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Social Enterprise and the ICT Procurement Strategy

Key information

Reference code: DMPCD 2015 112

Date signed:

Decision by: Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

Executive summary

This paper requests the approval of 6 contract awards, 2 business cases, 1 Crime and Disorder Reduction grant, the establishment of a Social Enterprise and the ICT Procurement Strategy with an estimated multi­ year value of up to £7.6m.


The DMPC is asked to approve the:

1. Award of a contract to Vlslink International Ltd as the service provider for the Replacement Digital Microwave Roof Top Technology . The contract will have a term of three years with a committed value of £1.242m and a contract ceiling of £1.5m;

2. Business case and initiate procurement for the upgrade to the Confidential IT Infrastructure Upgrade to enable the continued Police National Database and Violent and Sex Offender Register (VISOR) Access and the associated funding of £BOOk, this is subject to the MPS effectively monitoring of the implementation of the £1OOk contingency;

3. Covert Radio Fleet Maintenance Outline Business case, the request to call off a three year contract from the Airwave Hardware and Services framework and the associated investment of £950k;

4. Award of a three year Enterprise Licence Agreement with Microsoft and the associated investment of £1.423m for the continued provision of services;

5. Award of a ten (4+4+2) year contract with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Services and
associated investment of up to BOrn for the continued provision of mandated services;

6. Award of the cause specific property and business interruption cover to the existing insurer for a period of one year commencing from 01 October 2015 and the award of general liability cover to the existing insurer for a period of five year commencing from 01 October 2015. The total investment required is £2.39m;

7. Award of a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to support the work of Local Safeguarding Adult Board with a total value of £160k (£5k per borough) and the permanent transfer of this budget and responsibility to MOPAC from April 2016;

8. Award of a one year contract to the Crimestoppers Trust at a value of £372,818 on the basis that existing service provision continue and the:
a. 24/7 call handling, the MPS Integrity Line, and the MPS Most Wanted continue to be
b. This represents a 5% reduction compared to the 2014/15 contract and is subject to Crimestoppers identifying further efficiencies In future years;

9. Police Now report which is seeking approval to:
a. Establishment of a commercially driven and charitably registered social enterprise to secure
the future development and delivery of Police Now on behalf of the MPS and wider police
b. Implement a transition programme that satisfies the conditions of the Police Innovation
Fund grant
c. The use of MPS People and Training Board to govern the transition from existing internally
delivered services to the new business model
d. Receive incubation support in the first year of development as a social enterprise from
london First;

10. ICT Procurement Strategy and the integration of the ICT Supply Chain team into MPS
Procurement Services.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. lntrodudion and background

1.1 As part of the on-going process of managing contracts and tendering/re-tendering for goods and services, Procurement Services identifies contracts which require DMPC approval for either extension or to initiate contract action to tender or re-tender for goods or services or to award contracts.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1 The following items are requested to be considered for approval :

Relocation of Roof Top Technologies
Following approval in July 2014 to initiate a Single Tender Action, the MPS are now seeking approval to award a three year contract to Vislink International Ltd with a contract ceiling of fl.Sm. The relocation of Roof Top Technologies will allow the exit from NSY.

Pollee National Database
The MPS are seeking approval to initiate procurement activity to upgrade the Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 10. This upgrade is required in order to comply with the Home Office who has mandated the use to allow the continued use of the Police National Database . The investment required is £BOOk.

Covert Radio Fleet Maintenance
The transition to the new Emergency Services Network will be delivered by the Home Office Emergency Services Mobile Communication Programme by August 2018. The MPS need to put provisions in place to ensure the MPS covert radios are maintained until the transition and are requesting to award a three year call-off contract with a value of £950k.

Microsoft Enterprise Licence Agreement
The MPS are seeking approval to award a three year Enterprise Licence Agreement to Microsoft to allow the continued provision of services.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Services Agreement
The MPS are seeking approval to award a ten year (4+4+2) with a capped spend of f30m for the continued provision of services.

Insurance Renewal
Following a competitive procurement process the MPS are seeking approval to award the cause specific property and business interruption cover to the existing insurer for a period of one year commencing from 01 October 2015 and the award of general liability cover to the existing insurer for a period of five year commencing from 01 October 2015. The total investment required is f2.39m.

Local Safeguarding Adults Boards
The MPS are seeking approval to award a Crime and Reduction Disorder grant with a value of £160k (£5k per borough) as a contribution toward the cost of each Local Safeguarding Adults Board . The budget will transfer to MOPAC from 01 April 2016 who will take over responsibility to make future grant payments.
Crimestoppers Trust
The MPS are seeking approval to award a one year contract to Crimestoppers with a value of
£372,818 for the continued provision of 24/7 call handling, MPS Integrity Line and MPS Most

Wanted. This contract is 596 lower than the 2014/15 contract and is subject to further efficiencies being made in future years.

Pollee Now
The MPS are seeking approval to establish a commercially driven and charitably registered Social
Enterprise to secure the future development and delivery of Police Now on behalf of the MPS and wider police service. Approval is also requested to implement a transition programme that satisfies the conditions of the Police Innovation Fund grant, the use of MPS People and Training Board to govern the transition from existing internally delivered services to the new business model and receive incubation support in the first year of development as a social enterprise from London First.

ICT Procurement Strategy
The MPS are seeking approval of the ICT procurement strategy which will enable the MPS to simplify ownership, reduce costs and improve the terms of contract with a reduced number of suppliers and deliver savings of f37.8m by 2019/20.

3. Financial Comments

3.1 The cost of the proposed contracts will be funded from within existing budgets.

3.2 Full details are contained within the reports attached.

4.1 The recommendation can be lawfully approved In accordance with MOPAC Contract Regulations and EU/UK Procurement law.

4.2 In accordance with the MOPAC Scheme of Delegation and Consent (4.8), the DMPC must approve all requests to go out to tender for contracts that exceed £500,000.

4.3 Full details are contained within the reports attached.

5. Equality Comments

5.1 Suppliers will be assessed prior to entering into agreements to ensure they comply with relevant legislation. It will be the responsibility of user departments to ensure that the MPS Equality and Diversity policies are adhered to through the life of the contract.

5.2 Suppliers may be asked to sign up to the Diversity Works for London Programme which assesses suppliers against the Equality and Diversity framework .

Signed decision document

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