The new Talk London

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The new Talk London is here! Find out more about how our online community members have helped us shape up our new platform.


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The Talk London team are working on a new and improved Talk London platform. Our goal is to make it easier to get involved on Talk London, better demonstrate the impact of the community, make City Hall more accessible and our policy design processes more transparent, and reward Talk London members for getting involved.

Some of the changes we’re making are:

  • pulling all the relevant engagement activities on one topic into one page called an “issues” page
  • new ways to participate in a discuss, including upvoting and liking other members comments
  • a new idea generation functionality, where Talk London members can add ideas to challenges City Hall is trying to solve

You can see a few screenshots of the new design for Talk London below: a new "issues page" on both dekstop and on mobile. Please note these are screenshots with temporary copy only, as we're still working towards the final version. The new Talk London will be fully acessible and automatically adapt to your screen size.

We’d love to hear what you think about the new layout and designs. Let us know in the discussion below.

The discussion ran from 10 August 2020 - 10 March 2021


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Comments (61)

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Why is Westminster auctioning off council properties when they could be allocated to homeless people or those who can not afford to buy properties or rent privately? 

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Is it just me who can not even afford 'Help to buy'? It's insanity that some of us are so poor that we can not even afford 'help to buy'. A scheme that is meant to help those on low income... nobody wants the responsibility of paying rent...

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Is it just me who can not even afford 'Help to buy'? It's insanity that some of us are so poor that we can not even afford 'help to buy'. A scheme that is meant to help those on low income... nobody wants the responsibility of paying rent, mortgage and service charge on a percentage of small poorly built new build with a rubbish leasehold! £700k does not seem reasonable on a 2 bed flat on the help to buy scheme does it? It's not affordable at all! What I am struggling to understand is that you can give those on a low income a mortgage on a new build worth £700k on the help to buy scheme BUT not give them a mortgage on 3 bed house for £300k that is not on the scheme? We're on low incomes, why is it in our benefit to have a higher debt... Yes, we know we can buy the remaining percentage on the property but the rent, service charge and mortgage is already EXPENSIVE! Plus, by the time you can buy more percentages, the value of the property has sky rocketed... will you ever fully own it? Seems unlikely when you're scraping by. This is why we need more social housing!!! Some of us simply can't afford private rent nor these schemes that set you up for failure... it's SHOCKING! For those that think I am moaning. I'm not. This is the sad reality for young people. Despite my efforts to educate myself by obtaining both a bachelors and masters degree in architecture... whilst working two jobs... I am in no position to move out of the room I share with my sister in my parents council flat. This is not ideal for someone whose in their late 20's.  

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Avatar for - Vaquita
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Again Sadiq Khan spent my hard earned tax money on BLM. Can anyone tell me what gets spent on other communities in London other than BAME

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Can anyone tell me if any Londoners were consulted about this new 'Statues Commision' it is rightly causing an uproar because before today this is the first time I have heard of it and I do not agree with this complete waste of tax payers...

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Can anyone tell me if any Londoners were consulted about this new 'Statues Commision' it is rightly causing an uproar because before today this is the first time I have heard of it and I do not agree with this complete waste of tax payers money and don't even get me started with the blocked off roads that happened over night.

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The housing crisis in the city is becoming unbearable and inhuman. As a residents of this London City we have right for a decent housing, as the current situation for young/old people (incl myself) are struggling to be in the council...

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The housing crisis in the city is becoming unbearable and inhuman. As a residents of this London City we have right for a decent housing, as the current situation for young/old people (incl myself) are struggling to be in the council housing ladder also when trying to rent a flat from a private landlords as they refuse to rent out to people with low income and those who are applying for Universal Credit. 

London need to work on this basic human rights for all it residents who are also tax-payers to let them live in diginity in this great city.

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I agree, I can not afford private rent and am not being offered social housing... I was born and raised in London. I shouldn't be forced to move out of London just because I have a low income. London is all I know! There is nothing...

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I agree, I can not afford private rent and am not being offered social housing... I was born and raised in London. I shouldn't be forced to move out of London just because I have a low income. London is all I know! There is nothing, absolutely nothing for people like you and I

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i find the situation of moving house hodl is not right state agent still working and renting houses and rooms specially why are people allow to move houses ?

if you can msee people outside your bubble? is nit that dangerous ? 

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I have found trying to contact City Hall very frustrating. All they seem to want is feed back to their ideas. I just wanted to suggest that City Hall streams or broadcasts last years New Year Fireworks, this year. They wer spectacular and...

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I have found trying to contact City Hall very frustrating. All they seem to want is feed back to their ideas. I just wanted to suggest that City Hall streams or broadcasts last years New Year Fireworks, this year. They wer spectacular and would help fill that gap that many of us will have. Haringey successfully streamed 2019 Guy Fawkes fireworks and I think that was most successful.

I tried to use the 'reply' function on Next Door but that didn't work. There was nowhere to put it on Talk London except here. The easy access to Talk London was all to consultations which have been closed! - not even to the results! What's that about?

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Even by normal IT standards the password demands on this site are particularly unreasonablr.  Itis a very bureaucratic and timeconsuming exercise having to make and store passwords to enter almost any public forum.

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This forumis absolute disappointment. It seemsstaying in London we have to pay the price. Especially on a redroute part of A3. Our vehicles get damaged every now and then but ca't do anything. God knows if at all Mayor will reply to me...

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This forumis absolute disappointment. It seemsstaying in London we have to pay the price. Especially on a redroute part of A3. Our vehicles get damaged every now and then but ca't do anything. God knows if at all Mayor will reply to me whouse to do his election campaign when he was an MP. 

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Thanks for adding a mobile view, I think it's starting to get there. I would make the "add yours" and "have your say" links a little bit more obvious. In the current design they don't really stand out from the rest of the text. I imagine...

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Thanks for adding a mobile view, I think it's starting to get there. I would make the "add yours" and "have your say" links a little bit more obvious. In the current design they don't really stand out from the rest of the text. I imagine these links are your most important call to actions.

Also, would the link text tell you when a user responds to your comment? 

What happens to the text when you've already contributed to the discussion? While I agree with the rest of the people here that a "liking" system seems a bit odd for this type of forum, having a system that notifies you when someone responds to your ideas would still be helpful. I think there's a difference between fleshing out ideas as part of a discussion and upvoting / downvoting ideas. If you wanted to combine the two elements (without going into a world of likes) you could add a filter to the thread to show "most discussed" ideas. 

Finally, I would find it helpful to have an info section on the timeline (perhaps collapsed by default until you click on it) that gives more background information on each step. What's the objective for the survey? What inputs do you want us to consider? 

For example, even in this discussion you've shared multiple versions of the design on the same thread. How would you do this kind of feedback collection on the new timeline? Using this thread as an example, it's hard to tell which designs the older comments refer to, because they have changed. At the same time, it's nice to show the older comments here because they provide context to the discussion. I would be in favour of "versioning" the questions asked by your team (perhaps include a changelog - what you now write in the email - with each version), and also labelling forum responses based on those versions. Give people an option to toggle to older versions to see how your thinking evolved.

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Avatar for - Tiger
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Format design looks fine - run with it.

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It looks a bit cluttered to me. Perhaps it'll be easier to navigate once you can actually ... um ... navigate it?

Perhaps a simpler format is required - maybe based on a colour code for each general topic? Having developed a small number...

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It looks a bit cluttered to me. Perhaps it'll be easier to navigate once you can actually ... um ... navigate it?

Perhaps a simpler format is required - maybe based on a colour code for each general topic? Having developed a small number of websites myself, I've come to realise that 'simple is beautiful'.

Keep on developing - and keep on asking for feedback!

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Avatar for - Rhino
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Why is it not in English?  What is that foreign language the details are in??

Avatar for - Vaquita
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it looks like latin to me!





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What does "more transparent" actually mean???

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The design looks more friendlier, eye catching and easy to use.  As a user being able to navigate through the system helps me to engage and be part of the developing the ecosystem.

It would be interesting to know if you have incorporated...

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The design looks more friendlier, eye catching and easy to use.  As a user being able to navigate through the system helps me to engage and be part of the developing the ecosystem.

It would be interesting to know if you have incorporated AI & DL tools to analyse our behaviours and what you intend to do with the data.  Overall I like it.


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Avatar for - Monarch butterfly
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My initial reaction would be: "How much did the fancy design cost?"  It does not look greatly interactive and leaves a great deal of functionality behind.  Videos will consume bandwidth and can be a pitfall.

Who is the "redesign" aimed at...

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My initial reaction would be: "How much did the fancy design cost?"  It does not look greatly interactive and leaves a great deal of functionality behind.  Videos will consume bandwidth and can be a pitfall.

Who is the "redesign" aimed at? Who are the intended audience?

Really, not sure at all, I am afraid.

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Hi Keela319 

Thanks for your feedback on our new design. 

We are redesigning Talk London, along with a necessary technology update as well as making Talk London more accessible; so our project includes a number of different elements. 

As Talk London consults on issues that affect those who live in London, we are designing the platform to appeal to an audience as diverse as the London population.  

Our redesign is aimed at making Talk London easier to use, making the policy design process more transparent, demonstrating the impact of participating better, addressing the reasons Londoners get involved and rewarding Talk London members for engaging. It also includes making Talk London more accessible and easier to use on mobile. 

All decisions taken by the Mayor and senior officers are published on the City Hall website. You can find the signed-off decision for the redesign project and cost here: 

Talk London 

Avatar for - Adelie penguin
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Needs clearer instructions. Where do you click to leave comments? Do you have to scroll to the next page? what happens if you click one of the banners on the introduction? It's not clear at all what you should do after reading the first...

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Needs clearer instructions. Where do you click to leave comments? Do you have to scroll to the next page? what happens if you click one of the banners on the introduction? It's not clear at all what you should do after reading the first page

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant
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I would be very keen on car free days and days- except for one thing;  I have a chronic illness and my consultant has warned me both in conversation and in writing that I must not use public transport, it is too dangerous for me.  I am not...

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I would be very keen on car free days and days- except for one thing;  I have a chronic illness and my consultant has warned me both in conversation and in writing that I must not use public transport, it is too dangerous for me.  I am not disabled and would not claim to be.  I used to love going by tube but now I understand that using it may lead to infection and death.  The car is safe, it gets me around and I can have a social life and use the parts of London that I love.  Without it I am stuck at home, isolated.  These are unintended consequences not thought about or expected, but terribly important to me.  And to many other Londoners with the same issues.

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I absolutely agree with you.    The current governing body seems to be actively discriminating against born and bred Londoners who, for whatever reason, cannot use public transport.   Their measures are fine if you are physically and...

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I absolutely agree with you.    The current governing body seems to be actively discriminating against born and bred Londoners who, for whatever reason, cannot use public transport.   Their measures are fine if you are physically and mentally able - and some of which are hidden conditions - and have time and realistic ability to deal with them but for the rest of us, London is no longer accessible.   And, if you dare to use a car you are made to feel guilty.   They are now even blocking hired black cabs from some lanes.

I also find it ironic that the Government, rightly, are encouraging citizens to use central London areas.   Yet the Mayorilty wants to detrimentally limit that.


I can no longer even consider going anywhere unless I can use a car.    So London is closed to me - and others.

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Avatar for - Vaquita
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I totally understand that for anyone with mobility issues the idea of a car free day is an issue however it is currently one day of the year. Bogota in Colombia have been having a car free day once a month on a Sunday for yrs very...

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I totally understand that for anyone with mobility issues the idea of a car free day is an issue however it is currently one day of the year. Bogota in Colombia have been having a car free day once a month on a Sunday for yrs very successfully, other countries have also held world Car Free Day for some years now also successfully. Although it is a problem for Lil1 it is well advertised in advance and is 1 day of the year - and on that one day many who do normally use cars and are perfectly fit and healthy might realise how it is possible to get around without using their car. This would have a knock-on effect of reducing car use on 'normal' days freeing up the roads for those who genuinely do need to drive - better for their health, better for the environment reducing air pollution and noise pollution.
We know that many European countries have car free spaces used for eating/drinking which are also very pleasant and successful and other mobility vehicles can be used for those with mobility issues such as trikes, mobility scooters etc. During lock-down in spite of the awful illness which brought it about we witnessed clean air, more people walking and cycling and a quieter space. Since easing of restrictions levels are back to pre-Covid levels making our roads intolerable - esp for those without cars who rely on buses.
I look forward to us holding Car Free Day and the clean air and noise free space it can help to crreate. 

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I am unclear why some key discussion subjects, like the post-lockdown environment, have to get "closed". For people engaging now with TL for the first time, it is just not possible to comment on many large and important topics. 

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This shouldn't be about whose post is most "popular" or whose gets voted down. Apart from anything else, that's just how extremists get to game the system, drown out dissent, and get their own ideas promoted. TL is not a contest but an...

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This shouldn't be about whose post is most "popular" or whose gets voted down. Apart from anything else, that's just how extremists get to game the system, drown out dissent, and get their own ideas promoted. TL is not a contest but an ideas source and feedback loop, from which good/better solutions should derive, whether they are initially popular or not (see seatbelts, for example), and no matter who proposes them.

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Have just completed survey but have not really had time to have much of a say on things as have been busy elsewhere. Do agree about 'rating' posts. If I thought something was going to be rated I probably wouldn't bother. As has been said...

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Have just completed survey but have not really had time to have much of a say on things as have been busy elsewhere. Do agree about 'rating' posts. If I thought something was going to be rated I probably wouldn't bother. As has been said this is about feedback and putting forward ideas. Also make the site easy to follow and easy to comment on without necessarily having to 'reply' to someone.


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