Cleaning up London’s toxic air

Stage: Policy published

From the Clean Air Consultation on Talk London in 2016 to the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in October 2021, find out what City Hall is doing to clean up London’s toxic air.


672 Londoners have responded | 25/10/2021 - 19/07/2023

Street sign of the Ultra Low Emission Zone


Expanding the Ultra-Low Emission Zone

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The Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is an area within which all cars, motorcycles, vans, buses, coaches and heavy good vehicles will need to meet exhaust emission standards or pay a daily charge to travel. Some vehicles are exempt from the charge. The ULEZ is due to come into effect in September 2020, and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week within the current Congestion Charging Zone (the yellow area on the map).

The Mayor is currently considering a range of measures relating to the ULEZ, such as extending its boundaries further out from the centre of London, in order to reduce pollution further and make a bigger improvement in air quality in London. These proposals are still to be refined, so we want to know your views on how the ULEZ might operate.

What do you think? Should the ULEZ focus only on the central London congestion charging zone, or be expanded further out, for example to the North/South Circular roads (red area of the map), or current London-wide Low Emission Zone for heavy vehicles (green area of the map)?

The discussion ran from 04 July 2016 - 04 October 2016


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Comments (427)

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Diesel car owners may feel a little under siege of late, given the sudden emphasis on diesel cars being the cause of much of the pollution in our towns and cities, along...

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Diesel car owners may feel a little under siege of late, given the sudden emphasis on diesel cars being the cause of much of the pollution in our towns and cities, along with plans to impose toxicity charge zones across the country.

However, are diesel cars really the main culprits, or are other sources of pollution with far greater impact being ignored? We may be about to witness a fightback against politicians and experts about diesel and the extent of the pollution it generates.

According to the Managing Director of Jaguar Land Rover, Jeremy Hicks, motorists are being ‘frightened off diesel cars’ by a combination of the threat of council bans, extra charges and the ‘false impressions’ that are demonising diesel cars. He points out that other causes, ranging from buses and trucks to log-burning stoves, are largely being ignored.

Hicks’ comments follow statistics from the London Assembly Environment Committee that seem to agree with him. Figures show that diesel cars emit less nitrogen oxide (NOx) than gas central heating systems and buses in the areas suffering the worst congestion around the capital.

FairFuelUK, a motorist campaign group, said that a combination of opportunistic politicians and environmentalists have used factually incorrect information about diesel cars to create a panic. The result of this looks set to be a surcharge on people who own diesels.

This is costing drivers money, with some estimates putting the figure at £35 billion in lost vehicle value. This is all due to figures that some consider to be questionable. The FairFuelUK report added that basing legislative decisions on this misinformation risks a ‘negligible improvement on urban air quality.’

London Mayor Sadiq Khan received personal criticism in the report. He looks set to announce tougher proposals for diesel cars around the capital this week. However, the report points out that the committee that provides the mayor with his information has not considered other sources of emissions in its decisions. Or is it simply that the mayor is unwilling to tackle gas central heating or buses as greater sources of NOx emissions because he can’t tax them?

FairFuelUK’s analysis shows that diesel cars are responsible for 11% of the NOx pollution in London, while gas central heating contributes 16% and the capital’s buses a similar amount. Diesel plants and machinery are responsible for around 14% of the emissions, while other sources include HGVs (12%), rail (8%), petrol cars (7%) and diesel vans (5%).

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Stop blaming motorcyclists for pollution for one they cause under 1% of pollution according to TFL,s own report yet cars are 40% and you want motorcyclists to pay £12.50 a day same as a car for driving in the ulez? hardly fir that is it...

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Stop blaming motorcyclists for pollution for one they cause under 1% of pollution according to TFL,s own report yet cars are 40% and you want motorcyclists to pay £12.50 a day same as a car for driving in the ulez? hardly fir that is it !!! Talking about equality and inclusion mr mayor don't you think it would be a fair and honest way to deal with things by actually letting all Londoners know about this site, I mean most decisions made by you are carried out on the back of what is said in these "blogs" if Londoners do not know about them and that they can have a say then they are missing out and only the people who really want to get involved do so because they get an email as they are registered on this site. Take the ULEZ for example 15000 had a say of which only 10000 were in favour, that hardly constitutes Londoners does it with over 8.4 million of us.......Don't you think that a mail out to each home would put this unfair practice to bed and give Every Londoner a say?

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I see TFL are still ignoring groups like WeRideLondon and the MAG motorbike action group especially with stories like this - no wonder you dont want publicity these groups actually make great sense eh !! 40% LESS Congestion so whats...

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I see TFL are still ignoring groups like WeRideLondon and the MAG motorbike action group especially with stories like this - no wonder you dont want publicity these groups actually make great sense eh !! 40% LESS Congestion so whats happening TFL why are you so against motorcyles after all theyre responsible for LESS than 1% pollution......does not make sense yet here you are launching yet another consultation-we,re fed up with consultations......COME ON..

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we ride London are a very good group and a big thorn in the side of sadiq khan-he is ignoring all their requests to be charge free from all congestion charges despite their own admission that they cause 1% pollution way less than cars in...

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we ride London are a very good group and a big thorn in the side of sadiq khan-he is ignoring all their requests to be charge free from all congestion charges despite their own admission that they cause 1% pollution way less than cars in fact I think its even less- goes to show what this really about MONEY ....ITS NOT REALLY ABOUT COMMON SENSE AND STOPPING POLLUTION IS IT!

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Am I correct in saying that we are now being told by TFL that the ULEZ and its proposal was already "voted on" in 2015/16 in the original consultation for the Central London ULEZ? I say voted as it would seem that TFL Have taken the views...

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Am I correct in saying that we are now being told by TFL that the ULEZ and its proposal was already "voted on" in 2015/16 in the original consultation for the Central London ULEZ? I say voted as it would seem that TFL Have taken the views of only 10,000 people when going ahead with this poorly thought out scheme. Now here is a serious problem TFL. In the planned consultation due this autumn as to wether to expand the ULEZ to include the South and North Circular or not why is then that all residents who may be affected by an expansion will all be written to as well as radio broadcasts and newspaper ads etc etc....

How come this is being done now when it was not done in the original consultation? Is it because many many more thousands are now aware of the proposed expansion when it was not as public in 2015/2016?
Is it a case now that we have to be consulted by law?

If this is the case then it would seem TFL that the original consultation therfor was then illegal as we were not all written to in that consultation and indeed according to a former TFL employee Andrew Hatch stated that only 10,400 central London residents were written too in any event.

Will Talk London as their representative care to comment on this?

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Hi The Cyclist Thank you for your comment. Talk London is all about discussing issues that affect daily lives in the capital. This is not the way to surface specific issues to service providers - the GLA is not a service provider and therefore holds no responsibility.  If you would like to find out more about the consultation TfL conducted, please have a look at this page or contact TfL directly.  Talk London team

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HA HA , I for one beg to differ this site is "ALL about issues that affect daily lives" That much is true how are we supposed to discuss them then if TFL and Talk London reply in this manner? I dont think anyone said you were a service...

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HA HA , I for one beg to differ this site is "ALL about issues that affect daily lives" That much is true how are we supposed to discuss them then if TFL and Talk London reply in this manner? I dont think anyone said you were a service provider either but you do work for TFL and supposedly this site is for "having our say is it not?".

I would like to see your reply to the point The Cyclist raised too instead of trying to evade the issue as you do quite easily- why if it is true was this consultation carried out in 2015 or 2016 and all residents were not sent a leaflet or written to at that time and why is is deemed necessary to do do it now this has to be answered come on Talk London/TFL. Are you saying that this site has nothing to do with TFL now?

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REPLY: Equal and Fair Rights For Motorcyclists
Morgan Angharad to you + 5 moreshow details

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REPLY: Equal and Fair Rights For Motorcyclists
Morgan Angharad to you + 5 moreshow details
Dear David

Thank you for your email. I have responded to Mr Dickson’s concerns below; please note that this response also addresses the email of 3 May that Mr Dickson sent to Andrew Hatch, who has now left our team.

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and taxis
Under the ULEZ proposals, we are introducing new licensing requirements to reduce emissions from the taxi and private hire fleets and increase the number of vehicles capable of operating with zero emissions. From 2018, all newly licensed taxis and private hire vehicles will need to meet new emission standards to travel in central London. As such, new diesel taxis will no longer be licensed in London and all taxis presented for licensing for the first time will need to be zero emission capable. We are also introducing a voluntary decommissioning scheme from mid-2017 until 2020 to remove the oldest taxis from the fleet.
ULEZ and motorcycles

The ULEZ was subject to consultation in 2015, which set the standards, charge levels and exemptions for the scheme, and the inclusion of motorcycles was considered during this consultation.

Whilst motorcycles contribute a relatively small proportion of total emissions, they can be highly polluting on an individual basis. The introduction of the ULEZ is designed to discourage the use of vehicles which do not meet high environmental standards. However, we estimate that 83 per cent of motorcycles entering central London already meet the relevant emission standards and will not need to pay the proposed charge.

Consultation on ULEZ proposals

The consultation currently taking place is the statutory consultation on bringing forward the date of the introduction of ULEZ in central London to April 2019. The Mayor’s proposal to expand the ULEZ will be subject to a further statutory consultation and, as Andrew previously advised, residents in affected areas will have the opportunity to have their say on the proposals. I would encourage Mr Dickson to contribute his views to this consultation when it opens.

We conduct consultations to give us an insight into the views of local residents, businesses, stakeholders and our customers and they provide an extremely useful way for us to gather suggestions and feedback. Our consultations are designed to help us arrive at better-informed decisions and, as part of this, we always have a free-text box in our surveys to capture any comments or suggestions. Every single response we receive is read and considered as part of the analysis and report-writing process, in addition to other factors including transport planning, safety and financial and practical considerations.

I hope that this response helps to clarify matters.

Kind regards


Angharad Morgan | Communications & Engagement Officer, Managing Director's Office
TfL Surface Transport, 11th Floor, Zone R3, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ

Tel: 020 3054 6845 Ext: 86845 Email: [email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ellard [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 10 May 2017 15:31
To: Members Correspondence
Subject: FW: Equal and Fair Rights For Motorcyclists


Caroline has received the below correspondence from a constituent concerned about the possibility of polluting taxicabs being exempt from the ULEZ and the way in which TfL conducts consultations. Can you please respond to these concerns and outline the steps taken to ensure that the consultation procedure is inclusive and transparent?

Many thanks,

David Ellard
Research Support Officer
Office of Caroline Pidgeon AM
Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA
Tel: 020 7983 4381

-----Original Message-----
From: Dougie [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 07 May 2017 20:00
To: Caroline Pidgeon
Subject: Re: Equal and Fair Rights For Motorcyclists

Dear Ms Pidgeon

You may recall I emailed you back in March 2017 thank you for your prompt reply. I now however have other concerns. I have enclosed our previous conversations at the bottom of this email for you reference.


It is my understanding also that TFL have given exemption to diesel black taxis for any charges, how is this even possible when they are responsible for more emissions than motorbikes in London the very idea that they are exempt yet motorcycles have to pay a daily charge is absolutely ludicrous and ill thought out by the mayor of london. Motorcycles actually move around traffic in congested London and get through it they don't sit there idling like black taxis.

Another topic that has to be approached is that of the consultations that TFL are/have been introducing. I was in contact with Andrew Hatch from TFL who assured me that any proposed expansion of the ULEZ to include the South and North Circular would have to be consulted on. He assured me personally by email via my local MP that anyone that may be affected by such a proposal would be directly contacted, he said this in his email (a copy of which you may have if needed) I had to contact my MP as I am fed up emailing TFL and getting no replies continuously , :-

" I assure him that we will be undertaking a further consultation later this year about expanding the zone for all vehicles. As part of that consultation we will write directly to residents within all areas that would be covered by any proposed expansion of the ULEZ. The consultation will be further supported by other publicity such as media advertising.

To summarise, I wish to make it absolutely clear that Mr Dickson and indeed residents of potentially impacted areas in north and south London have not missed out and that there will be another opportunity for them to have their say on proposals".

However, on Wednesday 3rd may I received an email from [email protected] informing me that :-

"Have you got an idea to improve your local area?
Mayor of London to youshow details
Get up to £50k funding to improve your local area View in browser

Air Quality consultation
Tackling London's toxic air is the Mayor's top priority. On 5 April, he unveiled bold plans for a new central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in 2019. The ULEZ will be expanded to include the North and South Circular in 2021.

Under the scheme, the most polluting vehicles must pay a daily charge to drive in central London from 8 April 2019.

We want to know what you think of our plans. Tell us now, and help us shape our plans to clean up London's air."

Can you explain to me then how,

1-It has already been decided to include the South and North Circular into the ULEZ and " The ULEZ will be expanded to include the North and South Circular in 2021."

2- Despite Andrew Hatches assurances that anyone living in the affected areas (that will be greater London basically) has not been consulted on this as of yet to date?

I do understand from emails back and forth that these consultations were due to be carried out in the autumn but how is it that a decision has already been made that categorically states that the South and North Circular will be included without any consultation to those affected? Why have we been lied to Mr Bacon?

It is the belief of many thousands of people in London through social media that we have a chance to overturn this decision to include the inclusion of South and North Circular through these consultations. It is clear now since I received this email from the mayors office that we have been lied to.

Is this how the London Mayor launches his "have your say" Policies? These strategies are clearly deceitful as is he.They are illegal in my opinion as are the consultations that are designed to be biased towards what TFL wants and not fair to Londoners. We are not asked what we want in any of them! They are designed to give TFL what it wants but not the people this is clear.

If I may give you proof of this, In the present consultation that ends in june 27th 2017 the first question I was asked is

Q1. Do you support the principle of the Ultra Low Emission Zone to improve air quality in London?
Strongly support
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly oppose
Don't Know

A. Strongly oppose

Q2- 2. To what extent do you support bringing forward the implementation of the ULEZ in central London from 7 September 2020 to 8 April 2019?

Strongly support
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly oppose
Don't Know

A- Ive just told you I strongly oppose so how can I support anything?

This is clear proof that your consultations are biased to get the results you want NOT what Londoners want it really is disgraceful the way these are done they are not fair in the least bit !
It should start with.

Q- Do you agree or disagree that the South and North circular should be included into the ULEZ?
Q2- If not why not , if yes say why.

Ms Pidgeon I am sorry that I have had to give you this but it is only fair that despite TFL,s efforts to deceive Londoners there are people who will make a difference exposing what they are really doing. The voices of 15000 people of whom only 2/3 rds were in favour of any emission zone etc is also proof that TFL have not set out to give all londoners a fair choice or as TFL and the mayor says " have your say" they are doing the opposite , they are not getting the message out there to the 8.4 million LONDONERS WHO WANT A SAY ! I am appalled !

If you could perhaps respond and/or pass this on at your next assembly meeting perhaps, that would be fine!

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Dickson

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Caroline Pidgeon
To: 'Dougie'
Sent: Wed, 29 Mar 2017 13:36
Subject: RE: Equal and Fair Rights For Motorcyclists

Dear Dougie

This is something the Transport Committee did a report on - see here:…

We are awaiting the draft transport strategy from the new Mayor and will pick this up in our response as needed.

Best wishes


Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM
Liberal Democrat Assembly Member
Chair of Transport Committee
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA

Follow me on twitter:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dougie [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 29 March 2017 12:37
To: Caroline Pidgeon
Subject: Equal and Fair Rights For Motorcyclists

Dear Caroline Pidgeon

I am one of the 55,000 people a day who travel to or around London on a motorcycle or scooter and I am writing to you because I am very unhappy about the way motorcycles & scooters are ignored by London's transport policy. The consultation for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone Consultation was a prime example of this, where motorcycles & scooters were not directly considered at all so instead of being able to contribute constructively I was compelled to simply object to the whole idea. This is neither helpful nor fair and I would like this noted.

Over the last few years we have seen increasing actions from TfL and City Hall to further marginalise powered two wheeled transport (including motorcycles & scooters). There are active schemes that are openly designed to discriminate against the powered two wheeled rider including narrowing of lanes to prevent filtering (a legal and encouraged means of making safe progress), increasing unfair charges (up to £12.50 a day for ULEZ) while there has been no concession to increase the safety and security of our motorcycles & scooters or their riders. TfL have budgeted nearly £1BN on bicycle safety and schemes but nothing for motorcycles or scooters.

Transport for London has already commissioned studies on the use of motorcycles and scooters in London that show them to be efficient, effective and affordable ways to commute across London, with a very low impact on road use or air quality, but this information is not being considered in creating new transport policies for London, despite 55,000 people riding in London every day.

Not only do Motorcycles and Scooters contribute considerably less than 1% to London's pollution by TfL's own figures, they are in fact a solution to both congestion and pollution that should be encouraged and supported - as they already are in many other capital cities around the world, as an essential way to keep these great cities moving.

As with bicycles, more two wheeled-transport is good for this congested city.

I therefore strongly request that City Hall, TfL and national policy makers create a transport policy that supports the positive impact that powered two wheelers have on our pollution & congestion objectives while continuing to be supportive of the low wage earners who depend on this cheap and reliable transport and small businesses who support them.

Please may I ask that you take my complaints and representations, and those opinions of others who may agree with me, to the London Assembly, and any other forums where London's transport policies are being discussed. Without the pressure of you, our elected representatives, I fear that motorcycles & scooters will disappear from our capital, forcing more people onto overcrowded public transport and shutting down small businesses that support them.

I would also ask that you take a moment to look at a new campaign on this subject at

Yours sincerely,



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Hi all,Many thanks for your continued discussion on Talk London on this issue. While policy officers are periodically checking this discussion, the main way of sharing your views on the ULEZ proposals is by taking part in the current consultation on the Transport for London Consultation Portal. The survey is open until 25 June 2017. This consultation covers the proposal to introduce the ULEZ early, in 2019. Feedback from Londoners will inform a report by Transport for London to the Mayor, after which he will take a decision on whether or not to introduce the ULEZ early. A further statutory consultation will follow in Autumn regarding the possible expansion of the ULEZ to the North and South Circular Roads.Here is a timetable of all the consultation stages. You can read a review of all the ULEZ and Clean Air consultations to-date here.Talk London Community Manager

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But what is the point if TFL and The Mayor have already decided that the south circular and the north circular will all be included in the ULEZ? I don't get this I thought a consultation was so the people could decide what they wanted isn't...

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But what is the point if TFL and The Mayor have already decided that the south circular and the north circular will all be included in the ULEZ? I don't get this I thought a consultation was so the people could decide what they wanted isn't that what happened in 2016 ? Are TFL telling us that all this is because of a 2016 consultation where they listened to the 15000 people of which 10000 wanted a zone and now its including the south and north circular? That's not right surely we have not been consulted on this yet but TFL can say it will happen?

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This is where it does not add up, TFL start this by taking the 10,000 or so responses of a 2016 consultation to initiate charging drivers to enter a part of the city. Now we have a situation where TFL Intend (and they intend) to charge...

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This is where it does not add up, TFL start this by taking the 10,000 or so responses of a 2016 consultation to initiate charging drivers to enter a part of the city. Now we have a situation where TFL Intend (and they intend) to charge drivers more by now expanding this zone to cover all of London which by including the north circular will happen. TFL should not be allowed to do that .How is it right that they listen to 10,000 people but to no one now-they keep moving the goalposts and this is entirely dishonest. It is not what the original 10,000 people voted for either....I am ashamed that I voted for a Labour Mayor and will vote Tory in the Election now..i am disgusted by this mayor and TFL,s treatment of Londoners.Ken livingson did this with our trucks told us we didn't know what we wanted and installed an LEZ and cost me thousands. Nearly lost my business its happening all over again and for what CYCLISTS. You have got to be kidding me

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Lee_Enfield that's all fine for folk who want to pop to the shops but what about me I have a transit diesel tipper truck with only 68k on it its a 2002 well serviced. What do I do ? Electric tippers are no good for my business don't even...

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Lee_Enfield that's all fine for folk who want to pop to the shops but what about me I have a transit diesel tipper truck with only 68k on it its a 2002 well serviced. What do I do ? Electric tippers are no good for my business don't even think they make them, So I go bust overnight do I?- YES
I have a 2001 530 Diesel Bmw Touring-Estate It has 130k well serviced and will last another 500k easily, not worth much but last year I spent £3 rebuilding the suspension and having it painted as I wanted to keep it for life ive had it 7 years, best car I,ve ever had. I have 2 motorbikes that are in perfect condition and bikes I,ve worked hard for ,one is a 1996 GSF 1200 Bandit with 12k on the clock perfect showroom condition lucky if I use it for 600-700 miles a year , my other a BMW r1150rt 43k on it perfect also.....Sadiq Khan says I have to either upgrade them all OR pay £12.50 a day to drive/ride them? Why...? because he says 9416 deaths are caused every year by these polluting londons air that's why.Thats 9416 deaths a year that are only "equivalent" by the way -not totally responsible because of cars vans and motorbikes.....they TFL will not tell you that though most of thse re caused by snoking related diseases too like lung cancer...
I live in Lewisham I work hard I saved every penny to get these for me.....They are hardly used so why should I pay £12.50 a day when a black cab driver who drives 50-70k a year idles outside on roadways, railway stations etc all day every day pays nothing because TFL says they are exempt? Please explain that to me....I cant get an electric motorbike nor would I want one I'm a petrol head I'm 50 years old ...

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Extend the infrastructure for electric vehicles, particularly grants for the many who live in flats to include accessible charging points. Bring down the cost of electric vehicles.

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It's not only the infrastructure that is the issue. But also the battery lifespan. Nissan offer a replacement battery pack for £4920 with £1000 cashback on the old battery pack (no mention of labour cost). The batteries have a 5 year...

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It's not only the infrastructure that is the issue. But also the battery lifespan. Nissan offer a replacement battery pack for £4920 with £1000 cashback on the old battery pack (no mention of labour cost). The batteries have a 5 year lifespan. That's the equivalence of a new engine every 5 years in an internal combustion engine vehicle. Would you choose a vehicle that had that type of maintenance expenditure? Also it's not really reducing pollution, just shifting it to elsewhere, unless there is a huge change to nuclear power and I don't really see that happening.

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And yet all this can be avoided for a small sum of under £500 did you see this
apparently TFL know about this firm but will not comment how can they not if it will save the planet? The firm says it can reduce emissions by u...

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And yet all this can be avoided for a small sum of under £500 did you see this
apparently TFL know about this firm but will not comment how can they not if it will save the planet? The firm says it can reduce emissions by u to 80% that is something else surely !

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Is there not a way we can raise a grievance against TFL, or could a group take them to court?

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If he can spend/waste £770 million on cycle highways he can run you round the courts for years and he,s still win- what galls me is that thousands of Londoners think they have a chance to change things with these so called "consultations"...

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If he can spend/waste £770 million on cycle highways he can run you round the courts for years and he,s still win- what galls me is that thousands of Londoners think they have a chance to change things with these so called "consultations" when in fact they cant-TFL have already made the decisions....that's not to say that after the expansion kicks in TFL will get away with it, I think thee will be a huge backlash on Sadiq Khan once londoners see they've been lied to and conned by the so called "15000 people who were in favour of the charges" and the equivalent of 9416 deaths blamed on drivers ....

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I see there are other options instead of spending all that money Sadiq Khan, why don't you listen to people?

What are the point of consultations when TFL has decided our fate anyway?

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I see there are other options instead of spending all that money Sadiq Khan, why don't you listen to people?

What are the point of consultations when TFL has decided our fate anyway?…

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I received an email from the mayors office the other day telling me that there WILL BE will be an expansion to include the South and North Circular into the Ultra Low Emission Zone

So TALK LONDON, why are we being consulted then if its...

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I received an email from the mayors office the other day telling me that there WILL BE will be an expansion to include the South and North Circular into the Ultra Low Emission Zone

So TALK LONDON, why are we being consulted then if its already been decided?

Anyone else get one?

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The reason there is a consultation is that legally there has to be one, but TfL and London's local authorities circumvent this by shaping the wording of their questions in consultations so that they have a good chance of getting...

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The reason there is a consultation is that legally there has to be one, but TfL and London's local authorities circumvent this by shaping the wording of their questions in consultations so that they have a good chance of getting the answers they want, and then by targetting the audience that will be supportive of their goals. It would be difficult to pin vote rigging on them but there is little corroborative evidence published after consultations to confirm how many people engaged in the consultation and what the demographic and geographic make-up of the respondents were. I believe that there should be a minimum number of respondents before a consultation is deemed to have a definitive result and that a consultation should not be regarded as fair or definitive if the overwheming majority of respondents were local residents who stood to gain an advantage by the outcome of the consultation. We are talking about public roads and spaces and the imposition of discriminatory, punitive fines which, in my opinion should be legally challenged. It is wholly wrong to decide to impose an arbitrary charge on people who, before the tide of scientific evidence changed, were going about their lawful business and contributing to our society. They are not criminals.

There is much said on here about vested interests - the Taxi and Private Hire sector and the Hauliers but I would suggest that the power lies in the hands of the metropolitan middle-class. In the last decade in particular there has been a colonisation of central London by the middle-class professionals, technocrats, designers and creative artists who are among the growing group of elitists who can afford to live in central London and who form politically persuasive lobby groups. One of the culture trends that binds them together is cycling. They wear their lycra, helmets and shoes they can't walk in with pride and want the world to be shaped to their design. They are impervious to the protestations of "White Van Man" and the working road commuters, and either have no awareness of the wider economy or don't care.

They demand the designation of "village" status on the areas where they live and then demand that the streets be either closed or restricted. They claim to support the re-emergence of the High Street but these are not high streets as most of us know them - there's no Co-Op or market stalls, just an array of coffee houses, artisan bakers and butchers and specialist organic food sellers.

They want to be able to cycle freely through the streets without being impeded by motorists, ride child scooters on the pavements and in the parks and eat al fresco as if they are in a Meditteranean resort. This is laudible but there are 8.6 million people in this city. The one great elephant-in-the room that we have to plan for is that there's just too many of us. Just demading action and wanting to lay the blame at someone's door (Diesel drivers) ignores the fact that the problems we face are the result of economic activity. We are constantly told by the government that Britain's economy (and London's in particlar) is booming, but this is partly because of the "Gig" economy that allows economic activity to flourish while holding the pay and working conditions of the lowest paid to subsistence levels.We are living on a knife edge - any new shock to the economy could have very serious implications, so racing headlong into dismantling the road infrastructure and financially penalising those who can least afford it seems a little counter-productive.

I have a solution that may suit both sides - the Metropolitan elite want the streets to belong to them and want the traffic air-brushed out so that the value of their propoerties continues to rise. The lower-paid are being punished for travelling by road. How about if we move all of the big businesses and shops to the outskirts of town then people wouldn't have to drive into central London or pay exorbitant rail season tickets and the middle-class can have the centre of the city as a play area.

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WOW- Even the mayors own are turning against him but Gareth Bacon is telling the truth lol this is awesome read this-…

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So as not to confuse anyone here is TFL,s London assemblies objectives laidout at a meeting with Sadiq Khan and his members- it is a foregone conclusion we are getting an expansion of the ULEZ despite promises of a Consultation. It is not a...

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So as not to confuse anyone here is TFL,s London assemblies objectives laidout at a meeting with Sadiq Khan and his members- it is a foregone conclusion we are getting an expansion of the ULEZ despite promises of a Consultation. It is not a consultation that will change anything SADIQ KHAN and TFL plan to push ahead with this expansion it doesn't matter what we say in any consultation-so whats the point-he is not listening.! Look at this first then look at the meeting wit Caroline Russell- its lready been decided folks we are being TOLD what is coming just as Ken Livingston did years ago we are NOT being consulted...Its shameful, its deceitful and its Dishonest !……

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Yes LiamO very well said indeed. I have noticed that there are a lot of people on here who just talk numbers from Reports etc instead of talking and actually "having their say".

I am very concerned though how TFL Yesterday announced in an...

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Yes LiamO very well said indeed. I have noticed that there are a lot of people on here who just talk numbers from Reports etc instead of talking and actually "having their say".

I am very concerned though how TFL Yesterday announced in an email that they are Including the South and North Circular into the ULEZ in 2021. We were supposed to be consulted on this so what happened? Why do TFL evade the very questions we ask such as this? Why are we being lied to by Sadiq Khan and TFL? Are TFL now telling us that in the original consultation when 15000 people "had their say" they were consulted also on the expansion of ULEZ? NO they were not so how can TFL just expand it without a consultation and how can they do that despite telling us we would be consulted and/or written to if we lived in an area that would be affected by any expansion? As a LABOUR MAYOR Sadiq Khan is not doing his Labour Party any favours here....I feel lied to and conned by TFL

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Cyclist, read my additional comment in this thread - this is the third consultation for the ULEZ in central London. It is a proposal to introduce the ULEZ earlier than already planned under the previous mayor's term. The footprint is the...

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Cyclist, read my additional comment in this thread - this is the third consultation for the ULEZ in central London. It is a proposal to introduce the ULEZ earlier than already planned under the previous mayor's term. The footprint is the same as the existing congestion zone - in central London.
The consultation for the ULEZ expansion is later this year.
This will mean a minimum of 4 consultations for the ULEZ and the expansion.

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Thats not what this says here in an email sent yesterday, it clearly says " The ULEZ will be expanded to include the North and South Circular in 2021."

Air Quality consultation
Tackling London...

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Thats not what this says here in an email sent yesterday, it clearly says " The ULEZ will be expanded to include the North and South Circular in 2021."

Air Quality consultation
Tackling London’s toxic air is the Mayor’s top priority. On 5 April, he unveiled bold plans for a new central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in 2019. The ULEZ will be expanded to include the North and South Circular in 2021.

Under the scheme, the most polluting vehicles must pay a daily charge to drive in central London from 8 April 2019.

We want to know what you think of our plans. Tell us now, and help us shape our plans to clean up London’s air.

Tell us what you think

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EMPASIS ON THE WORD "WILL BE" we havent even been consulted on it yet how can it be "will be?" Im i seeing things?

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There is no way people me included can afford to pay out for a new car etc
The government needs to wake up,just another scheme thought up buy the asthma suffering major,
Health is important,but if we could all afford bupa healthcare we...

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There is no way people me included can afford to pay out for a new car etc
The government needs to wake up,just another scheme thought up buy the asthma suffering major,
Health is important,but if we could all afford bupa healthcare we would all get it, same goes for a new car id love one but living cost do not allow

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17 min 6 sec ago

Charging for entering the low emissions zone, does not solve the problem. Whats needed is a solution. Cgon LTD have proven and are happy to prove again that the ezero...

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17 min 6 sec ago

Charging for entering the low emissions zone, does not solve the problem. Whats needed is a solution. Cgon LTD have proven and are happy to prove again that the ezero range can reduce the oldest of diesel and petrol engines to almost zero exhaust emissions it will reduce (NOx) by up to 80%,and will actually pay for itself over short period of time. Once fitted the emissions reduction is instant. [email protected]

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I have just received an email from TFL stating

"Tackling London’s toxic air is the Mayor’s top priority. On 5 April, he unveiled bold plans for a new central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in 2019. The ULEZ will be expanded to...

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I have just received an email from TFL stating

"Tackling London’s toxic air is the Mayor’s top priority. On 5 April, he unveiled bold plans for a new central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in 2019. The ULEZ will be expanded to include the North and South Circular in 2021.
Under the scheme, the most polluting vehicles must pay a daily charge to drive in central London from 8 April 2019.
We want to know what you think of our plans. Tell us now, and help us shape our plans to clean up London’s air."

Now I was written to by a senior member of TFL,s staff (Andrew Hatch) weeks ago telling me that we would all be consulted on the proposed expansion first yet here they are Advertising the fact that the inclusion of the SOUTH AND NORTH CIRCULAR WILL TAKE PLACE IN 2021-so WHAT IS GOING ON TFL? This is not on you cannot do this to people, it sounds and looks like its already been decided so why the need for any consultation if you clearly don't care what people have to say?

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Nothing TFL say about ULEZ stacks up. TFL are not fit for purpose.
Just heard them talking about Garden Bridge being scrapped by Sadiq Khan on the radio, LBC. They said it has cost us the thick end of £50 million, and we have nothing to...

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Nothing TFL say about ULEZ stacks up. TFL are not fit for purpose.
Just heard them talking about Garden Bridge being scrapped by Sadiq Khan on the radio, LBC. They said it has cost us the thick end of £50 million, and we have nothing to show for it. When are the fraud squad going to be looking at this?

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Not to mention they are hugely overpriced. For me to get to work via TfL £8 per day, to travel via motorcycle £0.88 per day.

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Ha Ha peterd123 you would think that the next normal stage wouldn't you I agree....You would also think that Talk London would answer some direct questions asked of them here on this site but NO they refuse to. Such as,

1- why have we the...

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Ha Ha peterd123 you would think that the next normal stage wouldn't you I agree....You would also think that Talk London would answer some direct questions asked of them here on this site but NO they refuse to. Such as,

1- why have we the Londoners who you claim to represent not been consulted on including the South and North Circular into the ULEZ?
2-Why have we not been written to about this especially as it is going to affect millions not thousands?

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One could argue that newer diesels are more of a threat to health than older diesels. Let me explain. All engines produce NOX, petrol and diesel, but diesels are far worse on particulates. The average diesel produced in the last 10 years...

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One could argue that newer diesels are more of a threat to health than older diesels. Let me explain. All engines produce NOX, petrol and diesel, but diesels are far worse on particulates. The average diesel produced in the last 10 years gives out particulates 2.5 microns in size (PM 2.5s ) Older diesels give out PM 10s which are much larger than PM2.5s and thus stay airborne for a much shorter time, Being larger they don`t penetrate as far into the lungs as PM 2.5s Therefore we have a situation where the car industry in its efforts to make diesel exhausts cleaner have in fact made them more harmful !

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Hi steve is it not a case though that more of these harmful emissions are burnt off when diesels actually get moving and are worse when sitting idling?

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Oh My God you all really need to look at these figures !! Looks like someone,s been telling porkies !!…

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Robert Munster well said that man and a very good answer/facts to what I have always said- TFL are blatantly scaremongering londoners into believing that 9400 deaths ARE CAUSED BY motors! And NOT TRUE is it, but the general car/diesel...

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Robert Munster well said that man and a very good answer/facts to what I have always said- TFL are blatantly scaremongering londoners into believing that 9400 deaths ARE CAUSED BY motors! And NOT TRUE is it, but the general car/diesel/motoring fraternity choose to believe it all and see a pedestrianised and motor free London, where in fact what Mr Selfie King is actually doing us making London a city where only only the well off and privileged will soon become the only fortunate drivers to be able to drive/afford a car in London! This has to be circulated....

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'Soon...only the well off will be able to drive/ afford a car in London'
This already is the case. The likelihood of car ownership rises by income and age. Averagely 45% of Londoners - generally in the lowest income bracket - don't own cars...

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'Soon...only the well off will be able to drive/ afford a car in London'
This already is the case. The likelihood of car ownership rises by income and age. Averagely 45% of Londoners - generally in the lowest income bracket - don't own cars at all. The person most likely to own a car is a white male with an income of 75K+, So well done for protecting the rights of the already privileged.…
It's not TFL that are 'scaremongering' in isolation.
The concerns about air pollution are international and are being researched by scientists around the world -……

- the above being just a small example of international studies on air pollution, of which most estimate 30% is caused by cars.

And if you don't believe car pollution on it's own damages health, then you should be aware that car ownership certainly increases your likelihood of diabetes and obesity -…

Finally, you should also be aware that increased car ownership proportionally increases the risk of physical danger to pedestrians - cars are the biggest killers of children aged 5-19.…

So what are your suggestions to tackle this issues of pollution, child mortality, obesity and diabetes?

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Id like to start by saying I am fine totally FINE. I have asthma but have had it all my life and coming from the countryside that's a wonder so no pollution to blame there.
My grandparents lived into their late 80,s and early 90,s in South...

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Id like to start by saying I am fine totally FINE. I have asthma but have had it all my life and coming from the countryside that's a wonder so no pollution to blame there.
My grandparents lived into their late 80,s and early 90,s in South London, through the smog and old cars buses and lorries, they were also fine -died of old age.

Now we have URGENT POLLUTION ALERTS ! Why ? Pollution is better now than it ever was the kings report even says so ! NOx Emissions are lower now than they were in 1990 !! They are 2/3 thirds down since 1990.....Hello !! I smoke cigars, I cycle a bicycle, I ride motorbikes, I have 2 diesel cars - and I am fine so how is that I wonder am I just one of the lucky ones? Oh and I don't go to the gym nor is my asthma any worse on URGENT ALERT DAYS lol...... Listen to be serious- Pollution is a global problem we know that but by doing what the Mayor is doing charging divers throughout is not the answer, it will not make a difference to me except make me poorer it wont benefit my health either. Everyone knows Pollution is worse in cities so why move there? If it concerns that many people then move out to the green fields of kent or surrey is pollution there too? Yes but not as much or is that true here also? 9416 deaths every year quoted again and again..... but the facts are they are NOT CAUSED BY DRIVERS ARE THEY!! YET tfl spout this day in and day out. Truth is that figure came from a survey that was done in 2010....So facts? Oh and the "kings report" ? the measures proposed will increase life expectancy by a couple of days I can live with that by leaving things as they are-everyone knows the air is slowly getting cleaner as newer cars are getting cleaner, yet Sadiq Khan will get the credit for it all simply by SCAREMONGERING !

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