Green space funding
COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of London's parks and green spaces as never before. As part of his Green New Deal, the Mayor is investing in projects that create and improve green and blue spaces across the capital, and that enhance our resilience to the impacts of climate change.
These programmes are supporting a wide range of projects, from community-led action to create new gardens, food growing spaces and wildlife havens; to major innovative schemes that green the grey and transform our parks.
New funding opportunities will be announced on this page as soon as they become available.
Rewild London Fund
London's Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) make up London's core wildlife network. They must be at the heart of our action to rewild the city and recover nature.
This Rewild London Fund supports SINC owners and managers to improve these key sites, and ensure that the network is resilient in the face of the climate and ecological emergencies.
Latest round
The 2023 round of the Rewild London Fund closed in November 2023. Projects will start in Spring 2024 and should be completed by March 2025.
Previous rounds
Green and Resilient Spaces Fund
The £3m fund is supporting large-scale, innovative enhancements to green and blue spaces, and the wider public realm that will strengthen climate resilience, increase biodiversity, improve accessibility, build green skills and help reduce health inequalities. An additional £800,000 was available for large scale tree planting and woodland creation to boost London’s climate resilience.
Latest round
The 2023 round of the Green and Resilient Spaces Fund closed in March 2023.
In April 2023 the Mayor awarded just under £3m of funding to 13 Green and Resilient Space projects and £944,000 from his Trees for London programme to three projects focused on creating new areas of tree canopy cover to combat over-heating and flooding.
Previous rounds
Grow Back Greener Fund
The Grow Back Greener Fund ran from 2020 - 2023 supporting 135 communities to plant trees to provide shade, create and enhance green space and increase climate resilience.
The fund prioritised projects in areas of the city with low tree canopy cover, where Londoners live further than a 10-minute walk from green space and at high climate risk.
Read about the projects supported.
Greener City Fund
The Greener City Fund was the Mayor's programme for supporting green space projects during the 2016-2021 mayoral term.
The fund is now closed, but some projects are ongoing.
Useful information
The Building Strong Communities Fund can also support community greening projects.