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Facilities Management - Contract Awards

Key information

Reference code: PCD 393

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

Following a tender process MOPAC is asked to approve the contract award for the provision of Crime Scene Security & Cleaning Services, and Provision of Crowd Control Barriers, Storage & Deployment Services. The costs are funded from within existing budgets.


The DMPC is recommended to approve contract awards for;

1. Crime Scene Security & Cleaning Services for a period of 3 years with 2 one year optional extension periods in the sum of £585,000,

2. Provision of Crowd Control Barriers, Storage & Deployment Services for a period of 7 years with 3 one year optional extension periods in the sum of £9,126,000.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1. Following the MOPAC approval for the re-tender of these services the MPS has carried out procurement exercises. This paper seeks approval for the award of call-off contracts to ensure the continued provision of these services.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. The MPS carried out full OJEU restricted tender process for both services. Multiple contractors responded to the Standard Selection Questionnaire with 2 contractors qualifying and invited to tender for each service. Two bids were received for the Crowd Control Barriers, Storage & Deployment service and one for the Crime Scene Cleaning/Security.

2.2. The recommended supplier for the Crowd Control Barriers, Storage & Deployment service is the bidder who scored highest in both the technical and commercial scores.

2.3. The recommended supplier for the Crime Scene Cleaning/Security service is the incumbent who has performed very well, scored highly in the evaluation and has tendered lower prices than the existing contract.

2.4. There is no exclusivity or guarantee of work volumes in using these call-off contracts

3. Financial Comments

3.1 The increase in the contract values are £221,000 and £208,000 for Firing Ranges and Equipment Maintenance Services, and Mail Screening Services, respectively. These costs will be met from within the existing MPS revenue budget.

4.1 There are no legal implications arising from this report. The DMPC is asked to approve this request based on section 4.14 of the MOPAC Scheme of Delegation and Consent “To reserve the right to call in:- Any MPS proposal to award a contract for £500,000 or above.“

5. Equality Comments

5.1 There are no equality or diversity implications arising from this report.

6. Background/supporting papers

MPS Report

Signed decision document

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