carefully used. Because make incomes will too hard.

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As far as i can see, the Mayor has done absolutely nothing to attempt to defeat Covid 19 in London.  He has continually criticised the Government for all they are doing, constantly asked for more money and generally moaned but without doing...

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As far as i can see, the Mayor has done absolutely nothing to attempt to defeat Covid 19 in London.  He has continually criticised the Government for all they are doing, constantly asked for more money and generally moaned but without doing anything positive himself.  It is a similar stance with the budget and the lack of funds that he currently has due to serious and careless overspending. Citing TFL where he and TFL have spent all their money on badly researched and rushed-through vanity projects like Cycle lanes and LTNs which have caused havoc for no benefit - and certainly no increase in cycling.  We all know given the slightest reputable research that very few cycle in to Central London from the outer suburbs but spending £43m on  cycle lanes in Enfield which are very rarely used, using temporary planning measures, was a complete waste of money.  Unused, but resulting in congestion, lack of footfall in Town and High Streets because of queues (pre-Covid) to get there, no parking because Enfield Council is on the Cycling bandwagon too and is closing car parks, and many knock-on effects.  These include pollution from idling cars, clogged roads, introduction without consultation of LTNs to try to ease the rat-running caused by the cycle lanes, but actually causing more clogged roads as people can't get to where they need to go without travelling along main roads increasing journey times, no access for emergency vehicles and loss of income to local businesses.  No commuting cyclist uses the badly planned cycle lanes -using back roads as they have always done. The only one benefitting from this whole mess is Enfield Council now bringing in £ms in fines from the LTN cameras!  And now the Mayor wants to recoup some of this bad management by extending the Congestion Zone right out to the M25!    Sadiq Khan is a disaster - thank goodness for the upcoming elections!

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A new Mayor would be good, lets hope the election goes ahead in May and Shaun Bailey get in!

Avatar for - Polar bear

It would not be a good thing for the Mayor of London to help and support the current chaotic and careless central government. Remember the [almost] 100,000 dead. That's not because the virus loves the UK but because of mismanagement.  

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A certain percentage of cyclists think they own the road, they do not. Why are they not registered and insured like vehicles?

London needs to install traffic lights at cyclist level with cameras so they get fined and banned like vehicle...

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A certain percentage of cyclists think they own the road, they do not. Why are they not registered and insured like vehicles?

London needs to install traffic lights at cyclist level with cameras so they get fined and banned like vehicle drivers. A few are so dangerous for pedestrians. Roads were built for vehicles and not cyclists, it has gone far enough.

Also rubbish dumping needs serious fines, the state of some areas is disgusting. 

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Avatar for - Polar bear

I agree

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Roads were built for everyone, both cyclists and motor vehicles.  Motor vehicles pollute our air and cause a climate emergency while cyclists don't.  Motor vehicles killed 105 people in London in 2019 while cyclists killed 2. 

All London...

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Roads were built for everyone, both cyclists and motor vehicles.  Motor vehicles pollute our air and cause a climate emergency while cyclists don't.  Motor vehicles killed 105 people in London in 2019 while cyclists killed 2. 

All London Cycling Campaign members (11,500) and Cycling UK members (68,400 nationwide) are insured - it's part of the membership.  Many other cyclists are insured, while many drivers aren't.  

To register cyclists would mean setting up a system at least as big as DVLA.  That would be hugely expensive at a time when the pandemic has sucked so much money out of the economy.  There would be much better ways of spending that money. 

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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Many roads cyclists go through traffic red lights almost crashing into pedestrians.  Can this be fined? 

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They can be fined but the Police tend to ignore it like they do when they go on pavements.

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This country can organise an Electoral Vote to happen on a single day, where EVERYONE gets to vote.

I can imagine delivering Vaccines rather than Ballots to those places. The whole country could be vaccinated in a day or two.


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This country can organise an Electoral Vote to happen on a single day, where EVERYONE gets to vote.

I can imagine delivering Vaccines rather than Ballots to those places. The whole country could be vaccinated in a day or two.

BUT WE MUST PLAN NOW for that to happen.

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It's very important to ASSUME that at some point, the virus will mutate beyond the current vaccine's abilities to block it. In Los Angeles, they are talking right now about a new variant which the current vaccines may not block.


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It's very important to ASSUME that at some point, the virus will mutate beyond the current vaccine's abilities to block it. In Los Angeles, they are talking right now about a new variant which the current vaccines may not block.

Scientists say that when that happens, a new vaccine could probably be produced within 3 months.

As we know, 3 months is a long time for no defenses other than distance, washing hands, and face masks. I already wear two 3-ply masks because I have had cancer and radiation and yet another recent major surgery, and I cannot take chances.

I still see far too many without masks, or with noses uncovered. That needs to be stopped.

London must consider having a permanent team to lock down London to the various tiers. We must be physically and financially prepared to lock down again if needed. The vaccines are a miracle of modern science, but the COVID Coronavirus, like ALL other coronaviruses, constantly mutates. 

We must be ready with track and trace, and we all know our efforts in this have been a joke so far.

We must be ready to lock down areas, and I mean LOCK DOWN HARD.

We must have budget reserves to deal with surprise lock downs, to help families and shops cope.


This virus is NOT going away. Like the common cold and the flu, it will be back once or twice a year, even in many of those vaccinated.

We must be prepared.

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Avatar for - Colombian spotted frog

1. There needs to be more information on the distributional consequences of the draft mission budgets - how will this affect different groups, geographical distribution across London; impact on those who are most deprived etc etc .

2. The...

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1. There needs to be more information on the distributional consequences of the draft mission budgets - how will this affect different groups, geographical distribution across London; impact on those who are most deprived etc etc .

2. The draft mission action plans are quite varied in quality and scope and in some cases look to be not really oven ready in terms of thinking and analysis (understandably as we're still in the pandemic and not strictly in "recovery" phase ), but these are at the heart of assessing  spending priorities and need to be costed with more detail. Moreover KPIs on the missions look rather weak and hurriedly put together but these should be key to assessing the impact  and effectiveness of spending.

3. The EDI group which is meant to be scrutinizing the mission work is rather opaque and meetings are not very transparent ! But this is where groups representing those with protected characteristics need to be able to see that due EDI diligence is happening properly. Papers are evidently "Restricted " and not available for FOI and feedback from this meeting doesn't seem to be happening. This is important in getting all Londoner's buy in to recovery work rather tha it ending as a bureaucratic type exercise with not having the  necessary critical challenge. 

4. It's important that across the missions there is a clear recovery plan targeted at older Londoners and this needs to be fully costed. At present the mission action plans are conspicuously weak on the implications for older people's needs - a major problem which needs to be addressed. 

5. There is a need for some plain english in communicating the missions - at present this restricts engagement. 


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TFL is being very badly managed. London is flooded with double decker buses driving around empty one after another. In other countries and cities buses come every 10 min or more and people plan accordingly. However, in London they come...

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TFL is being very badly managed. London is flooded with double decker buses driving around empty one after another. In other countries and cities buses come every 10 min or more and people plan accordingly. However, in London they come every 1 min which is excessive. It causes pollution, traffic jams and wastes millions in bus maintainence, fuel, salaries etc. 

Similarly the tube stations look like space stations rather than "public" transport. There is too much money being wasted on beautification rather than making it a cheaper utility / service for the masses. 

Of course TFL keeps running out of money as it is very badly managed by cowboys with egos!

Congestion charge "temporary" increase is another stupid move. It is seriously damaging small businesses and therefore business rates etc.

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Good points, but I assume you have a van, car or motorbike?

The most vulnerable of us do not have those.

Running at half the current bus-time or tube-time does NOT really cut costs overall. It saves only on drivers.

And having almost...

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Good points, but I assume you have a van, car or motorbike?

The most vulnerable of us do not have those.

Running at half the current bus-time or tube-time does NOT really cut costs overall. It saves only on drivers.

And having almost empty trains and buses DOES DEFINITELY reduce cross-infection.

Yesterday a picture of a tube station was run in a London newspaper which showed INSANE CROWDING. People pushed up against each other, rushing to get on the other train. That is insane.


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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Have vaccine centers in all London hospitals and get army to help and have all people working and living in London vaccinated by April. 

Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Can you please abolish lease lengths on current on new build apartments? Some leases are only 125yr or 250yr. How can you pass this onto the grand kids one day or even resell it in the future?

Please also abolish shared ownership and allow...

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Can you please abolish lease lengths on current on new build apartments? Some leases are only 125yr or 250yr. How can you pass this onto the grand kids one day or even resell it in the future?

Please also abolish shared ownership and allow people to have 100% ownership of property.

Houses are freehold and apartments should be too.

Also give affordable new build properties at better prices to buy for people working and living in London and Greater London. 

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Hi KitKat. Happy to see someone trying to make housing (and housing wealth) more accessible to everyone and particularly to younger people. I think the problem here is the current price of land and buildings. How can we do anything about...

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Hi KitKat. Happy to see someone trying to make housing (and housing wealth) more accessible to everyone and particularly to younger people. I think the problem here is the current price of land and buildings. How can we do anything about this without taking money from people who already own housing by reducing the real value of what they own?

We definitely could make a decision to do everything we can to stop house price inflation for the future though, and there are many ways to do that, almost none of which are being implemented at the moment - that is a job for central government, (and one that will not benefit richer property owners).

As for the lease issue, and shared ownership, other countries, including Scotland, have in place systems for sharing freehold ownership using some sort of common trust where all flat owners get together to deal with the common problems in a block for which individual leaseholders have to pay.. You cannot do what you want with a flat because it very much affects others and obviously if you wanted to demolish and rebuild for example the block would fall down! Shared ownership is really a way to try to make owning a property slightly ;less risky and more affordable for people on lower incomes - would you really want that abolished? Can you suggest another better way to do the same thing?

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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

This article lists out disadvantages of shared ownership

The likelihood of ever fully owning a this is half million and you only bought 25% or 40% of it seems like a financial issue people may not be fully aware of. Not to mention the...

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This article lists out disadvantages of shared ownership

The likelihood of ever fully owning a this is half million and you only bought 25% or 40% of it seems like a financial issue people may not be fully aware of. Not to mention the issues surrounding reselling it in the future when you only own 25%.


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Avatar for - Colombian spotted frog

TfL will need a great deal of support to meet the needs of Londoners once the vaccine begins to have an impact and lockdown is eased. Probably the best way to release about £2bn is to cancel the Silvertown tunnel. Not only will this help...

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TfL will need a great deal of support to meet the needs of Londoners once the vaccine begins to have an impact and lockdown is eased. Probably the best way to release about £2bn is to cancel the Silvertown tunnel. Not only will this help greatly financially, but it will help to limit the flow of traffic into London, which is essential in meeting Carbon Reduction and pollution targets. 

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