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Supporting teachers across the capital

The London Schools Excellence Fund (LSEF) was set up to improve the quality of teaching in the capital.

Between September 2013 and December 2015, City Hall and Department for Education funded over 100 projects that reached every London borough and benefited over 13,000 teachers. Resources were shared further through the LSEF Resource Hub.

Following on from this success, City Hall established a legacy fund to support 17 Subject Knowledge Hubs, running between January 2016 and August 2017.

Through this fund, many of the hubs and networks central to the LSEF projects have been able to sustain and embed the good practice they had developed.

Teachers from a range of schools have been given the opportunity to work together with subject and business experts.

The fund has helped make excellent teaching in London schools more sustainable, with a strong focus on the continual improvement of teachers’ subject knowledge and pedagogy.

If you would like to find out more about the Subject Knowledge Hubs, please contact [email protected].

The projects

Bringing classics to London classrooms.


Championing uptake and attainment of physics in the capital.

A group of people in a physics lab

Nurturing meaningful cross-sector engagement to drive forward teaching and learning.

Physics chalkboard

Improving the literacy skills of students in year 6 (level 5–6) and year 7 (3–4).

Person reading

Providing outstanding CPD and resources to computing teachers across London

Computing at school presentation

Improving attainment in writing in primary education

Teacher meeting

Increasing knowledge, skills and confidence in the teaching of academic literacy.

Set of pencils in a circle

Enhancing teaching, learning and careers support for geography in London

Three Royal Society members at a table

Improving oracy, literacy and writing skills for EAL pupils

Education staff working together

Providing tailored professional development for chemistry A-Level teachers.

Chemistry bottles filled with coloured liquid

Sharing best practice to improve educational outcomes for children looked after

Two teachers in discussion

Creating self-sustaining maths communities through lesson study.

Person doing math on chalkboard

Confident teaching for resilient learning in mathematics.

Child doing math calculations

Transforming Key Stage 3 music in London schools

Music teachers gathered

Support, advice and professional development for London's language teachers

A language teacher

Disciplined innovation for alternative learning.

Books, apple, pencils and learning blocks

Equipping pupils to produce high quality spontaneous language.

Colourful alphabet letters

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