Cleaning up London’s toxic air

Stage: Policy published

From the Clean Air Consultation on Talk London in 2016 to the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in October 2021, find out what City Hall is doing to clean up London’s toxic air.


672 Londoners have responded | 25/10/2021 - 19/07/2023

Street sign of the Ultra Low Emission Zone


Car Free Day

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Added by Talk London

Sunday 22 September 2019 was World Car Free Day. A large area of central London was closed off for free, outdoor activities and many boroughs were organising activities too. Londoners could request a Play Street from their local council, and close their streets for their own community events.

Did you take part in Car Free Day this year, why or why not? What was your experience? And did you apply for a Play Street?

Tell us more in the discussion below. Log in or sign up to take part.

The discussion ran from 20 June 2019 - 20 September 2019


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Comments (393)

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Totally ban the most polluting vehicles if you’re serious about improving air quality rather than the current hypocracy of just happily taking extra tax charges  from the heaviest polluters which must include TFL diesel buses!!

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Great idea

What about outer London boroughs who don’t appear to be doing anything in many cases eg Bromley or Croydon?

Avatar for - Staghorn coral

Absolutely.  My impression is that rich people want the right to run their huge cars over the rest of us, and ignore the effects of their pollution on the upcoming generation.

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Excellent idea - we should be creating car-free areas more often - e.g. every Sunday in central London during the summer. Please make the car-free area large enough that is actually has an effect, and gives a useful space for people to walk...

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Excellent idea - we should be creating car-free areas more often - e.g. every Sunday in central London during the summer. Please make the car-free area large enough that is actually has an effect, and gives a useful space for people to walk and cycle in

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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Give me patience. Every Sunday. Some of us have lives to,live including on Sundays. 

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Will this mean that bus services through the area will be restricted? It is great that those who can walk or ride bikes are catered for but not every can do that and are dependent upon bus services to get around.

Nice idea but not...

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Will this mean that bus services through the area will be restricted? It is great that those who can walk or ride bikes are catered for but not every can do that and are dependent upon bus services to get around.

Nice idea but not necessarily properly though through.

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Avatar for - Koala

Do any of the people who come up these fantastical ideas give any thought to the real world....?

People don't sit in stuffy cars and vans for fun.... The vast majority of people who drive around in London do it because they need to... not...

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Do any of the people who come up these fantastical ideas give any thought to the real world....?

People don't sit in stuffy cars and vans for fun.... The vast majority of people who drive around in London do it because they need to... not becuase the want to !!!

I guess the theory is that if they put everyone in London out of business no one will need to use vehicles to deliver or move anything to anywhere... maybe they don't care - they probabaly work on the tax payers tab in govenrment or one of it's quangos...

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While it might be beneficial for a lot of the population, disabled people will suffer from it. As usual. A minority often forgotten .

Avatar for - Staghorn coral

Disabled people should not be forgotten, thought needs to be given to their mobility and access.

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I think this is a dreadful idea. In a city where drivers are penalised at every turn and the entire joy of driving has largely been destroyed, I can’t think of anything worse than another day of impossible travel. Moreover this is no doubt...

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I think this is a dreadful idea. In a city where drivers are penalised at every turn and the entire joy of driving has largely been destroyed, I can’t think of anything worse than another day of impossible travel. Moreover this is no doubt costing us, the taxpayers, money which would be far better deployed in the NHS, police etc. 


I think it’s another of the mayor’s vanity projects. 

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The joy of driving, what? Go to Silverstone if that’s what you are after.

Or would you rather that all those who are making the effort to walk,cycle and get the bus, get in cars instead and clog up our roads even more?

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Can't wait!

I've been to these events before, in Greenwich and Regents Street, and they are always good fun.

Lots to see and do.

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

Dear London Mayor, Please can we also have other 'vehicle free days' too such as 'No Aeroplane Days'? That way London, being one

of the worse overflown cities on the planet with constant noise and plane fuel pollution, can have nice quiet...

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Dear London Mayor, Please can we also have other 'vehicle free days' too such as 'No Aeroplane Days'? That way London, being one

of the worse overflown cities on the planet with constant noise and plane fuel pollution, can have nice quiet days where we can hear

urban birds sing and the whispering of the breeze theough the leaves of London's trees that are planted to soak up London's pollution.

Thank you  

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Avatar for - Staghorn coral

Wouldn't that be nice, Mic robe?  Can you think of ways to achieve these?

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I would like to see some serious funded improvements in good quality public transport that everyone can afford, and everyone can access. I have a car. I've cycled in London for 40 years and been knocked off several times. I walk in London a...

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I would like to see some serious funded improvements in good quality public transport that everyone can afford, and everyone can access. I have a car. I've cycled in London for 40 years and been knocked off several times. I walk in London a lot. I am tired of cheap gimmicks, often run in one Borough but not others and incoherent planning. I'd love to be able to get a bus that is clean, pleasant, smells nice, runs to time when I need to. Not to find that the bus routes locally are being reduced, as has just happened. What really iritates me is the GLA and my local Borough implementing small, meaningless gestures that make it seem they are acting but that make drivers lives more difficult, and chanting something about most people in my area not being car users. The reality is complex. Some people have cars because they have to. I've had to be able to reach my Mum who lives 70 miles away with dementia, needing emergency support at short notice at any time of day/night over 2 years). There's a man in my street who has a car, is not wealthy, because his wife is seriously disabled. Others have other good reasons too. I support a single central zone 1 car free day by the way, as I think it helps show what life could be like. To get to that as more regular reality for more areas there though needs some serious analysis, thought and genuine political will to generate support and lead change for how Londoners get about. And, lets have solutions that don't just, as usual, export our problems to other parts of the country (where the extra electricity is generated), or other parts of the world (where the extra materials to generate energy are mined

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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Dog - so you support it happening in zone 1 just not inconveniencing you. There are lots of residents in zone 1 too you know. 

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I'm happy to support things that seem right but that are not to my personal advantage and often do.

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How about a Khan and c.dick free London? Not just a day but permanently

The mayor and head of the met collectively fail to get a grip on crime and yet the media basically give them a free pass. 

Car free day- hmmm let me tell you how dumb...

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How about a Khan and c.dick free London? Not just a day but permanently

The mayor and head of the met collectively fail to get a grip on crime and yet the media basically give them a free pass. 

Car free day- hmmm let me tell you how dumb this mayor is,  earlier this year he goes on TV saying his biggest priority was air quality ( I guess that is worse than being stabbed in his mind)

The same week the idiot announced the end of congestion charge subsidies for electric cars,  the only incentive to own one! How's that hello air quality! 

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Also, I forgot to say that there seems to be a worrying trend of motorbikes and cars being fitted with special exhausts that make an incredible noise around London. 

At the very least this should be outlawed and fines imposed on anyone...

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Also, I forgot to say that there seems to be a worrying trend of motorbikes and cars being fitted with special exhausts that make an incredible noise around London. 

At the very least this should be outlawed and fines imposed on anyone seen causing this noise nuisance - not just on no car day, but any time of the year.

Really this is something that should be done at Government level but the Mayor could impose it earlier in the London area.

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Avatar for - Staghorn coral

They are so noisy that they really disturb me, whether i'm trying to concentrate on something serious, hear myself think - or sleep!

Avatar for - Gorilla

Think of it it as an armistice day to remember the 131 people killed on London's roads in 2017 alone, and to ackowledge the life-changing impact of large heavy metal boxes hurtling around our public spaces on the 3,818 people (including 245...

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Think of it it as an armistice day to remember the 131 people killed on London's roads in 2017 alone, and to ackowledge the life-changing impact of large heavy metal boxes hurtling around our public spaces on the 3,818 people (including 245 children) who were seriously injured (figures from TfL). A car-free day also helps us all to reassess our transport choices.

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Avatar for - Pangolin

Far more people would die if we didn't have cars, as it would be impossible to keep essential services functioning. Not saying all car journeys are necessary, but we have to be realistic and London already has very low levels of car use by...

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Far more people would die if we didn't have cars, as it would be impossible to keep essential services functioning. Not saying all car journeys are necessary, but we have to be realistic and London already has very low levels of car use by global standards thanks to its very comprehensive public transport system. And I say that as a bus/train enthusiast.

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It would be great to have some fairs/markets on streets that are usually full of cars on that day. 

Avatar for - Staghorn coral

Yes, they would be lovely to have, especially if they could include local small businesses. How about craft fairs?

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This is a stupid idea. London is a working city. It's not some little country village you can shut for the annual fete. Stop messing around. Surely there are more pressing issues that could use the administrative efforts going into this...

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This is a stupid idea. London is a working city. It's not some little country village you can shut for the annual fete. Stop messing around. Surely there are more pressing issues that could use the administrative efforts going into this futile project?


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Avatar for - Leatherback sea turtle

Well said Pcollins!

Avatar for - Ringed seal

Great idea.

Can we also think about having car free days once a week, we can get rid of the congestion and ulez charge and help traders and the environment too.

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ok. So does this mean as a blue badge driver and quite mobility disabled living in central London that I am locked into my flat on September 22nd?  Which brilliant able-bodied person came up with this idea?  Does the EQUALITIES ACT mean...

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ok. So does this mean as a blue badge driver and quite mobility disabled living in central London that I am locked into my flat on September 22nd?  Which brilliant able-bodied person came up with this idea?  Does the EQUALITIES ACT mean nothing to City Hall?

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Hi Petethepen

Thanks for your comment. We checked with our colleagues in the Transport Team. They told us that "Car Free Day is for everyone. Access for disabled people is at the heart of Transport for London’s event planning and we will share information on how everyone can enjoy the day well in advance of the event. Buses will run through the centre of the event area, taxi drop off zones will be available to access the event and there will be activities for people of all ages and abilities to participate and enjoy."

What kind of events would like you to see in the car free zone in central London?

Talk London

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Thanks for your reply Talk London, but you miss the point.  I have terminal cancer and do not have the energy or the stamina to join an event.  All I want to do is do my shopping and get home without impediment.  This seems to be something...

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Thanks for your reply Talk London, but you miss the point.  I have terminal cancer and do not have the energy or the stamina to join an event.  All I want to do is do my shopping and get home without impediment.  This seems to be something which you folks are dead set against (sorry for the irony).  I am one of those people who should be protected by the Equalities Act, but it appears instead that I am being persecuted by TfL instead.

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How about forcing takaways to only have cyclists for deliveries or at least electric vehicles?

I have many near me and they all use multiple vehicles resulting in hundreds of short journeys from 11am until the early hours.

Far mor...

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How about forcing takaways to only have cyclists for deliveries or at least electric vehicles?

I have many near me and they all use multiple vehicles resulting in hundreds of short journeys from 11am until the early hours.

Far mor journeys than the residents make.

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Avatar for - Staghorn coral

That would help a bit - especially if we keep making roads safer or cyclists. :-)

Avatar for - Staghorn coral

In essence it is an idea worth exploring - but what are we doing to reduce pollution going forward? Think idle Taxis at stands all burning diesel, private hires (yes, you drivers from Addison Lee) keeping their engines running to charge...

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In essence it is an idea worth exploring - but what are we doing to reduce pollution going forward? Think idle Taxis at stands all burning diesel, private hires (yes, you drivers from Addison Lee) keeping their engines running to charge their phones or ipads so they can watch movies whilst waiting, buses crawling through central London, white vans etc. I pay congestion charging and T-charge when I drive.

And we think that air pollution is an issue, what about the litter and dumping in central London? It is becoming endemic...

One thing, if this car free day goes ahead please don't organise some loud music concerts or parades leaving the streets 3 feet deep in garbage....

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what a silly idea coming from an equally silly department , transport for london . The City is purposely bought to a standstill by roadworks that never get finished so it causes maximum grief to people traveling by car or van or lorry...

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what a silly idea coming from an equally silly department , transport for london . The City is purposely bought to a standstill by roadworks that never get finished so it causes maximum grief to people traveling by car or van or lorry . These university graduates working at tfl should be removed from policy and planning because they are brainwashed by anty car mindset.

 London is a shambles led by a deranged mayor who should be focusing on the  carnage of stabbings going on  . Oh lets focus on making driving even more impossible than it already is . 


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