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Mayor urges Government to retain green safeguards in London Plan

Created on
06 February 2020

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has urged the Government not to ‘strip away’ vital policies in his new London Plan which aim to protect the environment, cut air pollution and tackle the climate crisis.

The London Plan is the strategic planning document for the capital and sets out an economic, environmental and social framework for developments across the city.

The latest version of Sadiq’s draft Plan will today be scrutinised by the London Assembly. It includes policies specifically designed to ensure new developments - including much-needed housing - can be delivered while also protecting the capital’s much-loved green spaces and tackling the climate crisis.

Last December, the Mayor published the latest version of his draft Plan following the conclusion of the Examination in Public process, where it was scrutinised in detail by Government-appointed inspectors.

While the inspectors agreed on many aspects of the draft Plan, they suggested significant changes to a number of key policies to reflect Government plans – which the Mayor and his team did not accept, including:

  • reducing protection of the Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land;
  • removing the aviation policy which reflects the Mayor’s objections to the expansion of Heathrow airport; and
  • removing the complete rejection of any fracking in London.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “The Government – through its Planning Inspectorate – has attempted to water down or even strip away crucial policies to protect London’s environment, tackle the climate crisis and cut air pollution.

“I’ve been clear from the outset these policies must stay in the London Plan for the benefit of all who live and work in the capital, along with the millions who visit each year from around the world.

“Ministers must not ride roughshod over these important protections. I hope the Secretary of State will agree that the Plan should be adopted in its current form, so that planning authorities across the city can get on and deliver much-needed new developments for Londoners.”

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government must now decide whether to instruct the Mayor to make changes to the Plan, ahead of it being adopted as the final version in the coming months.

Notes to editors


Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land

The Mayor recognises the value of the Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land for Londoners – not to mention their role in tackling climate change – and made a commitment in his manifesto to protect them. The London Plan seeks to ensure any development does not harm this vital natural asset.


Inspectors’ recommendation: Make the Green Belt and MOL policies consistent with national policy. For the Green Belt, add reference to development being refused ‘except in very special circumstances’ and to boundaries of Green Belt being altered in ‘exceptional circumstances’ (rather than saying that de-designation will not be supported).



The Mayor is opposed to expansion at Heathrow and is involved in a legal process to try and stop it, with the High Court granting him permission to continue to challenge the Government’s decision. Every sector must play its part in demonstrating how it will help us meet net zero carbon and aviation is no exception.  UK airports will need to stay within the carbon limits set by the Committee on Climate Change, to ensure the sector does not jeopardise the UK meeting its net zero 2050 carbon targets. This should include emissions from international flights.


Inspectors’ recommendation: The policy on aviation and development at Heathrow and other airports is not consistent with national policy and should be removed.



The Mayor made a commitment in his manifesto to prevent fracking in London, and the Plan makes clear that any application should be refused by boroughs. His commitment is in line with the draft London Plan’s policies on boosting energy efficiency and renewable energy and preventing climate change and protecting water resources.


Inspectors’ recommendation: The policy that exploration, appraisal or production of shale gas by hydraulic fracturing should be refused is inconsistent with national policy – which seeks to explore and develop shale gas and oil in a safe, sustainable and timely way – and should be removed.


About the Examination in Public


  • After 51 hearings over twelve weeks, the Examination in Public phase for the draft London Plan concluded last October. The Government’s Planning Inspectorate then sent its final report to the Mayor, including areas of support and recommended changes.
  • The inspectors are appointed by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and are employed by the Planning Inspectorate.
  • The inspectors’ recommendations are non-binding: the Mayor didn’t have to accept them, but had to set out reasons for not doing so when sending the ‘Intend to publish’ version of the Plan to the Secretary of State.

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