London’s town centres have gone through a period of decay, especially since the financial crisis of 2008 and some in outer London have struggled. The challenges are many:
- The rise of online shopping and the changing patterns in consumer retail
- The Government’s revaluation of business rates
- Local parking measures and restrictions
- Economic uncertainty, as consumers face a squeeze on their living standards.
The Mayor has initiated a ‘Good growth’ plan for development and regeneration of town centres.
Tomorrow, the London Assembly Regeneration Committee will discuss the health of town centres across London and what is needed for their regeneration. The guests are:
- Denise Beedell, Development Manager, Greater London, Federation of Small Businesses
- Mark Billington, Head of Economic Development and Enterprise, Harrow Council
- Jonathan Birkett, Chief Executive, Night Works
- Gerard Burgess, Senior Strategic Planner, Greater London Authority (GLA)
- Erin Byrne, Senior Project Officer, GLA
The meeting will take place on Tuesday 11 July from 10:00am in Committee Room 5 at City Hall (The Queen’s Walk, London SE1).
Media and members of the public are invited to attend.
Social Media:
The meeting can also be viewed LIVE via webcast or YouTube.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and take part in the meeting discussion using #AssemblyRegeneration and #TownCentres
Notes to editors
- Full agenda papers.
- Navin Shah AM, Chair of the Regeneration Committee is available for interview – please see contact details below.
- As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.
For media enquiries, please contact Lisa Lam on 020 7983 4067. For out of hours media enquiries, call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the London Assembly duty press officer. Non-media enquiries should be directed to the Public Liaison Unit on 020 7983 4100.