Key information
Executive summary
This paper proposes a number of additional security components to support the Metropolitan Police Service’s Office 365 delivery to ensure that the MPS implementation aligns with the new cross-policing National Police Chiefs Council sponsored National Enabling Programme design.
The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to approve:
- The implementation in the MPS of the National Enabling Programme’s productivity design at a revenue cost of £4.256m per annum from 2019/20 with funding having been identified from the Management Board unbudgeted pressures fund held centrally and with the 2018/19 £0.5m capital implementation funded from the DP approved Capital Plan.
Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)
1. Introduction and background
1.1. This paper seeks approval for additional funding to meet the cost of security and functional components that are part of the new NPCC sponsored National Enabling Programme design for office productivity services.
2. Issues for consideration
2.1. The National Enabling Programme (NEP) will deliver technologies to introduce new ways of working and greater sharing of information, plus a platform for better protection of law enforcement information and assets, contributing to the NPCC Policing 2025 vision. Specifically, NEP will deliver three national solutions:
- a National Monitoring Centre to create a nationally coordinated monitoring, response and remediation capability in order to protect all UK police forces from cyber threat. The precise scope is currently being agreed along with the extent to which this may leverage future savings;
- an Identity and Access Management platform to enable seamless user access to national information network and applications in an efficient and effective manner;
- Productivity Services to establish a national and standardised technology platform that delivers productivity benefits (such as email and collaboration) to remove barriers to operational efficiency, and to enable joint working between forces.
2.2. Implementing these components will improve MPS security and our ability to collaborate with other forces. Police SIRO, Commissioner Ian Dyson, has approved the design and approach in his role as responsible officer for cyber across policing and it was approved by the Police Reform and Transformation Board. While there will be some savings to our current infrastructure the net additional cost of the components is £4.256m per annum and would reduce the savings Digital Policing are able to deliver and therefore increase DP baseline by that amount on an ongoing basis.
3. Financial Comments
3.1. Capital implementation costs of £0.5m are funded from the MOPAC approved capital plan. The net additional revenue cost of £4.256m is funded from the Management Board unbudgeted pressures fund held centrally.
4. Legal Comments
4.1. The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is a contracting authority as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the Regulations). All awards of public contracts for goods and/or services valued at £181,302 or above will be procured in accordance with the Regulations.
5. Equality Comments
5.1. As this is an extension of an existing service this work does not change any aspects relating to equality or diversity.
6. Privacy Comments
6.1. There are no specific privacy implications but the protective monitoring facility enhances the MPS’ ability to protect sensitive personal information.
7. Background/supporting papers
7.1. Report
Signed decision document
PCD 412