Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan consultation

Stage: Policy published

This is the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime’s (MOPAC) page. Find out more about how the Mayor wants London to be a safer city and for Londoners to feel safer – and how you can get involved.


1396 Londoners have responded | 16/11/2021 - 21/01/2022

Police van driving through a London street


Increasing trust and confidence 

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The Mayor is determined that everyone in London feels safer in their city, that all Londoners trust the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to tackle the issues that matter to them and that they will treat them fairly.

To increase trust and confidence in the Metropolitan Police Service, the draft Police and Crime Plan focuses on:

  • increasing public trust in the MPS, particularly that of Black Londoners
  • ensuring that the MPS engages with Londoners and treats them fairly
  • ensuring that the MPS, borough councils and all community safety partners respond to the crime and antisocial behaviour that most concerns Londoners.

The draft plan also sets out some of the ways this will be achieved, for example by:

  • encouraging greater openness and transparency between the Metropolitan Police Service and communities, so that Londoners can understand more about the work of the police and the reasons behind the decisions they make
  • supporting the Metropolitan Police Service to improve its recruitment and retention to make sure its officers and staff reflect the city’s diversity
  • increasing visible neighbourhood policing by dedicating additional officers to high crime areas and town centres
  • supporting local policing teams to focus on crimes that affect local communities, including drug dealing, burglary and antisocial behaviour
  • ensuring the voices of young people are heard in the decisions and policies that affect them.
What do you think?
  • Do you think there are any other priority areas for improving trust and confidence that are missing from the draft Police and Crime Plan?
  • What more could the Mayor do to increase trust and confidence in policing in London?
  • What actions or interventions would have the most impact?
  • How will we know that we’ve succeeded?

This discussion is co-moderated by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

The discussion ran from 16 November 2021 - 21 January 2022

Closed for analysis

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Comments (13)

Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

In order to improve trust in the police, there needs to be recognition and understanding of the institutional wrongdoings of the force. There will be way more respect for the police if they can admit the institutional racism and misogyny...

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In order to improve trust in the police, there needs to be recognition and understanding of the institutional wrongdoings of the force. There will be way more respect for the police if they can admit the institutional racism and misogyny within it and make steps to change this. We want to know that you are listening to us and hear us. Many Black youths, Queer folk, and women feel LESS safe with increased police presence.

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

The Met Police needs to accept it is institutionally racist, institutionally corrupt, and institutionally violent. The most dangerous actor for black men in the capital is the metropolitan police. The picture does not get much better for...

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The Met Police needs to accept it is institutionally racist, institutionally corrupt, and institutionally violent. The most dangerous actor for black men in the capital is the metropolitan police. The picture does not get much better for women. Or children. Or disabled folx. I could go on. The Met Police has shown a contempt for the dignity an lives of black folx, women, LGBT, and faith communities.

Trust and confidence will only be restored when the police return to a community policing model. The style policing which boasts unaccountable, unapproachable, sexist, racist, violent people in uniform maintain their will undermine Peelian policing principles.

Th Mayor and Central government should fun social services, the NHS, an other organisations and stop relying on police to under take tasks that need tact not folx with weapons. In 2022 it is not acceptable to respond to those in mental health crisis with police. They need medical support.

Stop placing police in schools are specially in schools attended by working class folx. Given the Wayne Couzens fiasco the last thing needed is children exposed to violence. Schools are supposed to be safe places. Safety can be true safety if it requires weapons on I to maintain it.

The focus of the entire consultation assumes that policing can be reformed. The tree is rotten it starts at the top. It’s time fo Cressida Dick to move on. If she can accept there is a problem there is no hope.

Make changes to police disciplinary rules so public can access records.

You will know when you’ve succeeded when black folx and women’s groups tell you they feel safe.

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Avatar for - Tiger

Need to tackle institutional racism in the met.
Too much racial profiling and stop and search being abused. It can be an effective tool but far too many officers are abusing it adding to the existing distrust of the service. Needs to be...

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Need to tackle institutional racism in the met.
Too much racial profiling and stop and search being abused. It can be an effective tool but far too many officers are abusing it adding to the existing distrust of the service. Needs to be more diverse leadership of the met also

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Avatar for - Tiger

I feel the survey could be much more improved by not including so many loaded questions.

There are many questions that I would have disagreed to, but due to the question wording, it makes it impossible to answer otherwise

Avatar for - Tiger

This website is not going get a diverse collection of people. Probably articulate, educated, older, white. Not the way to do it.

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

Grow up this is not about who does the survey this is about the crap government doing something about London and the crime rates

Avatar for - Amur leopard

Images of innocent people across London are being taken unlawfully, identified as criminals and contained on Local Authority Watch Lists, I know this because it is happening to me. This practice at its very minimum breaches Article 8 of...

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Images of innocent people across London are being taken unlawfully, identified as criminals and contained on Local Authority Watch Lists, I know this because it is happening to me. This practice at its very minimum breaches Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998.
It also demonstrates that there is a lack of cohesion in the use of the technology allowing gender, racial, religious and sexual orientation bias to all play a part in the way in which innocent people are criminalised across communities.
Local Authorities have lost control of the technology and therefore have no idea how images of innocent people within their communities, are identified as criminals and remain active on the very watch lists they control, despite have a legal and moral obligation to do so.
Currently most shops and business access biometric devices which are linked to Local Authority technology. As such they can upload images taken on their own in store camaras for whatever reasons they deem necessary. As this process is obscure from track and trace, unmonitored, and unchallenged it is therefore open to abuse.
There needs to be clear robust policy lead by Met Police, collaboratively with the other professional security agencies and adhered to by Local Authorities. The policy should set out defined boundaries regarding the use of biometric devices and collection or use of personal data. This needs to be capable of tracked and traced back to criminals known by the police without disregard but completely compliant with, the Human Rights Act 1998, the Data Protection Act 2018, Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, and Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
Clarity and transparency is needed if “The overall benefits to public safety must be great enough to outweigh any potential public distrust in the technology”.

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Avatar for - Tiger

Survey cannot be sole means of obtaining feedback on Police and Crime Bill.

I fear only the most vocal will participate which does not provide a detailed analysis.

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Thank you for taking part and sharing your concern.

You’re right, the survey on Talk London isn’t the sole means of obtaining feedback.

MOPAC has been hosting workshops and discussion sessions with Londoners over the course of the consultation. The next one is taking place on 11 January and you can register here:…

MOPAC has also commissioned YouGov to carry out polling of a representative sample of Londoners as part of this consultation.

See more details about the consultation:…

What more could be done to increase trust and confidence in policing in London? What actions or interventions do you think would have the most impact?

Talk London

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Just given up with the survey due to its rampant bias.
This is not a consultation document but seeks to confirm an already intended policy.

Very flawed document.

Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

I agree. We need to organise and continue to call out the poppycock for what it is. We need to start building a capital city that doesn’t rely on violence to do its business.

Avatar for - Tiger

Just completed the online survey. It's a pity that crimes like scams/fraud against older people is not on the list. Volunteering for Age UK I have heard of many cases on doorstep scammers targeting older residents out of their life...

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Just completed the online survey. It's a pity that crimes like scams/fraud against older people is not on the list. Volunteering for Age UK I have heard of many cases on doorstep scammers targeting older residents out of their life savings.

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

This is exactly what should have been on survey. If strengthening communities was on the agenda I believe these scams wouldn’t be as effective. But, our police and other officials have no respect for our elders who paved the way as best...

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This is exactly what should have been on survey. If strengthening communities was on the agenda I believe these scams wouldn’t be as effective. But, our police and other officials have no respect for our elders who paved the way as best they could.

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Your say on the draft Police and Crime Plan


Londoners have responded 1395 times

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From 18.00 - 19.30: online consultation workshop

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From 18.00 - 19.30: online consultation workshop

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From 18.00 - 19.30: online consultation workshop

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STAGE: Policy published

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