Estate regeneration data
The Greater London Authority is committed to publishing information about estate regeneration projects it is funding in London.
Positive ballots
To receive GLA funding, estate regeneration projects that involve the demolition of any social homes and the construction of 150 or more homes (of any tenure) must be supported by residents in a ballot.
Where the resident ballot requirement applies, GLA Investment Partners – such as local authorities and housing associations – must notify the GLA about the results of positive ballots (i.e. where residents voted in favour of regeneration) before claiming funding from the GLA.
Exemptions to the resident ballot requirement
Under certain circumstances, GLA Investment Partners may apply for an exemption to the resident ballot requirement. Further details about exemptions are included in the GLA’s Affordable Housing Capital Funding Guide (section 8.6).
Estate regeneration projects in receipt of GLA funding
Below are two lists of estate regeneration projects that the GLA committed to fund both before and after introducing the resident ballot requirement on 18 July 2018. These lists are based on the information that the GLA has on record at a particular point in time and are therefore likely to be partial and subject to change.
The resident ballot requirement may not apply to all estate regeneration projects to which the GLA has committed funding. For example, if projects do not involve demolition of any social homes or construction of 150 or more homes (of any tenure), the GLA’s Affordable Housing Capital Funding Guide does not require a positive ballot to be held in order to receive GLA funding. Similarly, certain projects that meet the threshold for requiring a ballot may be eligible for an exemption.
If your estate is listed below and you are unsure whether there are plans to hold a resident ballot, or if you have any other specific questions relating to the estate regeneration project, please contact your landlord.
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