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Award Contract for GSZ ANPR and CCTV and MPS Fixed ANPR Camera Systems

Key information

Reference code: PCD 900

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is seeking approval to award a new contract for Support and Maintenance for GSZ (Government Security Zone) ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and CCTV (Closed Circuit Tele-Vision) Camera Systems and MPS Owned Fixed ANPR Camera Systems.

This follows a mini competition via Lot 2 of the Authority’s/MPS approved existing National Framework Agreement entitled ‘Electronic Security and Control Room System’, in accordance with decision PCD 749 approved in April 2020.

The contract costs are within approved budgets.


The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to:

1. Approve the award of a two-year contract (with 2 one-year extension options) to Eurovia Infrastructure Ltd for support and maintenance for GSZ, ANPR and CCTV camera systems at a total contract value for 2 years of £378,695 (and a total four year cost of £757,390, if the two extension options are taken).

2. Note the contract award follows a mini competition via Lot 2 of the Authority’s/MPS approved existing National Framework Agreement entitled ‘Electronic Security and Control Room System’.

3. Note the total potential contract cost over 4 years of £757,390 is within the exiting approved budget of £820,000.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1. The total four year value of the new contract is £757,390 (ex VAT).

1.2. A saving/contingency of £62,609 has been realised against the full four years budget of £820,000 as identified within the original Business Justification Paper (for the initiation stage of the tender).

1.3. The the saving/contingency element of the award (£62,609) allows the flexibility to incorporate additional CCTV and ANPR cameras into the scope of the Contract, negating the need for any further tendering exercise.

1.4. There are currently no other existing Framework Agreements available to the MPS, that cover the scope of services that the requirement demands.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. The current MPS contract SS3/13/107(16) for the requirement expires on 1 January 2021.

2.2. The MPS utilised the MOPAC approved MPS/National Police Electronic Security Framework (SS3/16/145) - Lot 2 to conduct a mini-competition exercise as approved in the previous IAM report to initiate the tender process (PCD 749).

2.3. There are currently no other existing suitable Framework Agreements available to the MPS that covers the scope of services that the requirement demands.

2.4. The Framework includes fixed labour rates, pre-security vetted staff and engineers and provides a rebate payment mechanism.

3. Financial Comments

3.1. The budget set for this was £820k over 4 years, which works out at an annual budget of £205k. The annual revenue cost of the contract at £189,347 is within this agreed budget. The saving (62.6k over 4 years) will be used to cover unplanned spend on damaged cameras from malicious damage, road traffic collision and end of life systems.

3.2. There is no capital plan associated with this contract.

4.1. The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is a contracting authority as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the Regulations). All awards of public contracts for goods and/or services valued at £189,330 or above shall be procured in accordance with the Regulations. This report confirms the value of the proposed contract exceeds this threshold. The award of this contract complies with these Regulations.

4.2. Purchasing through a compliantly procured Framework Agreement shall comply with the Regulations where the proposed contract’s scope is within the technical and financial scope of the Framework Agreement and where the ordering processes of the Framework Agreement have been followed. The report confirms the above are met.

4.3. Paragraph 4.15 of the Scheme provides that the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (“DMPC”) reserves the right to award MOPAC contracts with a total value of £500,000 or above.

5. Commercial Issues

5.1. Contract award is requested for the value of £757,390 for the full four year contract term (£189,347 per annum) which covers emergency call out, pre-planned maintenance, software/hardware repair and asset management for “hot swap”. These costs are unlikely to reduce, but is expected by virtue of ageing equipment and increased system deployment to increase year on year.

5.2. The MPS conducted a mini-competition via Lot 2 of the Authority’s/MPS approved existing National Framework Agreement entitled ‘Electronic Security and Control Room System’ (ES & CR). The award is for a period of two years with options to extend for further individual periods of twelve months each. The extensions will be taken should an alternative, compliant and collaborative framework offering demonstrable financial benefits not be in place.

5.3. The Framework Agreement provides the MPS (Authority) with a compliant route to market for all purchases relating to Electronic Security Equipment, Systems and Services.

5.4. The Framework Agreement was tendered through an OJEU process in 2017/2018 and awarded for a period of four years (with approval from MOPAC) commencing 3 November 2019 expiring on 2 November 2022 and has an estimated value of £44 million.

5.5. Any contracts awarded as a result of mini competitions run via the Framework Agreement, can be let for up to a maximum of four years at any time during the term of the Framework Agreement.

5.6. The award of the new contract provides value for money as a saving/contingency value of £62,609 has been identified in the supplier’s commercial response. This value will be utilized to fund potential repairs to camera systems caused by malicious damage. In addition as a Framework supplier the contractor’s commercial response includes fixed labour rates and pre-security vetted staff and engineers. The Framework also provides the MPS with a rebate payment mechanism.

6. GDPR and Data Privacy

6.1. The MPS is subject to the requirements and conditions placed on it as a 'State' body to comply with the European Convention of Human Rights and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018. Both legislative requirements place an obligation on the MPS to process personal data fairly and lawfully in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals.

6.2. Under Article 35 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Section 57 of the DPA 2018, Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) become mandatory for organisations with technologies and processes that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights of the data subjects.

6.3. The Information Assurance and Information Rights units within MPS will be consulted at all stages to ensure the contract meets its compliance requirements.

6.4. The project does not use personally identifiable data of members of the public, so there are no GDPR issues to be considered.

7. Equality Comments

7.1. There are considered to be no negative equality or diversity implications arising from this procurement process at this stage. Key questions in terms of compliance with the equality and diversity policy and with the Equality Act 2010 were included within the Supplier Selection Questionnaire (SSQ) initial stage of the evaluation tender process for the Framework Agreement with each supplier appointed to the Framework Agreement passing this key stage.

8. Background/supporting papers

8.1. Previous Tender for Electronic Decurity, Control Room and Audio Visual Systems, PCD 749, approved in April 2020.

Signed decision document

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