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Armed Uplift Training Requirement – Non MPS Firearms Training Centre

Key information

Reference code: PCD 256

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

The MPS is seeking approval to outsource a number of Authorised Firearms Officer basis training course places to a chosen non-Met police service. The cost is estimated at £1.2m plus £460k for accommodation, travel and subsistence.


The DMPC is asked to

1. Approve the outsourcing of a number of basic Authorised Firearms Officer (AFO) course places to an external non-MPS Constabulary between November 2017 and December 2018 at a cost of circa £1.2m plus £460k for accommodation, travel and subsistence which can be met from the existing firearms uplift budget.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1 The MPS is seeking approval to outsource a number of basic AFO course places to a chosen non-MPS Constabulary between November 2017 and December 2018 at a cost of circa £1.2m plus £460k for accommodation, travel and subsistence costs. From October 2017 there will either be a cessation or reduction in the number of training places available with the existing provider.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. The armed uplift is in support of delivering 600 additional AFOs and this is on track to be delivered by 31st March 2018. This is in support the Mayor’s commitments to review the Met’s armed response capability. This will ensure that the MPS further improves its ability to respond quickly, decisively and effectively should the need arise.

3. Financial Comments

3.1 The cost of the armed uplift training is provided for in the Armed Uplift budget. Due to the profiling of the forecast spend, the MPS will create a reserve for the underspend from the 2017/18 budget to fund the training requirement for 2018/19.

4.1. The provision of this training is through a Memorandum of Understanding under the umbrella of the existing ‘National Police Collaboration Agreement relating to Counter Terrorism Activities’ which was made under the provisions of Section 22A of the Police Act and has been signed by both the Commissioner and the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime. Within the overarching collaboration agreement the objectives make provision (clause 3.1.5) ‘to ensure, as far as possible, there are sufficient Assets and Resources available to respond on an effective and timely way in response to a terrorist threat and ensure preventative work’.

4.2. The chosen constabulary is licensed by the College of Policing for the provision of firearms training. There are no significant legal implications arising from the provision of this training.

5. Equality Comments

5.1. Equality and diversity considerations are incorporated into the recruitment and selection process. The MPS is taking direct measures to increase the number applicants from BME groups and female officers, including open days and direct communication to increase representation among these groups.

5.2. The MPS has also through its Armed Uplift Programme commissioned academic research in order to raise the potential number of female officers in armed policing.

6. Background/supporting papers

6.1. Briefing note.

Signed decision document

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